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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. I was going to guess but it would have wrong anyway, the only one I remember playing for both was Gene Connely, but he played for all three, the Sox, Celtics. and the braves, but i never thought about Conners
  2. Most likly a good asumtion on your part, I would however continue to run that treatment in a stronger formula, if you do not have a carb vatt to soak the carb in you are not going to get a complete job, the Seafoam mixed stronger will eventually clean the carb and all of it's tiny little ports. It's up to you but I would suggest to keep trying the mix.
  3. I am no Boston fan but I will take a stab at your questions, cause I love history and sports. The first African american to play for the Red Sox I think was Green, Pumpise I think was his first name. Celtics I think was all white up to 1950, 1949 would have been the last season for that, 1950 they drafted Llyod As for the last one I have no clue.
  4. Good luck with that !!! I am going to do this for dad, Since the Colts left Baltimore I know he would have gone with the Ravens, I'm gonna say that the Ravens defense will put Brady on the ground more times than he has ever been before, they are going to make Brady rush his throws and he will be picked at least twice in the game, Ravens will dominate that game even though it stays close Ravens will win and go to the Superbowl and win that too.
  5. I would like to suggest something before you go pulling the carb off. Try running a mixture of either Startron or Seafoam through and see if it gets better, if it does then you know for sure it's in the fuel system and I would most likly run a couple of tanks of that mixture to see if it straightens out first before I would pull the carb off. If it's not it could be the points or the timing, I have had a lot of key way issues with those engines, also I have had screws back out of the pick-up coil and rub the housing as well.
  6. STOP YELLING LOL !! Thats why I was asking if anyone heard yet LOL !!! There is no doubt this will be a tough game, but history has nothing to do with it, you never know whats going to come of this game.
  7. Have you heard Woodhead's status yet? has he been cleared to play? I think this is going to be a great game to watch, I am looking forward to seeing what the new O Co can do, this is going to be a real test for him. I don't think you should underestimate how bad Tom Brady wants this, I don't think either team wants it more than the other, if they can rattle Brady I will say he gets frustrated easy and starts to hurry too much, at least he has in past games I have noticed, be it not many but when he gets a lot of pressure it usually favors the opossing team.
  8. Tom, First of all welcome to the forum and we hope you enjoy it here !! Talking about sharks eating a catch is something I had only seen in a video, a friend of mine went deep sea fishing somewhere off the coast of Australia, they were fishing for swordfish, my friend hooks into a nice fish, fights him for roughly 25 minutes, gets it close to the boat, I would say within a hundred yards, and all of a sudden you just saw this grey flash just break the surface and the line goes limp, sort of, he continues to reel in and all that was left of this 400lb fish was it's head, a clean single bite it looked like is all it took. It was the coolest thing I think I have ever seen, but I also thought how odd it must be, evidently it however seems to be a common thing to have happen.
  9. I think this will help them down the stretch if they stay healthy this season, we needed more tallent with the closers and I think they went about getting the right ones, time is always the teller of things to come so we will see. The Nats I think should fare well in close games, at least better than they did last season, if they had this depth I think they would have made it to the big party, most all their losses came from poor performance in the last innings from their pitching and now I can't wait for the season to start.
  10. OK, I think everyone is on the 49ers to win in Atlanta or at least it seems. Since the impressive victory over the Packers it seems everyone has gone GA GA over Kaepernick, I feel like we can all agree it was a great victory, and that the 49ers have most likly the best defense in the NFL. But I don't feel like they should already be given the victory over the Falcons just yet, the way I see it the Falcons can win this game the more I think about it, they have 2 of the best backs in Turner and Rogers and ran well against the other best defensive line in football, plus they have the best deep ball threats in the buisness. The 49ers IMO still lean heavy on the pass, they struggle with that more than anyone cares to admit, if it not had been for Kaepernick running for all those yards and converting most of their third downs, I don't think they win against the Packers. I honestly think that Atlanta can pull this thing off IF, and I did say IF, they can contain the run, something they did very well against the Seahawks, and they dont get to aggressive with the blitz which is something I think Green Bay did way too much of, they stand an even better chance on the defensive side of controlling the game in their favor. I look for Gonzalez to have a big game on the 49ers rush, but will it be enough? I want to change my pick and give it to Atlanta but one thing keeps bugging me, they blew a 20 to nothing lead and almost lost that game to Seattle and really in all honesty, they should have lost that game, but the other side of me says I think they learned from that mistake and wont let it happen again, some say Ryan is not a big time QB and will fold under that pressure, he made 2 really great throws to lead the Falcons into field goal range under some really heavy pressure to lead the Falcons to a win in the closing seconds, it's not the 2 throws he made that impresses me, it's how acurate they were under that kind of pressure so yes I think I will change my pick and go with the Falcons at home. Still on the Ravens to win, But I am going with Atlanta at home.
  11. Does anyone play guitar that is coming to the meet and greet?
  12. I have never seen one in the wild, where I hunt we hear a lot of mountain lions, sounds like the same thing, no matter how many times you hear it, sitting in the dark, it always sends a chill the first time.
  13. I'm no crime fighter, I just had a couple things happen in life, one I thought was funny, one not so funny, it's however odd that both were simular and performed by females. we have a couple of law enfocement officers that will be interested in hearing them.
  14. It's always about you huh......lol !!!
  15. Good we will learn to cook them together then LOL !!!
  16. Sadly he is no longer with us or I am sure he would like you too lol !! He always loved having people over to watch sports with, if you were a Colts fan you were welcome ANY time, if you were not then you had to be family other than sports nights and weekends, he would not even let my friends come over unless they were a Redskins fan, but they could only be there for as long as the game was on lol !!!
