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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. WHAT !!!!! NO WAY LMAO !!
  2. Welcome to the forum !!!
  3. HHHHMMMMMMMM, ......Na I don't see it lol !!!
  4. You promise not to laugh right? Ok here it is, close your eyes ! Ok now open them ! TAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!! 1974 BABY !!!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!!! Heck I can't help but laugh at it myself LOL !!!
  5. I like to suggest a jig, 3/8oz pitch it right up against the very edge of that grass and bring it out SLOWLY, toward the deeper water, let it fall off that shelf and follow the bait down with your rod tip, work every inch of that area before you give in with the jig. Watch your line close !!!
  6. I have never seen a yellow or I guess Golden trout, that is so cool !!! Now, What the heck is up with you dressing your dog up like the dog on the Grinch LOL !!!! Cute dog !!
  7. I will show you guy's a picture of me in the 70's if you promise not to laugh !!!
  8. Thats more like what we are looking for right there !!!! Thats some great info, nice job !! Now tell us what you are doing to fish this area, bait's and everything you have already tried.
  9. Where are you located at first of all? If the grass is alive or just starting to thrive, a couple of things I like to use is, one, a drop shot with a 3 or 4 inch robo worm or tube, set to dangle just above the grass line, pick the rod tip up and move it less than a foot and dangle it again, or just dead stick it, I will usually wait 30 seconds at the very least before I pick it up and move it if the water is cold or still chilly, the other is if the fish are active then the call goes to the lipless crank, run it across the top of the grass making sure the bait stays in contact with the top of the grass and ripping it as soon as the hooks grab at the grass then slowing it back down to come in contact with the grass again and keep repeting until you are out of the strike zone. If the grass is dead then I would be looking to the structure somewhere close to that grass bed, chances are the grass was once on the bank of an old creek bed the way it sound in your post.
  10. I use Spiderwire a lot, mostly 30# for that 8# diameter, the trouble that I have is fade, I think it's actually the coating that starts to wear but the line itself remains strong, if you were to compare how would the Spiderwire differ from Kanzen in your opinion.
  11. What a shame, he is a HOF for sure but I will miss watching him play !!
  12. You know now that you mention it, I think if I were to ever have the chance to fish with a pro it would be him, although I don't know how much fishin we would get done, I could see us having too much fun LOL !!!
  13. Ike has got to be my favorite, I have seen him explode, busting a rod against the side of his boat and throwing the rest in the water, and I have seen him sky rocket with wins, there is no in between about his passion for the sport, I LOVE THAT !!!!
  14. Yeah, NO KIDDIN RIGHT LOL !!!
  15. What !!! are we getting Jeff Foxworthy too ?????? We could use a good comedian around here BAHAHAHAHA !!!
  16. UUUUMMMMMM, could I get a hint LOL !!! Nice thought on the photo, I wish the wife and I would have done something like that.
  17. No offence but you look a little disappointed that your Butler could not find you some wilder lookin women, look at ya!! your thinking I gave you thousands of dollars and this is the best you can do ? LOL !!!
  18. Too cute !!! Thats minus 50 man points for not putting those boys in a cammo kissing booth though lol !! J/K !!! Great pics !!!
  19. Tease !!!!!! How dare you drop a bomb like that, now you done went and got me all excited !!!!!
  20. ROFLMAO !!!!!! I wish I could make the Roadtrip this year, somehow I think you and I would have a lot of fun, your a pretty cool guy Rhino, thanx for the laugh I needed that !!
  21. LMAO !!! Thats the actual rule, I did not make that up LOL !!! You should know me by now, you really think I would have used his name as an example? I would have gone with something like Nitrofreak needs to be like Nitro turd or something Ha !!!
  22. Thanks for clearing that up RW, I did not see that number in the rules and regs.
  23. You don't need any to get banned, if you were to be a butt head and do something really stupid you could find yourself in deep trouble without warning points. However the Mods here are pretty good about things and if you stay within the rules set up by the site, there would be no need to worry, they take things under consideration, I have never had any and don't plan on having any, I never did see how many would actually get you a trip out of here though, that is to say there is no specific number, I think that is up to them as to the severity of the situation.
  24. Site rules will not allow you impersonate. Use discretion in selecting an appropriate username. Lying about your identity, either by denying that you are an existing member under a different name is prohibited. Please also refrain from registering inappropriate user names, including, but not limited to, racial slurs, profanity and explicit or implicit vulgarity, else your membership will be revoked. Do not register a username with the intent of impersonating or assuming the identity of someone you are not. If you chose to register the name of a professional angler, fishing celebrity, media member or any other person that is not you, please register some variation of that person’s name. For example, do not register the user name “RayLewis.” Register “RayLewis52.”
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