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Everything posted by Panamoka_Bassin

  1. Went out on Lake Panamoka on Tuesday and slammed 'em! We finally had a couple of nice days in a row, after 8 straight days of rain, and I took full advantage, spending almost 5 hours in the canoe. Though I lost count, I must have caught nearly 20 bass, and maybe lost another 10 more through-out the day, not to mention 2 nice perch and 2 fair pickerel. Best part was just being out there, but a close second was the action. I only used 2 baits all day, a watermelon senko, which didn't work that well, and a watermellon tube, which was deadly. Both were t-rigged with 1/4 bullet, but when I changed the tube to a 1/8 sinker, the productivity increased dramatically. I can't say there was any pattern to the depth I fished; I caught 'em in 2-4 foot of water, and 10-15 as well (the lake doesn't get much deeper). Lucky for me this is a privately owned lake (the only one in NY, I'm told), and the game warden was nowhere to be found, seeing as the season is closed from May 1st to June 1st. (I had to look it up in my book when I got home...I originally thought it was the 15th to the 15th...oops). Maybe there's some other Long Island "hot spots" coming on now. Anyone have any thoughts there?
  2. I had that same issue up here on Long Island 4 years ago. It took me forever to figure out how to get into the brush. The best technique I found was pitchin' a weightless tube as close to the brush as I could get it, and moving the tube VERY slowly in and out of the branches. Also, don't get discouraged if you keep landing in the bushes, in fact, be patient and try to get the bait to just fall out of the brush into the water. My feeling is that the bass see it as food falling out of the bush and the will attack it. Also, very important to keeping a few $$$ in your pocket, use braided line.
  3. When you went to the lab, was it a black, chocolate, or yellow lab? I only ask because labs are so unpredictable unless they're trained right. Personally, I would have brought it to a bass-et hound :D
  4. Ooooo, just about my favorite subject! Budweiser - Everyday beer and amazingly consistant Sam Adams Cream Stout - When having a nice roast or dessert Blue Point Hoptical Illusion - Wanna talk hops? This Long Island micro is an award winner! DogfishHead 90 min IPA - Ditto above, but VERY expensive ($10 for a 4pak) Sam Smith Oatmeal Stout - Maybe the best beer from England! Molson Export Ale - Deffinately the best from Molson Dale's Ale - Again, expensive as it gets, but worth an occaisional splurge -There are many, MANY others that I am not thinking of at the moment, but I am always ready for trying new beers...
  5. It sounds good to me, but I don't know if I could handle all those calories and fat. I think I'd rather make my own burger and put a slice of apple on it If y'all want a nice snack, try adding apples to cheddar and crackers. MMMMMMM
  6. Um, 3 words? :) At this point in the season, I think the bass aren't fully "awake" from the cold. I think of it this way: When I get up in the morning, I am pretty darned sluggish. I tend not to react to something, unless I am annoyed, and then I get aggressive. Later, when I've woken up more, I am much more tollerant of annoying things, and I pick and choose my battles (to make an annalogy). Think of bass like this in the spring, and maybe it'll help...Its all in the mental game
  7. When will Sacha Baron Cohen go away? Hasn't this boob been played out yet?!?!
  8. I had heard of him, but until a couple years ago, had no real idea who he was. I liked his music so much, I got my band to learn "Please Don't Bury Me." Its become one of our crowd favorites, but I doubt that many people know who John Prine is, lol...
  9. For a young kid, he's awesome. Better technique than I'll ever have! The style reminds me of "Crossroads" with Ralph "Daniel-san" Macchio: http://panamokabassin.mybrute.com
  10. I made level 2, and now have a dog to fight with me. As you can only take a few fights a day, this is a very quick and addicting little game... Check me out: http://panamokabassin.mybrute.com
  11. Some of those country songs kick butt! I play in a rock band, but we do a couple of country songs, and they seem to get pretty good applause, but we don't feel they're really country. We play: Good Run of Bad Luck - Clint Black God Bless The Broken Road - Rascal Flats She's More - Andy Griggs Willin' - Little Feat (ok, maybe not really county...) Heard It In A Love Song - Marshall Tucker -All it takes is an open mind and you can find the cross-overs on both sides
  12. Good start to the season, I thought. Relatively tame, but a good tone setter for the season. Take it from a guy who fished 5 years on a dragger, these guys are the real deal. You don't get anymore hard-core than them. You think the x-games are extreme? Bah, that's like nuns at a luncheon compared to crab fishermen...
  13. After a good rain (maybe not as long as yours, tho...) I like to get up under the brush with a red & black 4" worm t-rigged and try to run it off the bank if I can. I think it makes it look like an earthworm. Whether the bass think this or not, I dunno, but I haven't had the same kind of success with this presentation when its been dry.
  14. I agree with catt on this one %100. When you engage the spool too soon, you lose that "dead fall" that gets the bass going. As I've learned from being here, most strikes will occur on this initial fall. BTW, this also applies to spinning reels...
