Just fishing deep water may or may not hold bass, bass relate to structure in many different ways, creek channels, ledges, humps, points, rock piles, road beds, referring to depth is anywhere from the surface to the bottom, the fish dictate the depth, it does not matter if they are 5 feet deep or 30 feet deep, bass will always relate to structure and cover, the only time you will find them not relating to either would be when they are feeding on schools of bait fish in open water, or suspended, usually the bass are located under these schools or somewhere close if they are feeding on them, if not they are pushing them in a direction to make feeding possible and much easier by trapping the bait fish between some type of structure and the surface.
The bottom of the lake or body of water is structure, anything on top of that like a brush pile, a sunken boat, a man made rock pile, tree stumps, trees that have fallen, are all cover.
Fishing cover like boat docks is generally easy to do, fishing suspended fish is a good bit more difficult, fishing structure is not that hard if you know where to look, spending a lot of time on the water, you will find how fish travel from deep to shallow and the structure they use to get around from place to place, it's like their highways and byways so to speak, once you get into reading these books and going out on the lake it will open up a whole new world to you, it will allow you to locate structure that is used frequently in some areas, and in others not so much, they will help you fish the right cover and help you find ways to locate them when they leave that cover.
Read all of the articals in here as well, there is a virtual library on fishing in the site on anything you wish to know.