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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Thats quite a smile on the young mans face there !!! I hope he is not smiling like that at 65mph, He would have a mouth full of bugs if he did LOL !! J/K I seen that you had a pod for the passenger on that Nitro you got there, nice pic and thanx for sharing !!!
  2. My favorite was the last, "Why would we spend countless tax payer dollars on a death star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one man star ship" Ummmm....is that not what our Government is already doing? minus the death star? lol !!
  3. LOL !!! We have an early prediction DING DING DING DING !!! I think you stand a very good chance of that sir !!!
  4. Nice thought, but just was not ment to be, I thought that Denver had the game until their 2ndary fell asleep, it was not the kneel down that cost them the game it was their defense vs. Baltimore's new offense. I honestly think Peyton may have been a little to overconfident in the last moments but I never would have taken a knee with a chance to strike like he had.
  5. Deaknh03, Woodhead left with what they said was a thumb injury and did not return, I don't know about you but thats one player that I would consider a stong part of my offense, I don't remember the cat's name that stepped in for him but he did very well. Look at the Texans defense down the stretch, look at the players that were out on Baltimore's defense for almost the whole season, I think that is why the numbers were in favor of Texan's defense. I think it's going to be closer than the ten you give and a much tougher game than what you may be thinking.
  6. Hey nice avatar by the way !!!
  7. It was not until 2 years ago that my daughters tried to use bait casting equiptment, that means they were 16 and 21, I know how proud you feel, and I can't express enough how good a Dad you must be in her eyes in return. Awesome story and we look forward to more of these as she gets even better over time. Thanx for sharing that with us !!!
  8. Good advice here, I generally use mechanics wire, it's much easier to work with for me, wireing is an issue, you need to be carefull as you pull the old cable out and as you install the new one, go slow during this process and don't yank the cable if it gets hung up, it will be a little tough to pull out since it is rusted, the bend or dip where it is rusted will most likly not want to give very easily. When you go to put the gear drive back in place ( steering wheel ) make sure the engine is centered left to right, I always seem to be by myself when doing these, I always hook up the steering cable to the pivot on the engine first, one thing that helps me is the bar that you use to keep your engine in the upright while towing the boat, this keeps the assy centered while I am installing the steering gear to the rack, all I need to do is pay attention to the position of the wheel and make sure it is centered instead of working both ends of the boat for measurements.
  9. There is nothing fashionable about you, there fore, you are simply late, BAHA HA HA !!! I crack me up !!!
  10. Hey, right now we are already in better shape than last year, we have more boaters with empty seats than non boaters, we are looking forward to seeing the dates that everyone will have available. I know there are some of you waiting on tournament scheduling to be announced, those of you that are, do you know a round about date the schedules of your clubs will be announced?
  11. GREAT JOB !!!!!!! Thanx for sharing the pics !!! You guy's and gals in Fla drive me nutts, January and your wearing shorts for goodness sake !!! Congrats on a great fish, she is a bute !!!!
  12. I think your going to get your wish, however, numbers don't mean squat in the playoffs, this season is dang sure proof of that, I feel the Ravens can handle the Pats with the way their new offense is up and running, with a couple of key injuries last night for the Pats it could have been bad, Bill has got most likely the most tallented roster in football, there is so much depth on that team it seems nothing slows them down. But on the other hand the Texans were able to run and drive the football on the Pats, I think had they done a little better in the red zone they would have kept the game closer, something the Ravens are much better at than the Texans. No doubt the Ravens are 10 fold a better defense than the Texans and I think that is what will keep the scoring on more of a level playing field. As for the Falcons, I think the 49ers will explode the Falcons secondary, they showed a huge weakness in the middle with the Seattle game, I think the 49ers will take advantage of that, if Gore gets in the secondary as well it could be a long night for Atlanta, Gore is much faster to the hole than Lynch but Atlanta has a very very good run defense so it depends on how well the line does opening holes. I am going with Ravens, a little sweet revenge from a game I am sure they remember all to well, now loaded with a new more productive offense I think will give the Pats their ticket home, at home. I too am going with the 49ers, they are on a tremendous high from handing a healthy Packers team a butt whoopin, I think they get the job done in Atlanta. Yes Glenn, we bow to you oh mighty one LOL !!! Great job with your pics this season, and congrats on a great Seahawks run, I really thought they were going to pull it out there at the end and keep moving forward, just one time out call away from victory. So who are you going with this weekend?
