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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Ya just got to have patience with her if your not able to skip every single dock in the joint LOL !! She is a truly great fishery, my favorite place to fish all year long, you can fish deep, shallow, you can flip and pitch, you can cover a wide veriety of techniques and have a lot of fun doing so, patience, patience, patience, sometimes you need to move around a bit to find the more active fish but, she is a great place to go wet a line or two for the day.
  2. Think nothing of it my friend, anything, anytime, anyway we can get some support out there and help those who have given so much is worth it, it's far better to know just who is out there doing and who needs the help doing it, chime in with whatever you want other peeps to know about anytime bud !! Sounds like a great group Dave!!
  3. They are always needing help my friend, it's a big event, volunteers are always welcome, a lot of times they need help with packing up everything, I had the opportunity to help last year as a volunteer, usually in the morning they need help with registrations and backing in and parking everyone's boats and trailers, mid day it slows down while everyone is out fishing, the afternoon there are things to do, it's hectic with all the weigh-in stuff happening and boats loading, the evening after all is said and done the tear down is where they need help the most, it's a long day but well worth it. You have any questions or would like to visit their website for future events etc... go to reelamericanheroesfoundation.org Thanks for your interest WDinarte !!!
  4. I believe ya man and thanks for the kind words Dypsis !!
  5. Congrats on a hellova great fish man !!!
  6. The DeFreitas/Gardner family have done an amazing job and it continues to grow nation wide, I agree my friend, him and his whole family have dedicated themselves to making this foundation what it is today and it works, really happy to be a very small part of this truly amazing foundation. Thanks for the thumbs up BB!!!
  7. Indian Trail rd. On the very edge of the burg heading toward New Market, I used to fish the Shenandoah above the 602 bridge there a fair bit but have not been in about a year. Your welcome Dave, sorry it wasn't as detailed as it should have been, it was all new to me, not an excuse, more so of just being caught up in it all and I overlooked a few things LOL !
  8. Where about are you at in Shenandoah ? Your right, Aquia is fun, I only spent time from the rail road bridge up to the bends, so much more there I know but didn't get a chance to explore it all, looking forward to going back.
  9. The Larry Nixon design, Bottom hopper.
  10. I think I would like to hook up with a couple of you Potmac junkies at some point and time and get a line wet or two, I know the place is huge as well as getting used to the signage, that was a bit different for me along with the tidal waters but man was it fun !!!
  11. I use the red label from there in 15 and 20lb. Test, never had a problem with it, you'll like what Fluro has to offer.
  12. My first experience of the fishery and hopefully many more to come. I have to say what a great part of the Potomac Aquia Creek is, I didn't cover it all but the area that I did cover was amazing, I am not filing a full detailed report because I really didn't pay attention to water temps, I was there to take a veteran out for a day of fun and tried to focus on primarily that. Through the help of some amazing people on here who frequent this fishery it ended up being a truly great experience, I was only allowed two fish and the rest had to come from my warrior, we stated at 8:00 am, by 10:30, I had my two on a really high pressured area as well as weather wise. Aquia Creek was stained, I had been told that the grass was really productive by several but on this day it was null for me, where I did find success was on the wood in that area, particularly lay downs, I marked a lot of fish where the lay downs reached a drop off, i also marked some that were on tree stumps near those drop offs. My first was one that came close to the end of one of those lays on a 3/8 oz. spinner, one gold, one silver willow leaf with a chartuse and white skirt, I used a salt and pepper twin tail grub as a trailer and swam it just deep enough to pick up the reflection from the blades under the surface, either making contact with and or swimming it really close to the lay was productive, they didn't seem to move very far from where they were positioned. The second came off of a 1/2oz. Jig in pumpkin seed with a watermelon red trailer, pitched to boat dock pilings. The day couldn't go by without fishing the many pad fields you guys have at least once, I chose the bends in the upper creek for that, I used the spinner I had and fished the edges in accordance with the current provided by the tidal movement, my second cast to the bend and it got annihilated by a snakehead, what an absolute thrill that was to bring in, I have never had my line sound like it was being plucked like a guitar string, such a hammering strike and ensuing fight afterward, it completely destroyed my spinner bait but in the end was well worth it. I'll have pictures to post as they become available to me, according to my Berkley scale the snakehead went 10.2, I did not officially weigh it and the official bass was if I remember correctly 6.96, a truly great fishery you guys have for sure!!!
