I come from an extensive family of baymen, going back at least 4 generations on my mothers side. I pretty much grew up with a rake in my hands. My grandparents and great uncle and aunt had a "shuckin' shack" that was off limits to us kids because we'd eat more than they could open .
My father was in the Coast Guard in my home town when he met my mom, and shortly afterward became a mate for several charter fishing boats. When I was born, charter fishing didn't pay enough, so Dad became a commercial fisherman, dragging for flounder, squid, whiting (aka silver hake) and other species in the winter and swordfishing off Georges and the Grand Banks in the summers. After a few years on the boats, he became partner an a fish market for many years, until he took over as general manager of the fisherman's cooperative, where he worked until he passed away.
As for myself, I started out as a "dock johnnie" pumping gas at a local marina. It was a small marina, so I'd spend most of my day goofing off fishing for whatever would bite the hook. As I grew, some of the owners would take me out on fishing trips, at first just runs in the bay for blues and stripers, but eventually I made a few 2 and 3 day trips to the various canyons for big eye tuna. When I was a bit older and learned that summer jobs don't pay bills in January, I took the commercial fishing route as well. For five years I worked a few different boats, fishing mostly for squid, but also for fluke, flounder, butterfish, whiting, herring, and even sea scallops. I wouldn't ever go back to it, unless I had no other choice, but I wouldn't trade the experiences for anything either.
Since then, I'm strictly a recreational fisherman. Since I've started fresh water fishing, it seems I spend less and less time on the ocean, or even the bay. When I'm doing either, though, I can tell you that the techniques are very similar in many ways, and when it comes right down to it, fishing is fishing. Its in my blood, my heritage, and my soul, and I thank God I'm lucky enough to have been a fisherman for my entire life.