  13. UNBELIEVABLE !!! What a game that was, I thought for sure Seattle was gonna take it in the 2nd half, Congrats to Atlanta and good luck in their quest for a ring, now it's on to the Pats, I almost can't wait for this one with the way things are going this weekend.
  14. Awesome !!! Look forward to meeting you Teal !!
  15. WOW, Atlanta looking good right now, not suprising, but they are wearing on a tired Seattle defense, good game so far to watch.
  16. As for the Texan's and the Pats, I really think there is a no contest in this game, they wont face the same Pats as they did in preseason, postseason Pats are going to be way too much for the Texans and should win rather easily.
  17. As hot as Atlanta is I don't know they have enough to put Seattle down, Seattles secondary is brutal, the whole team is young and pretty hungry, Atlanta has experienced players and has to work deeper patterns if they hope to win today, I don't know they can do this at least I have not seen them do this when they have apposed secondaries like the Hawks, if they were playing in Seattle I would have no problem saying for sure they win. I think it will be a close game but I think the out of pocket play by the young fast offense of the Seahawks is going to be too much for the defense of Atlanta.
  18. All I can say is WOW !!!!! First of all congrats to the Ravens, what a game they played, who would have thought that Denvers secondary would not be a factor in that game, that was a great ball game for the Ravens, congrats MCS !!! As for the 49ers what else is there to say other than, Sit down Packers !!! After watching these two games, it makes me think I should change my picks for the other two !!! I guess a rushing QB is bigger than in past years, I thought the game would be close but who would have thought a healthy Packers would be blown up like that. Congrats to the 49ers on a great victory !!! Good luck to both the 49ers and Ravens in their quest for a ring !!!!!!
  19. Well it's about time!!!! you call me old and look at how late you are to the party LOL !!!
  20. You are by no means helpless, be there for your friend, talk to him as if he was listening, because he can still hear you, it will keep him fighting. Thoughts and prayers to your friend and family, and may God be with all of you !!!
  21. Ok, just so everyone knows, as if you have not already figured it out, I am a Washington Redskins fan, and a Ford guy, tried and true, thru and thru, I bleed Ford blue, and burgundy and gold. MCS, I am going to hunt you down for this LOL !!! Ok so seriously, with the way things are going these days, it would not suprise me if this gets some real attention from loosers with nothing better to do, activist's, racest's have already chimed in and have taken it to extremes, honestly, it's just a name, a name stepeled in tradition, a name of a single football team, so really why should we care? it is what it is, a name right? Lets say they gain momentum, lets say they actually change the name, what then? who is going to give a crap other than we as Redskins fans, well lets look at whats next, how many of you are Eagles fans? why would we want our nations image represented by a football team in a place known for brotherly love, ever been to an Eagle's game? may want to think twice about that one if you are not an Eagles fan, brotherly love is definatly not represented anywhere there, or near there, do we really want our nations symbol represented like that? what about the dolpins, I am sure activist's would have a field day with that one, Rams, Sehawks, Cardinals, Bengals, Panthers, Ravens, I would imagine the same, what about the amazing Patriots? hhhmmmm, violence comes to mind, it took guns and death to be known as a Patriot, how much fun do you think they would have with that one, how about the Bucks, what do they represent? good times? I think not, point is these people have had their way far too long and have more strength than one can imagine, and your next !!! As stupid as this sounds, this is reality, and certainly possible for any of your teams !!! Just sayin ! I for one honestly am embarrased to see the vulgarity and hatred toward one another over what a name represents, people looking to advance their race over a stupid football teams name, it's senseless, if it fixes America, then change it, I am all for it !!! If it don't then leave it the #### alone and move the #### on !!!!
  22. hOW DiD u No?? HICCUPPP!!
  23. What a great idea !!!! I just have to find a hiding place, my wife will spend it.
  24. See, now you done went and offended me and my belief's, so what, you think I don't shower? what the crap !!! THATS IT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH !!!!................I forgot what I was going to say.....senior moment I guess lol !!!
  25. I have my moments I guess lol !!
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