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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Thanks a bunch for the reply fellers !!! I have a couple more pics of 2 identical set-ups that he brought to me as well to share with you guys that maybe someone will know about. I like the idea of sending them to a museum, the preservation of our history is very important, I too believe as you do crazyjoeclemens, if somehow this can help my friends fellow brothers and sisters on their road to recovery, I'm all in just as he is, I will contact some places like such and see what I can come up with, great idea and thanks !!! Fishes in trees, that too is a great idea, I don't remember seeing anything like you had mentioned as far as signage goes but I will make contact with our local store, this is really cool because they supply a lot of baits for our yearly event as well !!! Hamma, I may end up doing that, I think I owe it to a couple of these ideas to at least do a little digging first and hopefully give my friend the help he wishes to pass along, I thought the stuff was really cool too my friend, I hope I can find some history on this stuff, my friend who gave this to me to take care of is a nerd for that kind of thing, just too old and set in his ways to get much into "computer searching" as he puts it LOL !! One more photo.
  2. An old adage comes to mind "dance with the one that brought you". Maybe if all of his designed products didn't meet his needs or the needs intended for the everyday and or weekend angler he may consider a move, there is no way we can actually speak for the man himself but, I believe unless Strike King, Nitro, Quantum and others does something that he knows will not perform or no longer performs to the same intense demands he places upon himself and his equipment that he will continue to stay and help create the best possible product for all involved in the sport. He has a nack for making good products better, he has surrounded himself with some of the best out there, I think the same can be said for many anglers, like Crews, Howell, Biffle, Kline, Brauer, just to name a few who have had or is beginning to make a great impact on this sport, I think that companies who are looking to make an impact in this sport realize just how important it is to have a KVD like individual that helps to make their already good products even better.
  3. Hey everyone, Looking for some help here, I had a co-worker/friend ask if I still did things with our veterans, he asked if there was any venue that I had that could get some use from some old fishing rods and reels. He brings me these, it's not so much the value that's important but more so the history/age of the equipment, I'm thinking that maybe some of the old dogs may enjoy this stuff or maybe even some of the younger generation that have an interest in this era of equipment. My idea is to give them to the foundation that I belong with to help raise some money and or bring a little joy for someone who appreciates something like this, these came from an old Marine that just wants to give what he could. Any info is welcome and thanks all !!!!
  4. I agree with others that you are doing well and that bank fishing is tough. You mentioned how shallow the water is and how long your casts had to be to get to where you want to be, also made mention of possible top of the food chain type preditors that also inhabit that area. The suggestion that there is a possibility of gators in the area could mean that the fish are on high alert, launching a bait as far as you can (if that is what you are doing) may startle them if there is a big splash or put them on an even higher alert to what's going on around them. If by chance this is the case, I would suggest soaking your baits for an extended period of time before moving them, when you do move them, move them slowly, the water in the photos look to be pretty clear so line choice could also be a factor for your bottom baits, suggestion would be a 15 or 17lb. Test flourocarbon line for those.
  5. As of almost two weeks ago the surface temps in the old river arm were approaching the 80 degree mark, lightly stained at the splits to stained in the upper reaches of the arm. Bass were or seemed to be content with chasing down huge plumes of bait as the bait was working its way up stream, they were located in the old river channel but heavy concentrations just above the Christopher Run entrance, as of then I did not find any that were associating themselves with the emerging grass along that entire stretch, skipped a few of the more productive docks along the way to the top and tried several others that had differing and multiple types of cover, the red ear sunfish and other pan fish species like the pumpkin seed were thick close to the banks and in the grass. Weather conditions: the first day after a front, sunny and 84, the Anna river arm was the only stretch I had fished that day. Not much but it's all I have, good luck and be safe !!!!
  6. Luna, Do you know if they do other events? Is the above contact who I should speak with about other venues they may offer? I unfortunately can't make this one but would love the opportunity to participate with our men and women. Thanks !!!
  7. There is no better way to learn than to gain experience, practice, practice, practice, patience, patience, patience. One thing I wish I had done differently is to join a good reputable bass club, clubs often provide that one on one local knowledge that you can't get anywhere else, most will provide a tournament type environment for you to participate in but I wouldn't worry so much about that, that's about as competitive as one may or may not have to experience but can be a blessing in helping you grow as an angler with lots of knowledge from other local and not so local anglers.
