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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. AWESOME !!!! We have the date !!!!! August the 24th and 25th for this up and coming Meet and Greet, I can not wait to get this party started, it should be alot of fun with all the extra people this year. We will get a meeting place set up for the cookout afterwards and be in touch throught the months ahead with all the rest of the available info. I will be launching from Pohick, I will be camping there hopefully that entire week, it does not matter if we all meet there or somewhere else that morning, we are open to suggestions, from what I understand the place is very acomadating and can handle all of us meeting there, I have never been there so if someone has any info please don't be bashfull. Thanx a ton guys, I cant wait !!!!!!!!!
  2. Welcome to the forum !!!
  3. Welcome to the forum !!!
  4. Welcome to the forum !!!
  5. Welcome to the forum !!! And for the record all we need to do is ask your wife, we will soon know all of your secrets, even some we wish not to know LOL !!!
  6. It really depends on the depth, but I have found one of the best creature baits to be the Rage Tail Lizard, I love these things !!!
  7. Man it's about time !!!! Glad to hear from you again and welcome back !!
  8. The jig IMO is my go to bait and a lot of members here will most likly agree as to the effectivness of a jig, I will fish a jig over soft plastic baits anytime if the soft plastics are not working, but think about what happens here in our areas, when the bite really slows down and even the jig bite does not work that great, if at all, answer me this, why do you think the jig stops working when it is usually a go to bait? My answer is the fish are suspended, either feeding in a shallow layer of oxygenated water or holding close to that oxygenated layer, if you know where you can find some rather large humps or some type of structure that allows the fish to gather in areas like these the chances of you being successful are going to be slim, when the bite is really slow, I tend to revert back to my winter patterns, yes the jig is one of those baits I will utilise, but unless the bass are on the bottom or holding tight to some type of structure then the jig becomes much less effective, so what do you do when the fish are suspended and lock jawed? you have to slow way down, just like winter, I will break out my jerk baits and my drop shots and work them both to death. My favorite is the Jerk Bait, especially suspending Jerk Baits.
  9. Well, I am in the automotive industry and have been most all of my life, this day is coming, this will eliminate the need for many techs, traffic officers etc... the cars will actually tell us whats wrong, that info will be sent to a field engineer and a part will be issued to an individule dealer and a parts changer will exchange the part and make the necessary updates to the vehicle, in short a part swapper. We already have cars that no longer have camshafts, lifters, pushrods and rocker arms, the valves are opened by solinoids and valve timing is controled by a computer, although this technology is not on the market yet, it is coming. If one of these cars are used in a bank robbery or a criminal offense, the car can be controlled remotely and shut down or slowed down or both, there is much more coming down the pike, you won't believe what is coming. I don't see this as a good thing, I see a lot of humans loosing their careers to a computer controlled world, gasoline will be a thing of the past, we all know it's not happining tomorrow but it is happening, it's already begun.
  10. yeah your right, good point !! I posted a link to the VGIF on the first post of this thread, it will answer all of your questions, if you can't find it I will be more than happy to get you the answer, I just have to go look for it first lol !!
  11. You have not answered if the date will work for you yet, do you know if the date we are wanting will work for you yet?
  12. My wife will like you, she loves to play cards, I hate card games, cornhole boards are a toss game, like horse shoes only with bags filled with corn and tossed onto boards that have a target hole in the top, points are pretty much the same.
  13. I don't know why they were brought here but the truth is they are very invasive and are growing in numbers at an alarming rate from what I understand from VGIF dept.
  14. mudkart those are some nice Snakeheads !! what are the chances of us actually catching a few of those bad boys ?
  15. Look at that guys !! We could have our own chef cook our fish while we watch and drink a few WWWWHHHHHHOOOOO WWWWWWHHHHHHHHOOOOO !!!! CP, thanx for the offer, if you like to cook as we do I will be more than happy to let you have the ropes, I have no problem with that, but we want you guys to enjoy this as much as possible, I will have my cornhole boards there so that you can play while we get supper ready. It's all about family so make sure your parents come join us if they wish as well !!!
  16. I have learned how to clean a Snakehead and fillet it, I am looking forward to giving it a go !!! I have not heard one complaint on the taste yet, so far everyone I have spoken with really likes it !!
  17. If I had an option to choose Gordon F'n Ramsey or her guess which one I would be choosing !!! I have had deer meat all my life and I love to cook deer and all kinds of meat, I have had and made some AMAZING dishes, but I am here to tell you that girl of yours gave me some lessons on what tender really is, I have tried duplicating that dish and as simple as it is and sounds, I have not perfected it yet !!! That girl of yours can flat out cook !!!! period !! There ain't nothin like Carolina BBQ, I hope to be able to learn something from you when we finally get to meet one another.
  18. I don't care what bait I use LOL !!! If I catch one I just want it to be BIG !!
  19. Here is some info on snakeheads we should familurise ourselves with and I will post it to the original post as well. http://www.dgif.virginia.gov/fishing/snakehead-faq.asp Please read !!
  20. Not a problem, either we will eat them or they will be given to someone who does wish to eat them, regardless it is a must and I have no issues taking them home for dinner so I will take all the ones you catch if your ok with that.
  21. It is a MUST that we kill all snakeheads we may catch, I don't know that we will catch that many but if you guys have a problem killing them then maybe we can come up with a gameplan for those who do not wish to do this. I will be the first to step up and offer help to you guys who are not willing to kill them for whatever reason you may have, if it's for personal reasons or not we do not need to know why, just know that you have support for your reasoning ok ! I won't have a fryer but I will have my flat iron grill plate, if you want I will gather up some recipies and bring some recomended seasonings as well.
  22. From what I understand, jigs can be amazing, so is the weekend date good for you?
  23. Don't worry big guy, they won't go to waste, from what I keep hearing is people at boat ramps will take them if non of us want them, I plan on keeping mine to try if I get one or two.
  24. You shot your first deer this year did you not ?
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