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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Shucks man, you may as well be, I mean think about it, your an Eagles fan....your already shunned by us !! BAAHAHAHA !!!
  2. LMAO !!! I saw that too !! You know, with all the single cheerleaders they have you would think they would not need to meet somone on the net LOL !!! I know I know you can't be involved with a cheerleader as long as you are playing for the Skins but GEEZE MAN !!! look at all those pretty girls !!! Sexy, Flirtatious, intelligent, and most of all.....tallented !!!!
  3. My anti skunk bait would be the Jerk bait.
  4. Anytime the family is not with me you are more than welcome on my boat.
  5. LOL !! I would not expect them to either, I would ask them for generally good locations, I was not looking for their "Honey holes" so to speak, I know that these spots are their bread and butter to make a living and there was no way I would ever attempt to ask for that kind of info. Usually a good lunch or a beer or two would earn me some really good general locations to catch multiple fish in a short time period, it was still up to me to find the fish but at least I knew where to start my search lol. I do use the google or bing search to look at areas I want to try but I don't use it to the extent that most do, I rely heavily on my map skills before I even turn on the computer, but it's always nice to have for really big lakes to mark some landmarks on my topo map incase there are a bunch of waterways where I will be.
  6. Around here there is nothing that beats creature baits IMO, either by theirselves or tied on a jig, almost a fish every time you cast.
  7. Don't worry so much about everything !!! All of this stuff will come in due time, your first video was pretty good I really must say !! When you pick you music, pick something that goes with the theme, like the Roadtrip in Alabama video and the one from Texas, not that there was anything wrong with the music you had chosen, you stated you were just limited to your choices. It would have been nice to have a little commontary in there instead of titles. I look forward to seeing more of what you can do in the very near future...I think we may have woken a sleeping giant lol !!! As said before, congrats and have fun with it, your doing great 00 !!
  8. You being serious or something else?
  9. Could not have said it better myself !
  10. May want to refresh your memory and watch Glenn it's perfect. See if that helps buddy.
  11. Yes and lift straight up on the rod, also check out the hooks 00 posted they are great drop shot hooks !!!
  12. HEY !! It looks like they have grown a little in their new tank !! I think that new rod you will find to be much better for the drop shot for sure....NO KIDDIN !!! LOL !!! PS: Make sure the tip comes straight up when you are setting your hook too.
  13. He has them in a pond and in his fish tanks at home lol, THEY ARE EVERYWHERE !! Although they are not 12 lbers like in his pond they are still cool to see in a tank. Out of curiosity, are you letting the fish get the bait all the way in it's mouth? in other words a pause before you try to set the hook. Another thing may be your rod, I know you like HD stuff like I do, are you using a soft or slow enough tip?
  14. The pedal tray is not hard to install, however you do not want to cut into any supports for your vessel, can you relocate the area you wish to install the tray? slide it back enough to allow the tray to clear the support ribs? Have thought about going with a flat pedal (Electronic) ?
  15. LOL !!! That was me too when I first read the post. As to the post, I started way way back when there was no Google, Bing, or any of those things, "Honey Holes" were found either by accident or by using a little thing called sonar, AKA "Flasher". Today is much more "user friendly" when it come to locating new spots or checking out areas on a body of water your interested in before you even get to it, thank goodness for these inovations, I am not one to fish little ponds etc... I purchaced a boat for a reason, so unless it's some little campground pond that my daughter wants to try out or something of that nature, I generally will not even give them a second thought, my favorite way of searching new waters is still talking to the locals and the guides, I will offer to buy them lunch or something when I want some detailed info, I have made a lot of friends by doing this type of thing, something I can not get from a computer, im not saying it does not come in handy don't get me wrong, but it's just not the way I like doing things, but for someone looking for that kind of thing, it has to be a valuable tool I would think.
  16. I don't see "big numbers", but I see numbers that will get them a lot of victories next season, Best of luck in the big one, I have no doubt you all will do very well !!!
  17. Wow 00 !!! Very nice job indeed !!!
  18. Very nice HY!!! Thanx for sharing that, it was an awesome read and you did a great job with the format !!! We look forward to meeting you sometime, hopefully soon, I know the baby is due and I hope you are free enough to join us for the meet and greet, if not there will be more, but you know the family is welcome as well if it all works out.
  19. It's little different for me in the fact that most all of the waters I fish are man made lakes, all are here in my home state, but as you speak of fish behavior in different areas of the country, I feel like I have somewhat of a head start if I should ever leave my home state just by being a member of this site. Everyday I get to read different things that require different techniques, different mind sets of how to approach different areas, with different baits, baits I have never used, one thing remains the same, you have to put yourself in the right position to catch the bass first, it does not matter if you do not have structure like the deep water lakes that have all of those things, no matter what, you still have to find them to be successful. The more educated you become about your own bodies of water can help you in your quest when you fish other bodies of water, If I were to fish a lake, I know the LMB is the dominate preditor in several of the lakes I fish here, I can find bass on structure, in cover, and in the open, there is really no threat other than the angler, in a river system their enviroment is different, they are no longer as you say the top of the food chain, Pike, Snakeheads, and other big toothy preditors dominate and control this enviroment, so places with good cover are much more important when I am looking for bait fish and bass. One can read all the books and watch all the videos there are and be quite engauged in the knowledge of how to go bass fishing, but if you don't get out there and see things for yourself and learn from what the fish are doing then you have only accomplished fishing as a theory. The reality of fishing is a wake up call IMO, what we see and read from anglers all over this country is astounding, one thing remains a constant in all of the books and all of the waters we fish, in order to catch fish, you must first find the fish.
  20. Deep water or structure fishing takes time if you don't have the right equipment, I too think you found a school of fish as well, at least it sounds like bait fish the way I read your post, if you were looking for bass, they would have been under the school, a lot of times they are, but not always, some can be seen in the school of bait fish. I would have spent some time covering the area in a zig-zag motion over the school, in front of and behind the school, dropping a jigging spoon or a flutter spoon through the bait may have produced results for you, since you stated that you were throwing everything you had, gives a hint you may have become a little impatient, slow down and don't overthink a situation like that, look the area over and take the time to look at the structure in the surrounding area, if it was a school of bait fish the bass were somewhere close.
  21. I have not seen any vote updates, has everyone had the chance to get their fishing tournament schedules together yet?
  22. You didn't !!!! LMAO !!! Your mom is going to kill you, you know that right?
  23. Huh !!! Sounds like Billick is eating a little humble pie to me !! He was against the Ravens early in the week before the game, did he ever change his pick?
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