  13. Your very welcome whitwolf.
  14. I only got to speak with him for maybe a second but I got to listen in on a bit of conversation he was having about the lakes in Texas with some other folk behind me and you defiantly get that impression of the man.
  15. Went out on the Potomac yesterday for the first time ever, the really cool thing is that I get to meet a lot of people who serve and have served this great country of ours, guys and gals who allow us to continue to enjoy the freedoms we have today, to have an opportunity to give back in any way is an honor, to be able to give back via a platform that works for all is a blessing. It takes a lot of support to be able to put together events like the one on the Potomac yesterday from people willing to donate time and money, sponsors and pro anglers alike also come together so that foundations like Reel American Heroes can be able to provide these men and women with much needed therapeutic recreation. I happen to pass by one of those supporting people yesterday and at first I thought, NA, it couldn't be, Steve Parks? Sure enough, I had the opportunity to get to meet one of our own sponsors here on Bass Resource doing the same great thing for our men and women. Steve, thanks for all you guys and gals do at Strike King !! On a personal note I wish to say thanks for taking the time out of your already busy day to snap a photo with me man !!
  16. Hhhhhmmm, I believe you and I had a conversation today...
  17. You fished the tourney ?? Dang!! It would have been pretty cool to see or meet up with someone on here, that was my first time on the Potomac, I think I have a little better plan for the next time but I really wouldn't mind fishing that place more often, maybe we could get together at some point if you'd like and do a little fishing. Glad to hear you did really good and congrats !!!!!
  18. I did ok I think, I had a goal of simply putting a plan together and hoping for the best, I did my homework and got some great advise from some great people last year when I was supposed to go. As a rule, We are only allowed to catch two Bass, the rest of our time is meant to be used to educate our warriors and help them catch 3. The day started at 8am, I caught my 2 by 10am, it ended up being the only 2 bass we would get on the day, the gentleman I had been paired with had never bass fished before, never made a cast with a rod that wasn't a vertical drop, it was fun showing him "how to" he had several bites that he missed, I saw the line just walking off or heading back up opposite of the tidal movement LOL !! It was a ton of fun for sure but, you said it, it was HOT, HOT, HOT man!!! On a high note, two really cool things happened to me today, I caught my first snakehead, I didn't officially weigh it but my Berkley scale said 10.2, pictures to follow, I was going to make a post when I got them all together, the other really cool thing was I got to meet this really cool guy!!!!
  19. Hey all, I'm hitting the Potomac tomorrow for the 6th annual Reel American Heroes foundation tournament, I wondered if you all wouldn't mind keeping us in your prayers for a safe event, looks like its going to be a hot and muggy one for sure, got plenty of water, ice, assorted replenishment drinks and hand towels to help keep us cooled down and hydrated for the day. Anyone else on here going to be there?
  20. The book Sam offered is a really good read and one I would suggest as well. There is so much to lake Anna, areas that suit many angling skill sets and preferences each angler enjoys most. I prefer trying to figure out her structural secrets more so than the rest of what she has to offer, not saying it's not enjoyable because there are certainly times when the productivity is worth hitting the visual cover, that's for sure !! This is where I spend a lot of my time there, it's maybe not as fun and exciting as fishing the visual things that a lot of anglers really like but I enjoy this part of Anna the most.
