the stx is heavier than the curado. stx (8.9) curado (7.6). the stx is the heaviest revo in their line up. the revos do have a crappy paint job on them.. i own several shimanos and only 5 revos, 1 S, 2 SX, 1 STX, 1 PREMIER. but all my shimano cores and curados look like they just came out of the box and some are a few years old. Cant say the same about my revos the paint is chipping and wearing off. Dont get me wrong my revos may look rough but they are great reels and i will continue to buy them alongside my shimanos, execpt the SX its the only revo that i don't care for, both of mine acquired this very loud buzzing and then a clacking noise when casting after about a month of use.