Every year it seems we have a thread like this, I love seeing that all of us want to get better at something, either a technique or a study of some sort, like a map.
We have all of the information here at our fingertips to make us all better anglers, all we need to do is get out there and practice, practice, practice, it sounds so easy.
What is it that holds us back from being better anglers and accomplishing the goals we set for ourselves?
It's much like a new year resolution isn't it, my goal is to loose 25lbs, how many of us start off great and end up dumping the program because it is simply not working out?
Same here, whats the main reason it does not work out? the reason is different for each and every one of us, oh that plan stank, or I am just too lazy, my dog ate my...., Think about it, all they are, are excuses.
My point is if you want to be better at doing something or have a goal, then one thing that we all know is that it takes commitment, commitment to doing something over and over and over again until we get it right is, lets face it, boring as he## !!
Make things easy on yourselves, if you want the drop shot to work for you, or you want the crank or spinner baits to work, you have to find the fish first, stop throwing those baits in hopes a bass will bite, don't just look at a spot and think, man there just has to be a bass in there somewhere, stop thinking in single digits, think big !!
Make yourself do something different, make your baits do something different, make it all work for you by knowing when the right time is the right time to use the baits you want to get better at, take the time to read and understand what you are attempting to do with the baits so that it works out for the best for you and your new technique, without finding the fish first, the technique is going to be useless to you and you will just toss it aside like that failed weight loss plan, get off the couch and get off the banks and allow yourself the opportunity to achive the goals we set for ourselves and become the successful and skinny anglers we want to be.
Good luck and be safe !!!