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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. No, Bath Salt !!!!
  2. I don't think there was a superbowl that had higher hopes for a QB than when Denver won with Elway, That game was the best, even if you were not a Bronco's fan you almost had to be that day.
  3. Wanna dead stick a bait this is a really good way to keep it right in front of them with the drop shot, I like this comment a lot, another bait I love to use is the suspending Jerk Bait, my favorite is the Lucky Craft pointer 100, either in Ghost or Ghost/Chart, also with a lot of patience.
  4. BBF, look on the very first post of this thread, I have taken all of the info and stored it in one place, all the links you need are there. Can't wait to meet you and hope you get the chance to join us !!!
  5. I love seeing all the family photos of everyone and their hobbies, we have everything from racing bikes to music. mnbassman, I am going to use a comment you posted above her pick, "Shes pretty" good at fishing, I have to ask, both of my girls love to hunt and fish, my youngest loves to fish, my oldest loves to hunt, they each will do both and clean and butcher their own deer, but did she get into doing these things with you or did she get these things from her dad? great pics by the way and thanks for sharing !! GaBankFisher, Now thats what I call using your head !!! lol !! Gotta admit, most piercings I have seen I find to be strange as to why they would want to do such a thing, but yours on the other hand has a certain flair, it's bold and adventurous, it just screams.....Ooooouch !!!
  6. MAN!! Who knew we were sucha good lookin bunch of people, nice photos guy's !!!
  7. I wasn't going to mention that part.... or did I just forget about it, eh, could have been the 60's fault or the early 70's or maybe it was the 80's Wait... what were we talking about again????
  8. By the way Goose, thats what I expected you to look like today after seeing that hat LOL !!
  9. I loved that movie !!!! I'm gonna take my left foot and kick your right cheek lol !!! WHHAP !!!
  10. Not the hard bottom and the bait, the hard bottom and the bass, thats the correlation I am reffering to, hard bottom and hard cover provide a couple of different things, bridge pilings, boat docks, rocks, all will have algae growth which attract bait fish, places that have changes especially abrupt changes like a big rock or a couple of rocks in close proximity of one another create opportunities for bass to ambush their pray, silt bottoms don't supply enough food source for bait fish but however is great for plant life and bass love the 02 rich water that the plants help provide along with the cover, but if a dominate species other than bass already occupies that area, then bass will be hard to find in such cover. Yes I agree craws love to burrow themselves in the silt, but they will also find cracks and crevases in which to protect themselves as well. If you can find a grassy area in a litlle deeper water with a rocky or sandy bottom, thats where I would be working my jig.
  12. Bob, I am glad you started this as well, thanx for sharing a little about yourself, it's been a fun thread, Nice job !!!
  13. OH !! Now I get it !!! I'm a little slow at times lol !!
  14. ROFLMAO !!! At least my girls did not suffer the same fate LOL !! i'm pretty happy bout that !!
  15. Nice pics Rhino, love the last one with you all and the boxers, you got a pretty girl there !!!
  16. LMAO !!! I have to say it really is nice to put faces to everyone, a few suprised me as to what they looked like, RW looks amazingly similar to Johnny Depp in his Halloween costume, J Francho, has that Bart Simpson hair cut, I have never seen him with out a hat on, although I don't know why he dyed his hair that neon color red, must be that bass resource mod title went to his head, or it's something to do with his band, not really sure, then there is Rhino....what the he## happened there? then there is Goose, styl'n and profil'n in the 70's to your guess is as good as mine !! lol !! I have to say this is one of the best threads and I hope to meet all of you some day !!!
  17. I honestly don't think it's your jig size but it just seems that you may be in the wrong place imo, the blue/black should work there as well as just black, but you keep mentioning how soft the bottom is, I think if you can find some harder bottom areas, the jig should be more successful and give you that jig bite you are looking for. Is it soft around the bridge areas too?
