Shaneus I think I remember you saying that you fished Rayburn a whole lot correct? Since you started fishing t bend have you noticed how much deeper the grass grows here and how much clearer the water is. Anyway alot of the time when flippin deep grass isolated patches are usually good. There are places where won't be anything then all of a sudden you will see a grass patch the size of boat or bigger. This helps isolate the bass and if its in a productive place then those bass are going to be in there. Yes any ditches or drains with grass in them are also going to be awesome!! Especially if it runs through a flat or swings by one. Creek channels are also amazing if lined with grass. You asked about the mixture of different types of grass. You will here the big boys always preaching on if you can find a spot where the different types mix then that's gold. I have found on t bend that, at least to me, it really doesn't make that big of a difference. Now Im saying its bad but just in my experience it hasn't made a Hugh difference. I still like to have hydrilla mixed with milfoil or pepper grass but if its just straight hydrilla I still fish it. Ill give you an example of a good way to flip deeper grass. If you follow the the creek channel in hurricane it usually has a good mix of milfoil and hydrilla. Just follow the creek and spend a little more time when you come to bend, point, or gut. If you haven't noticed there are already a ton of mats to punch but I really don't start punching until late summer/fall. I have found that its more productive in the fall when the bass start moving back shallow for the fall feeding frenzy!