Where are you located at first of all?
If the grass is alive or just starting to thrive, a couple of things I like to use is, one, a drop shot with a 3 or 4 inch robo worm or tube, set to dangle just above the grass line, pick the rod tip up and move it less than a foot and dangle it again, or just dead stick it, I will usually wait 30 seconds at the very least before I pick it up and move it if the water is cold or still chilly, the other is if the fish are active then the call goes to the lipless crank, run it across the top of the grass making sure the bait stays in contact with the top of the grass and ripping it as soon as the hooks grab at the grass then slowing it back down to come in contact with the grass again and keep repeting until you are out of the strike zone.
If the grass is dead then I would be looking to the structure somewhere close to that grass bed, chances are the grass was once on the bank of an old creek bed the way it sound in your post.