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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. If I get the chance to get there, would you mind if I call you that morning to meet up with you guys somewhere?
  2. Great info !!! Thanx !!!!
  3. Well, I would go out on a limb here and say your a Pats fan but you just did'nt quite make it clear enough lol !! I wish you the best of luck but it's just not going to happen the way you say it's gonna happen.
  4. How much is the Admission anyway? Does it also cover parking etc...
  5. I am looking so forward to this trip, we have not even begun to get ready and already we have some great tips from our members. Nice job mudkart and thanx !!!
  6. Zoff, As per our conversation last night, I am going to attempt to make it there, I have never been to an expo before for fishing, it should be a lot of fun, I would love to meet some new faces and see some of the gang again. Don't know if the family is coming but I will shoot you a text and let you know for sure ASAP. Hope to see you all there !!!
  7. Towing any vehicle, service is always the most important thing for both the towing vehicle and the vehicle being towed. Only you know the condition of both vehicles, if you are confident that both are in the safest and best condition possible then you can be more relaxed behind the wheel, the more relaxed you are the better the trip will go. One thing you need to keep in mind, and from being in the DC area you should already know, keep a great amount of distance between you and the other drivers around you, I don't think your boat trailer has any kind of breaking system on it so it will take you longer to stop with a vehicle pushing on your tow vehicle. Don't push your tow vehicle, let it climb the mountains at whatever pace it and you feel comfortable with, you don't need to be at wide open throttle trying to get up a steep grade, it's hard on a vehicle, so take your time. Good luck and be safe !!!
  8. You had better make it there, you voted for the place lol !! Now you get to see what kind of weird people we really are and have some fun too boot !!!!
  9. Nope. he must have put them somewhere else. Traveler, Would you mind putting the pics up from the past meet and greet when you get this please. Thank you sir !!
  10. I do not have those pics, I think Traveler does in his gallery, I will attempt to go there and see if I can borrow those to post.
  11. I hope to visit again soon, tell the wife and children I said hello would ya !!
  12. ROFLMAO !!!! Cummmmooooonnn man !!! I will say this it started with the right letter B, but it's not Budweiser, lol !!! It was not the beer that counted though, I really enjoyed meeting you for the first time and the company we have shared since then.
  13. I'm timmid and shy, thats all I have to say bout that !!
  14. Your right it makes perfectly good sense he was in pain or something, but I could not imagine it was because of that, maybe some other issue, but too many resources to allow him to stay warm on the side lines IMO.
  15. Oh and just to be fair here was the big fish of that day, yes thats Endless. I wonder if I would have held mine out a little, maybe it would have.......NA !!
  16. Oh, you guy's are too funny !!! Go ahead and yuck it up, have your laughs at my expence lol !!! If you must know I caught 1 , yes, 1 stinking fish, and it was about a quarter the size of Endless's fish for goodness sake LMAO !!! THERE !! There it is in all her glory, for all the troubles I had that day, there it is, isn't she perrrrtty !!!
  17. That can't be, there were options for him to keep warmed up on the side lines.
  18. Ha Ha !!, yours would be just the opposite, talk about two extremes !!
  19. Wow, thats sounds like they may be really interested or close to a deal. Good luck !!!
  20. Really? As in Brian ? How cool would that be? I think you all would do very well !!!
  21. Ha !!! The day of the meet and greet I had a plan to go fish some structure down by the Dam at Anna, It turned out to be so windy that I could not stay, I went through both TM batteries in a matter of an hour, then decided to head North, should have started there to begin with lol !!
  22. We had a total of 13 last year, we are looking at a total of 20 this year maybe more as the time gets closer. It was great, I arrived 2nd, Traveler was the first on the scene and setting up camp when I came by him, I set up camp and walked over to meet Traveler, you will like this guy, he is full of uuuummmm what's the best word here, secrecy, yeah thats it, he used to work with the men in black, so to speak. The 2nd one I met was Zoff, dude, watch out for this guy, thats all I am going to say about him, he's kinda funny, he drinks beer thats not really beer, it requires fruit, you know the kind i'm talkin about...... The third one or ones I met were Steve and his son Aj, they are from I think London, correct me if I am wrong guy's, but what a great Father and son pair, 2 of the nicest people you will ever meet. 3rd and 4th were Sam and Endless, Sam is funny, I can't wait for you to meet him, Endless well what can I say, kinda quiet at first, but opens up when you talk to him, you will find out he is one special kinda guy, loves life as we all do. Chris, Now he is really quiet, at least he was around me, I had to ask questions to hear him talk, really nice guy to fish with, he fished with Zoff and Zoff spoke highly of the young man. Then there was my family there, along with a couple of my friends that fished a tournament for the day, they joined us for the cookout. All joking aside, there was no better crew to be with, that day was an absolute blessing for me to have met these guy's, I have been fortunate enough to fish with one of them afterwards and meet his family as well, I have not forgotton anything about that day on Anna with these guy's nor the day I got to spend with Zoff and his family. We had some support from our sponsors here as well, Seibert Outdoors donated 6 jigs, BAM donated a magizine with a full one year subscription plus the latest version, we had Glenn and Keri, our own Bass Resource pitched in and gave us all Bass Resource stickers, some top notch line conditioner, some KVD fishing line, Traveler brought a ton of his hand made spinners and buzz baits and just gave them out by the hand full's. This trip has opened a few doors and allowed me to meet some of our other members as well that did not get the chance to meet up with us, Quanjig was one of those guy's, some one who is filled to the gills with intamate knowlage of his surrounding areas of water, it was unfortunate that we sadly lost 2 people from lack of intrest of boaters that did not get in on this with us, they decided to skip that meet and greet, hopefully they will join us for this one. I really can't say enough about the guy's you will meet, but I can tell you this, it's one trip you wont soon forget.
  23. Ha !! I am not a fan of any of the teams, nor are you lol !! But hey, if you want to get out your pom pom's and cheer for a team, knock youself out lol !!! I was actually asking if there were any Alanta team fans here.
  24. So we have 2 Patriot fans, 1 Ravens fan, 1 49ers fan , Any Atlanta fans?
  25. LMAO !!! AJ your a nutt !!!
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