  18. BAHAHAHAHA !!!! So hows Angelina doin these days?
  19. Anna? in a tournament? Are you going to be a partner to someone? in other words are you going to be on the back of the boat? Anna is something I will touch on later but first I want to offer advise as to fishing tournaments, it sounds like your just getting started with tournaments, you are going to have to get comfortable with fishing all kinds of baits, not just finesse, you are going to have to get out of that comfort zone of yours and open up, Cranks on Anna are very popular and perform very well if they are used in the right way, one thing that is the most important when fishing for money is that you first find the fish, you are saying you can find two or maybe 3 lets me know you are not giving yourself the chance to be successful, some days you can stay in one spot and be successful but those days are rare, when you are pre-fishing how many spots are you looking over to find what the fish are doing ? I have never fished the Potomac but I have been doing a lot of research on her, I will be there in August, so far I have found that 15lb bags or more require a good bit of travel, unlike fishing a place like Anna where you really don't have to cover the whole lake but still need to move around. There have been some really great suggestions and the one I like the most was suggesting to go to these other bodies of water, you need to really look for fish and figure out what they are telling you, and then start fishing, take up some of the offers and go fishing with some of the guys who have offered you a day on the water and learn from them, it's a lesson that will become some of the most valueable and most cost effective information you will ever get your hands on. As for Anna, your finesse fishing will play a huge roll in being successful, but you have to find the fish first, just like in any other body of water, cranks, jerk baits, drop shots, jigs and spinners everything works there and she offers all kinds of great fishing opportunities, I will give you a hint and let you know to concentrate your efforts in the upper portions of what used to be Anna river, depending on what time of year you plan on going I may be able to help you even more. Find the fish first, thats always going to be your key, take some of those offers and go fishing with the guys and take notes and give back as much as you can, open up and get out of that comfort zone, if your fishing from the back of the boat the speed in which the angler in the front fishes will determine techniques you will need to be comfortable with, a lot of times the front angler will fish much faster than you are used to fishing, last thing is stay ralaxed but don't loose focus, especially if you know the fish are there.
  20. LOL !! Glad to see you caught the humor in that post. Have you tried any of the structure in that body of water, in my original post I thought you may have been tossing the jig where the more prodominate species were taking up house, if you know there are big bass in there and I know that you do, I was wondering if you tried targeting some of the more prodominate structure the bass like to be around, I know you know how to fish a jig, but do you think you may be simply using it in the wrong areas?
  21. Na, I have been having some issues of my own, I was only out 3 times this past year, only once on my own boat, that was at the meet and greet over at Anna, the other two was with a couple of really great people I have met from here and they were kind enough to share their boat with me, I had a lot of fun though, learning some new waters and getting to know Zoff and his family and quanjig and the Res. Glad to hear you are just about to graduate, congrats !! and the best of luck no matter where you end up, I still want that fishing trip we had planned so call me when you can, I need to get a trolling motor for my boat first though lol !!
  22. What a great looking couple !!! I see the smile has not changed, I can't wait to fish with you again, by the way who's the model? J/K Nice pic !!!!!
  23. Ha !!! I sure am glad I opened this one with my daughters computer LOL !!! Hey look at that, it ain't broke !!! Good to see you sir !!!
  24. KVD did not get to where he is at by luck, if he did he has one heck of a horse shoe up his a## !! There are tricks and secrets they all have that work for them, but when you get right down to it, it's how bad do you want it, how hard are you willing to work for it, how hard are you willing to keep it. Not one of the pro's are there because of luck, all of them have figured out something the next has not and made them hot enough to get a chance at making it big, Hard work and a dedication like no other, this sport changes day to day, if you are not on top of your game everyday you may not be on top for very long. We do this for the love of the sport, so do they, what seperates us from them, or even the collage circut for that matter, we don't have the everyday access we need to solely dedicate ourselves to doing what we love to do, we don't have the thousands of dollars it takes to work our way up to that chance, we have so many reasons we can't or simply just won't. Make the best of your time on the water, learn from your mistakes, don't ask what the pro's would do, ask yourself what are you going to do and simply make it happen.
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