  21. Lake Anna, This place fishes like no other I have ever visited, Lake Anna IMO is a finesse fisherman's paradise, while there are times when a crank bait, spinner bait, blades and others work well, the most commonly consistent bait is nothing more than a good old fashion worm and or creature bait, 3" or 12" nothing beats a worm and I will tell you why I believe this to be true. When you think cranking Lake Anna, think about what you normally don't see others doing, sure the rip-rap produces numbers, it normally does but, how many do you see working something like a 10XD? or a big ol' swim bait? not many, it's a lot of work and a lot of anglers just simply don't take the time to understand the in's and out's of cranking, I am in no way saying that I am an expert at it, lord have mercy no, I am getting better at it though, I owe that to what I am learning here on this site and a lot of time on Anna, while the numbers are not where I would like for them to be, certainly the quality has picked up, cranking Anna is a slow go most of the time and certainly not one of the more productive techniques at least for me right now, unless you get on a good school of active fish here or hit a spot at just the right time it's a pretty difficult technique to catch fish on, this place see's a lot of angling pressure, especially around her banks, if cranking is your strong suit think a little deeper around areas like her rip-rap or around her stump fields when you consider cranking this lake and your day will be much more productive. Spinners, are really good around the grass and lily pad fields as well as the occasional brush pile and beaver huts scattered around this lake, I like to throw these when the water is a little cloudy, I really like those with big blades that make lots of vibration and run them just under the surface, this year, with all of the rains have made the perfect spinner bait season, the waters up north in the upper reaches of the old river arms have produced really well in areas just like this, top water baits like buzz baits are right up there too and who doesn't like some top water action. Lake Anna as far as her structure goes is for the most part pretty much barren on the bottom, they really scraped her clean before they flooded the place in 1972, a few scattered brush piles here and there placed in several locations all over the lake, you can find an occasional tree or an old fence line, there are some places where an old road bed or train tracks used to be, most of these have silted over and can be tough to locate, they are for the most part in the deeper waters of Anna, several underwater bridges still dot her bottom, some of the better structural foundations of old buildings and bridges are easily found in the Pumunkey branch however in much shallower water. The number one pattern there is skipping docks, there are so many docks, always a reliable means of producing some memorable catches, remember that this lake is pressured, at times you can see one boat right after another skipping the same row of docks, you may have to "slow your roll" so to speak in order to get bit, look for the differences that will make one or more stand out , a dock that has rod holders may be a good give away, one or several that offer some cover between two docks in the form of vegetation,( those are always the best fun ), deep fronts usually equate to a good structural change, however you decide to break down this lake I would like to offer this for all who are only there for a day or those who fish from a yak or other limited means of transportation, the lake on her bottom is over a mile wide in places, given the amount of current and temps of the water returning to the power plant, the lower lake stratification can be as deep as 30 feet or may not actually stratify at all until winter, given the avg. depth is approx. 30 feet down there and over a mile wide, it can be pretty difficult locating fish with so much room to roam especially when your limited, the quality of fish is a trade-off, even though there are memory makers scattered throughout this body of water, your chances of catching a few good lunker fish are pretty good mid to lower lake, I always suggest fishing her upper regions for anglers such as yourself, it is not near as wide, near as deep, the fish can be much easier to locate as far as numbers are concerned but every once in a while up there your going to get one or more of those spectacular catches. The 2 baits I always tie on are jig and pig combo's as well as a T-Rigged worm or creature bait, mostly it's a worm, the T-Rigged bait will take on many different looks in the course of a day there depending on how fast you want your presentation getting to the bottom and or not at all, how big you want your presentation to be and or how subtle, the bite on Anna is for the most part a very subtle one, a lot of times ( more so than not ) they will pick it up and not move an inch, other times they are pretty aggressive, the good news is that when you do get an aggressive strike it usually equates to competition in the area, be sure to saturate the entire area when that happens, I hope your good at line watching or your going to miss a lot of fish LOL !! Good luck, be safe and God bless !!!
  22. Never been hit but, I was out with my youngest daughter when I dropped a rod overboard, I immediately started pulling everything out of my pockets and along with the rod, so too were my keys, I threw a marker out and my friend brought me his underwater camera to see if we could find them. My daughter, who was 12 at the time, was on the back, my friends boat and my boat were roughly 15 feet apart, I was looking through the camera while my buddy worked the lens and along came this Tahoe not quite on plane right between us, almost threw my daughter overboard and flooded both of our boats. It ended not so pretty, if the captain wasn't a woman I would have most likely gone a different route, that didn't stop me from speaking my mind and calling the authorities however. She didn't even get a ticket out of the deal. Glad to hear everyone was ok though, hope everything works out for you!!!
  23. I want to retire, not work LOL !!! However the amount of construction does present the thought of possibly finding a great paying job.
  24. Makes me want to move to Texas...
  25. I'll add creature baits to that short and very effective list you have there sir but other than that, ditto!!
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