Ok, just so everyone knows, as if you have not already figured it out, I am a Washington Redskins fan, and a Ford guy, tried and true, thru and thru, I bleed Ford blue, and burgundy and gold.
I am going to hunt you down for this LOL !!!
Ok so seriously, with the way things are going these days, it would not suprise me if this gets some real attention from loosers with nothing better to do, activist's, racest's have already chimed in and have taken it to extremes, honestly, it's just a name, a name stepeled in tradition, a name of a single football team, so really why should we care? it is what it is, a name right?
Lets say they gain momentum, lets say they actually change the name, what then? who is going to give a crap other than we as Redskins fans, well lets look at whats next, how many of you are Eagles fans? why would we want our nations image represented by a football team in a place known for brotherly love, ever been to an Eagle's game? may want to think twice about that one if you are not an Eagles fan, brotherly love is definatly not represented anywhere there, or near there, do we really want our nations symbol represented like that? what about the dolpins, I am sure activist's would have a field day with that one, Rams, Sehawks, Cardinals, Bengals, Panthers, Ravens, I would imagine the same, what about the amazing Patriots? hhhmmmm, violence comes to mind, it took guns and death to be known as a Patriot, how much fun do you think they would have with that one, how about the Bucks, what do they represent? good times? I think not, point is these people have had their way far too long and have more strength than one can imagine, and your next !!!
As stupid as this sounds, this is reality, and certainly possible for any of your teams !!!
Just sayin !
I for one honestly am embarrased to see the vulgarity and hatred toward one another over what a name represents, people looking to advance their race over a stupid football teams name, it's senseless, if it fixes America, then change it, I am all for it !!!
If it don't then leave it the #### alone and move the #### on !!!!