  15. The last place I rented was on a lake, and had a small 3/4 acre pond on the other side of the lake that only me and one other neighbor has access to. We would take a bass from the lake and "stock" them in the pond, which is fed by the same set of underground springs. After 3 years, we had a pretty good growth of bass. There's plenty of forage for the fish: frogs, newts, salamanders, dragonflies, etc., and I'm sure that some of the bass spawned in there. Last year, however, it seems there were no bass to catch, only 3 inch baby bass. I'm not sure what happened to the adult bass, both of us practice c&r. The only thing I can think of is the couple of grey herons and snowy egretts that were hanging around ate them? I've asked this before, and people seemed to think that bass were too big for those birds, and muskrats (of which there were a few) don't eat bass. Also, there haven't been any dead fish floating in the pond, or on the bottom for that matter. Do racoons catch live fish? I didn't think they did, but now I'm not so sure.. I think it goes to show that fish can "leave" a pond, but they'll only get in through human efforts...
  16. Not to be harsh, but do you buy Poland Spring fishing lures, too?
  17. Of all the fishing "gurus" out there, I like Zona the best. He's rarely preachy (Jimmy Houston) or condescending (Bill Dance) and generally acts like a regular dude. He knows he's no pro, and truly seems to enjoy his time on the water. I would fish with him any day! (not to say I wouldn't fish with Houston or Dance, either...)
  18. All this turd talk made me think of my favorite Turd... -Maybe the funniest sketch SNL has done in the last 10 years ;D ;D ;D (P.S. Sorry for the commercial, I couldn't find the vid without the ad)
  19. This sounds like its gonna be on "Herr Springer" pretty soon...
  20. I've used the 3 majors since owning a PC (Norton, McAfee, Symantec) and I've found McAfee to be the best so far. When I got this new mother board (Make sure your PC fan works!) the guy "loaned" me the pro version of McAfee, and I have not had any problems (knock on wood). What I like about it is the detail to which I can protect my PC. It takes some time to set up, but you can do a lot with it once everything is tweeked the way you want it. As for taking up space or limiting PC performance, unless you have an old PC, the amount it uses is certainly negligible. If an anti-virus program is affecting your PC, it may be time to upgrade your RAM, which is relatively cheap and easy to do yourself. $30 at Best Buy can get you 1 gig of ram: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?id=pcat17080&type=page&initialize=false&sp=%2Bbrand+skuid&nrp=15&iht=n&list=y&sc=abComputerSP&qp=crootcategoryid%23%23-1%23%23-1~~q70726f63657373696e6774696d653a3e313930302d30312d3031~~cabcat0500000%23%230%23%2311a~~cabcat0506000%23%230%23%2318~~nf398%7C%7C504e59&usc=abcat0500000&ks=960&st=processingtime%3A%3E1900-01-01&prids=&cp=2&_requestid=9513 and that may be all you need to do...Just make sure you get the right stick(DDR/DDRII).
  21. So, that's what a bass feels like when he's been hooked! Yikes! Good joke, you're the only one who got me with an April Fools!
  22. Since no one is giving any REAL help here, I'll try to actually answer the question: -When in Paris, make sure you allow for at leat a full day in the Louvre. IMHO, this is the world's BEST museum for so many different reasons, but just to see Michelangelo's David is amazing. Personally, I'm much more into the impressionists, and there's so much that you can't possibly take it all in in one day. -Notre Dame. Go on the guided tour rather than just wandering aimlessly. The guides will point out the different stages of the building process to the Cathedral; its kinda neat to see where the different architectural styles meet... -Whether in Paris or Avignon, sit at a cafe for a couple hours and "People Watch." Its a great French "past-time", and you'll be amazed at the different types that pass by. -Check out as much left over Roman stuff as you can. If memory serves me right (and these days I'm getting served less and less...), there's an aquaduct near Avignon which is just stupendous. I was certainly awed standing on top of a 2000 year old "bridge" put together without a single bit of mortar or cement. There's also a coliseum near there which is just as impressive. [As I think back, these 2 might be closer to Aix-en-Provence, but that's not too far from Avignon] -Its a LONG way from where you said you'd be, but Nice is a great town. Its a very relaxed beach city, completely different from Paris, and I found the people to be much nicer than in Paris. Enjoy the trip, it is one I'm sure you'll enjoy. Its 20 years since I went, but I will always remember that trip. Just remember not to tip when you're out to eat, and everything will be fine...
  23. For real, one of the funniest things you can watch... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PG8bSMDMKG0&feature=related
  24. Is that what happens on May 6th? (Think about that one...lmao) Another thing to get people hyper worried about, and there's nothing that can be done about it. Why is it that "science" feels it has to be as sensational as the regular media? Right up there with the idea of a comet or meteor hitting the earth, or California falling off the continent when the "big one" hits. My advice, put your head between your legs and kiss your goodbye. Ain't much else you can do...
  25. Two Irishmen walk out of a bar...Hey, it could happen... A woman walks into a bar with a duck under her arm. The bartender says, "Hey, we don't serve pigs here." The woman says, "But this is a duck." The bartender says, "I was talking to the duck." Bob, after having a few too many at the bar, decides its time to go. As he tries to stand, he promptly fall on his face. "I'm okay," he says and crawls to the door. As he gets to the door, he tries to stand up, but falls on his face again "I'm okay," he says again, and decides to just crawl home. When he gets there, he's so tired that he decides to sleep on the couch. When he wakes up, his wife is there, sees him, and says, "Bob, you big drunk, did you leave your wheelchair at the bar again?"
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