  8. So very true !! LOL !! Thanks for the reply geo g, I'll try and put that to good use!!!
  9. I don't know if you guys out west have had the same strange weather patterns that we have had here on the east coast but it has had a significant impact on the bite, I like what loudcherokee had to say about fishing S L O W, if you are finding them on beds try casting up behind the beds and working your bait close to the beds and once you have their attention don't do anything but twitch your line, enough to give the bait a small amount of action but not enough to move it, in essence your aggravating the fish to elicit a strike.
  10. Burned through the pack? I lean more toward what Hamma had to say, that is that with what we learn with bass behavior most will hang either under the school, behind the school and or both and wait to pick off the easy prey. What would be the reason for burning one through a school? To break up the school? As in maybe doing something far different than the norm as buzzbait suggested? I ask because your suggestion is intriguing and something I definatly didn't think of.
  11. I wasn't exactly sure how to approach a scenario like that, I tried just like I would normally approach this same thing only with a lot less bait, I think that with the information so far that the best thing is to just back off a bit until everything thins out and go after them then, according to the posts that seems to be where the greatest chance of success may be, I have to admit, I wasn't as calm as your approach by just fishing as if they aren't even there at first, I was pretty excited to see my graph lit up like that, like a kid in his favorite candy store I guess LOL !!!
  12. Well, at least I'm in good company, I'll take that LOL !!
  13. I feel some were being chased, there was a group of striper I passed over before I caught up with the fish, I assume they were striper because there was a couple of boats rigged for striper working close to where I was, that group of fish was hanging in the middle to the deeper parts of the water column, other fish I saw were on the bottom behind the groups of bait, I'm assuming but pretty positive from past experience that those were the bass and those were the ones that I targeted. Edit, When I said they were jumping all around me what I mean to say is that I would see a few here and a few there, a few dozen at a time, I should have been clearer about that in my post.
  14. I'm not much on them either, senko's that is, I have them but I'm so focused on location and learning the in's and out's of other baits and techniques that I just never use them, I keep them on the boat for the girls when they go fishing with me, great presentation for them to have a lot of fun with, thanks for the reply. I got ya, it's the first time I have ever had this happen so I'm full of questions LOL ! Thanks Catt !!
  15. I had one in chrome with a blue back but didn't throw it because I gave it to my daughter for her tackle box, great suggestion!!! Is there a particular bait that you prefer that gives you that kind of confidence that you feel you won't get bit? Or have a tough time getting bit? I really like my Berkley power bait eel on a split shot rig. I don't have an under spin but after this however, definatly plan on getting a couple, thanks for the suggestion!!! I also thought of the A-Rig and wondered if that would have saved the day, would you have an opinion or a thought you could share about the A-Rig, I have the right equipment to throw one I just haven't pulled the trigger on it yet.
  16. Lesson learned, So basically your best bet is to wait until the herd thins itself out a bit or maybe move to a different location. Do you return later in the day or just mark the spot for a later date? How do you use this experience?
  17. Well, maybe we should start a T-Shirt business then LOL! Thanks for the reply Catt!!! I have put a lot of effort in the past couple of years with finding the fish, while I'm glad that I did, I'm also not disappointed that I didn't catch anything, just finding them or knowing where to look is a huge deal to me, 54 years old and I feel like I just graduated from something LOL!!! Thanks for the reply Mike, I feel as you, I believe after this experience that too much may not be the best thing, as you I don't know why either but at least we have gained a little experience if nothing else. I don't know that it was aggravating but it made me question what I was doing for sure ! Its funny that you mention throwing something way off, I was looking around for a rod the had my 6XD and the only one I had, had a 10XD, yes, I did LOL !! I swam it down to where it met bottom paused it to let it float up a bit and cranked it until it made bottom contact again, way different but meh... nothing else is working why not??? I wish to say thanks for all the replies, I'm certainly glad to find that I am not the only one and while I can't say that I was disappointed in the result, I was and still am more along the lines of confused, but that's what fishing is right?, it's working through an opportunity, putting yourself in the best position possible and even then it seems that it is not always a guarantee. I am truly grateful to be a part of this website, it's always steered me in the direction I need to go and because of that, my season thus far has been a big success.