  17. I have another story very simular to that one, speaking of kill switches, it has nothing to do with fishing or hunting. We had just built our house, we were in it 11 days, the night before we had just put the last touches on the house, the 11th day, both the wife and I went to work shortly after seeing the girls off to school, a half a day goes by and I get a panic phone call from the wife, someone has broken into the house she screams, I leave work , rushed home hoping that my girls are not home from school yet, the worst is running through my mind, I get home, the driveway is filled with police cars, now I am in a real panic, first thing I found out is the girls are safe with grandma, then I start to see the house it's litterally torn apart, there are eggs thown all over the walls, all the furniture is either toppeled over or moved, the fridge is emptied and the food is all over the kitchen, the guns are missing, my bow and arrows are missing, well you get the picture. Well come to find out their car was still in the driveway, loaded down with all of our stuff, VCR's, guns, all of it, come to find out something else, my mother-in-law had walked over to see who was at the house, when she did, she met one of the 2 girls coming down the stairs with a clothes basket full of things from the house, the one girl ran back inside to tell the other and when she did, my mother-in-law somehow thought to reach in the car and take the keys, now why she did that I will never know, nor does she know what made her do that, anyway they apprehended the two girls when they pulled in the driveway for my mother-in-law to identify the one she saw, she had a smile on her face, as soon as she said that was her, I went after her like a bullet, all I was thinking about was my girls, had they been home, it took 4 deputies to hold me on the ground, they actually cuffed me until she left. Just like the other, these girls were responsable for several burglaries in the area, they found a lot of things missing from other houses in their apartment, they targeted new houses specifically, the sad part is one was a straight A student in collage, the other was a mom of her own. Mother-in-laws are not always the best, but mine, I will be forever in her debt,
  18. Teal, I think she was a hamburger shy of a happy meal for sure, but come to find out she was part of a trio of people that was responsable for a few boat thefts around the area, they found 7 boats that were missing, one was a quarter million dollar cigar boat.
  19. No I enjoyed watching the O's, it was the closest thing to having a home team, but you have to understand me, once I choose something I will stick with it, i'm just that way from my dad, he was a Baltimore Colt's fan I was a Redskins fan, we had our differences, but we loved the Senators and went to every ball game we could.
  20. The wildest thing that has happened to me was on my birthday 2 years ago, I took the day off of work to go fishing by myself, like other times before the trip to the lake went well, almost too well, very little traffic, I hit all the green lights and made record time just by taking my time, I got to the lake, paid my launch fee, got the boat ready and backed it to the ramp, got out double checked my plug and made sure it's in and secure, unlocked my bow strap and tied my bow line to launch my boat, the launch went flawlessly, and i'm thinking WOW, this is going to be a great day, I pull out, look in the mirror to make sure the boat was clear and proceed to go park the truck as always. This is where it gets interesting, as I am walking back toward the store I figured I would go in and get a couple of drinks for the day and a snack, as I am paying for the stuff, I notice something strange about my boat, there is a girl in the boat and she is trying to get it started, I calmly call the police, and watch the girl trying to start my boat, after I call the police, I thought I would go have a conversation with this young lady, well when I got to the boat I asked her if she needed any help, she answered to my suprise, no thanks, it's just a little hard to start from time to time, it will start here in a second but thanks for the offer, so I asked her how long has she had this problem it may be something I could help with, she replied, look i'm trying not to be rude here but I don't need your help, so I just tossed my hands up in the air and said ok sorry, I walked to the end of the launch and waited for the police to arrive, they did and they too asked if she was having problems, she said yes I can't get my boat started, then she said she was going inside to call a repair shop that she just had it to and give them a piece of her mind, which I found to be funny, I thought she would be giving up what little she had left, the officer ask for proof, I showed him my wallet size proof of ownership, and proceeded to press charges. After it was all said and done, I pulled my PDF out, sat down, put the kill switch key in which I keep attached to my PDF, and went fishing, I could not stop laughing the whole day.
  21. As for Snakehead's I don't have a clue, but I hope to catch a monster one if I do, as for livewells, don't worry about that, this is not a real tournament, this is just for fun, if you wish to keep the fish you catch, then by all means, bring whatever you want to contain the fish, all we ask is that we all follow regulations if you choose to do so. Pictures will be a must or it shall be considered a lie....which is something we all do anyway or we would not be real fisherman now would we !! However, it will be part of the fun so please tell all the stories you wish, just remember, I will have a box of BS flags to pass out to all of us and we can throw them at any time we wish and on whom ever we wish.
  22. Red Sox !!!! I was a Washington Senators fan......Way back when. Wanna talk about a dry spell, I had no one for quite some time until the Nats came to town LOL !!!
  23. You have got the best advice from everyone that one could get. I have nothing to add to what has already been said other than, I think the most important part of everything here is for you to slow down. Patience is really the most important key in what you are trying to accomplish, the water is cold, everything in the water will be moving slow, you should be doing the same, down size your baits with bitsy jigs, when you have the jig on the bottom, let it sit for 20 seconds, bounce it 3 times with very small jerks on the rod tip, just enough to get the jig to hop up an inch or two, pause for about 2 seconds in between each hop and after the third hop, SLOWLY, drag it for about 3 feet, stop and let it rest for about 20 seconds then repete the process again. Remember also these bites will be very hard to feel, they just don't exert much energy this time of year and swim away with the bait, anything that feels different set the hook !!!
  24. Don't get me wrong, the Pats may win but I don't see it being a smoking event for either of the teams the Pats will face.
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