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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Ok, so far everyone is a go with August the 24th and 25th weekend, I still need to hear from Sam, Soccerplayer, Steve and Aj, Cp, so let us know as soon as you can guys and we will go ahead and set the date. Now that we are close to setting the date, it is starting to get pretty exciting, we have already doubled last years numbers and we are on track to having some big time fun !!! We can't wait to meet all of you guys !!! Here are some pics I stole from Traveler from the last one, Thanx Traveler !!!!!!!
  2. Yes there are !! Could be big ones too, WWWWWHHHHOOOOO HHHOOOOO!!!!
  3. Wow !! I thought I had some bad trips but that one was bad for sure !! I am really glad to hear you all were ok, it really could have been much worse than that, the gear, even though a tough pill to swallow, is a loss, at least you still have each other to share more fishing trips together. Good luck and be safe !!! That is very kind of you to do for this young man, I would like to say you are one class act sir !!!
  4. OOPS !! I forgot to post about the boat. Really nice boat man !!!! now lets go fishin !!!
  5. Now that you mention it, I gotta wonder if the steering wheel is on the port side for boats in England !! BAAHAHA !!!!
  6. X2. Where are you planning on fishing, big lakes, little bodies of water, in between, rocky rivers, shallow ponds? Safety is a huge factor for the waters you plan on fishing, ANY boat can be a great bass boat, but the price for a cheap boat can mean so many different things depending on a given model and year of build and the shape the boat is in.
  7. Cool !! I know how much we love some alone time on the water, just us our boats and the fish, my feelin's won't be hurt if you decide not to, maybe we can have a little fun with the mornings and do a little friendly tournament type thing as well, I have never fished her I don't know that you have or not.
  8. I have now posted a link to the VGIF licence requirements, any questions please feel free to ask !!
  9. I am planning on possibly taking vacation that week, I may be there the whole week prior, it depends on who goes with me, but if it's just the wife, she does not do mornings, I would like to extend an invitation to you if you wish to fish with someone during the morning hours.
  10. Dude !! I will hold you down and cut that pretty red hair of yours off if you dont !!! lol !! Va freshwater licence, I thought I provided a link to the site for our out of state guests, I will go back and check and make sure you all have place to look. For all, please keep in mind that I am trying to make sure that ALL needed info for the meet and greet is on the very first post so that we don't have to go searching through the thread to find anything. We are excited to hear you can join us SPEED !!! we look forward to meeting you !!! Is the date we are currently working on good for you? Cool !!! Thats what the map shows, I thought I was getting confused !! thanx !!! Hey, better late than never !!! thanx for the input !!!
  11. I can see your our kind of people, thanx for the kind offer Teal !!
  12. Good, but going out into Pohick bay there may be a little trouble, I think it may have been you that was stating how shallow it may be, am I correct or just confused lol !!
  13. Thats why we try to get it in early as possible, it's best to have plans laid months in advance, once we decide a date I am calling the campground to reserve. I think I am really likin Pohick, it's not far from Mattawomen, and everything in between looks like it will have some really great fishing from my map studies so far, the only thing that really concerns me is being able to get my boat out LOL !! Looking at the posts and the map it could be a little tricky but I think it will be ok.
  14. Thats ok HY, Saturday is the day for the event, we have to pack up on Sunday for those of us who are camping.
  15. I know I am glad you wore it when we went fishin !!! BAAAHAHAHAHA !!!
  16. Well, August 24th and 25th are the best for for me and so far it has the most votes, the wifes B-Day is on the 17th other than that any of the dates will work for me as well. Would August 24th and 25th work for all ? We need everyones opinion here please.
  17. Well, it's not something I would suggest doing but it can be done, no matter how much you think you are reinforcing the beam you are still taking a chance. How much of the top part of the tray do you think would be exposed if you installed it over the rib? I am not sure how you feel about this suggestion but what I am thinking is if you really want to sink your pedal you may be able to build your own tray or modify the one you already have for a partial depth installation. If you already have one, is it metal or glass?
  18. We need to get a date set first before we can start a count down, silly little man ! lol !! I have not seen any votes change as far as dates go, we still have 6 votes, a few of the people are waiting on their tournament schedules to come out and they will decide then on a date that works for them, I did pose the question as to find out if anyone has recieved their tournament dates yet but I have not seen any replys. I do have a question for all though. The dates you have chosen so far, are they the only dates that will work for you or will any of the dates work?
  20. Now thats funny right there LOL !!
  21. There is nothing wrong with being an overly or overtly finesse type of fisherman, you will catch more fish that way and will usually find more fish than the rest of us during frontal conditions...ie , it's a good thing lol !! I am normally swinging for the fences myself, my baits tend to be larger by choice, I want to seek out that big bite and I will miss out on catching scores of fish, but the fish I do catch are generally good size fish. Sometimes I will get lucky and find a school or two packed up on the bottom of a piece of structure somewhere and have a great day, others not so much, we all have our ways of doing things, I think thats why I love this site so much, we all learn something from each other and it's a lot of fun picking up on new things to try, and even more fun having fun with each other. Glad to see you posting !!!
  22. It's not personal preference it's the conditions in which you fish, for example if I am using a 2 and I am catching some larger fish, I know there is a chance to catch bigger fish, #2 may be too small for me at that point and I will change the hook to a larger size, big mouth's and small hooks just don't equal to a huge success rate. Preference has a lot to do with the situation, it's not the standard of what we all choose to do.
  23. What did you do to that poor girl lol !! Do you guy's stay in touch?
  24. To quote a famous person and my personal life coach Homer Simpson "MMMMMMMMM...Cheesesteak" !!! I was expecting a better return remark by the way lol !
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