  18. This past weekend I came across something I have never experienced, hoards of fish, both herring (blueback) as well as threadfin shad, I could see them as they were jumping all around me. I gave every bait I had with me the opportunity to attract a bite LOL! Seriously, I threw everything that I know that had worked in the past, baits included, jig and pig combos, swimming shad imitators, small crank baits in shad and herring colors, weightless flukes, T-Rigged Lizards and creature baits, top water baits including a pop-r as well as a small buzz bait, also tried a flutter spoon as well as a silver buddy, one other rig I tried was a split shot rigged with a Berkley power bait eel in blue back herring color, line that I used was spider wire 30lb. As well as Seaugar 15lb. Floro., the water condition was slightly stained, surface temps were at 77.8 with mostly sunny conditions, water depth fished was 8.2-12.7 feet, structure fished was the old river arm, fish, both ( what I assume were bass ) as well as bait were located close to the ledges and following the outside bend of the river channel. I stayed with the fish for quite a bit moving as they moved upstream, mostly targeting the rear of the schools, although I did try all over the area, most of my attention was focused on baits falling through the middle or toward the rear of the schools. What did I do wrong? What can I do better?
  19. I don't feel bad about the outing my friend and many thanks for the reply, my goal this season is to apply what I have learned over the last couple of years scouting and apply that to the seasons fishing and hopefully learn from each experience this year so that I can apply that at a later date, this year I have been able to locate fish, which is much different than in years past, it's just that in this case there were too many fish perhaps lol !! This year's seasonal changes are very very different than in recent history at Anna, I think it makes the homework we do much more of an integral part of our success at this lake, especially this season it would seem. I have seen and read your reports, your doing a great job with your outings ETS, thanks a bunch for the input, I will put it to good use!!!
  20. Very true and thanks for the response, I had (skipped under) fished some of the more productive docks in that area as well as the grass, what I am working hard at however is to get away from that pattern and become a more versatile angler, while I know that Anna's bottom content is for the most part barren and some of the good stuff has been silted over, which is probably why skipping docks is the number one pattern on that lake, there is some fantastic structure and key features that I am finding along the way that I hope will be productive as we get closer and closer to that summer pattern, man I just wish I had a lot more time on my schedule to get over there a bit more often. Thanks Logan, hope to see you over there sometime!!!
  21. Saturday June 4th Fished all of Anna river arm, water surface temps were in the mid to upper 70's, clear at the splits and stained in the upper region of the arm, lots and lots of bites from the grass line, all were from guys like this pumpkin seed pan fish like the one pictured below, I did find the bass, however there is a lot of herring and shad present, large schools, large enough to fill your sonar screen, while I tried my best, it just wasn't good enough, I just couldn't get any of them to bite, silver buddies, weightless flukes, both jr's as well as super flukes, flutter spoons, small crank baits, spinners, pop-r baits, buzz baits, jigs, T-Rigged lizards and worms, Bass 1, me 0. What can I take from this day? Well, the best answer I can think of is that most likely I should have packed up and traveled elsewhere where the forage wasn't so heavily concentrated. Any input would be welcome and thanks for reading my report !!!
  22. Not going overboard and minimizing breakage I would suggest a 15lb Floro, it's really good for that happy medium with medium to medium fast rods.
  23. Thanks !!! They just turned 3 months old and just as happy as they can be... Most of the time LOL!! Hamma, I wish you all the best, mine are in their 20's now but still daddy's girls, I love that part, during their teens they are an absolute handful my friend as I am sure you are well aware of by now, it gets better man just hang in there !!!
  24. Very nice Hamma!! I knew you could figure it out !!!!
  25. I have only had a few minutes with the maps I have available, I am not sure of the names of the coves or areas that I am looking at because I am using Google and Navtronics web maps, at first glance I like the looks of this island, on my Navtronics map it looks like the southern tip of the island appears to have a possible shelf with some scattered rock as well as some scattered timber really close to the area, with the lake filling, it may be possible that current could help make that place a productive area, the imagery is not real clear so it is a little difficult to see, the cove to the left has a couple of small bends, the small point on the map at the entrance is interesting to me because of the scattered boulders of different shapes and sizes concentrated in one area but also has access to deeper water, further back into the cove also on the left there is another batch of rock, it too has some flooded timber in close proximity that may be worth investigating as well. I have not seen the whole map yet but it looks like a great fishery !!!
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