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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. You are one of the best here Long Mike and I too look forward to your next 5000 !!!! Congrats !!!!
  2. I don't think anyone who looses a big game like that wants a microphone shoved in there face and then turn right around and be asked the question "how did you lose, can you explain that to us?" Me personally, I would much rather have a chance to calm down before I spoke with anyone, I can see several reasons why I would not want to talk to anyone after an emotional game like that, plus I would imagine he did not want to take anything away from his brother. Same goes for the Pats after their loss, who in their right mind would want to answer stupid questions like that?
  3. Charlie, Thanks for voting, we look forward to meeting you and having some fun in August !!
  4. And she is still smiling after all these years, whats your secret LOL !!!!
  5. I think if you go to the link about the Snakeheads on the first post it's all in there or it will link you too it.
  7. A little too soon there hot rod LOL !!!
  8. Traveler, Zoff and I talked on the phone the other day and thought it to be wise to come up for a visit to the potomac and get a first hand look at everything, would you be interested in showing us around?
  9. Charlie, In refference to some of the posts about killing the snakehead, we know that it is not a nesessity, but what we were reffering to was that if you wish to keep the snakehead fish, they could not be taken from the potomac alive if you were checked at the ramp, they do not want this species spreading, so reading back through the posts, mine especially, there may have been some confusion on my part and I wish to thank you for bringing that to my attention. There is a link that I have provided on the first post concerning any questions that there may be about the Snakehead, please read this as well.
  10. Flyfisher, We hope you can make it, we would love to have you there !! Travler, I find it a little suspecious that we did not get any pics of you, even the ones I took with my cell did not turn out for some reason, they were all blurry when you were in the photo LOL !!! We look forward to meeting each and every one of you, this year is going to be a big turn out it seems, but we need all who are making plans to attend this event to please make sure they put the vote in for either a boater or a non boater, it's very important that we have this info so that we can make plans for everything, without knowing the maximum number of people who wish to attend it's hard to make the right arrangements, so if you are even thinking about it, even if there is only an outside chance, place your boating status so that we can be as prepared as we can possibly be. We do not know yet where the meet and greet will take place, we have right now with all of the members that are showing interest over 30, but most have not commited as of yet, so the number could be larger or smaller, we are currently looking into places that can handle 30 or more people in one location for the cook out afterwards, some of us will be staying in Pohick, some of us are just coming for the day, there is a lot of variables right now. The meet and greet will be on the 24th as for the time we will most likly start at 7 and end it at 4 or 5, and as Sam said last year, get together afterwards and lie to each other about the days events lol !! Charlie, Thank you for taking the time to provide that valuable info for us, very well done, I will attach that to the first post of this thread.
  11. If they fought looking like that, I would be a lifetime subscriber LOL !!! Even this is beautiful !!! This however, is not my cup of tea, but it looks like she could take any of the men in her weight class !!
  12. I see your point, at 4 yrs old winning and loosing is not much of a big ordeal, at that age all sports are and should be about fun and exersize, but on that same note, we can't afford to sit back on our duff's for very long if the child shows promise in a particular sport, any sport, the harsh reality is something that is the resposibility of the parent and or coach and or both to refine and teach. At what age do we start to prepair them is the line, once they enter school on their own, and start to do things on their own is soon enough imo.
  13. Ever thought about putting a small block in that bad boy LOL !!
  14. Oh ! I live backed up against the mountains, West part but close to the middle of the state.
  15. You and I ever get the chance to fish.....you may find out LOL !!
  16. Well I guess as far as fun goes, you wont get much more fun than that huh LOL !!!
  17. Thats good news 00, I hope she gets along great, sounds like she has some good people surrounding her, best of luck and I hope she continues to improve !!
  18. You are correct in saying a line does not vibrate to the extent of a guitar string under water, however it is able to transmit, the guitar string is not a good example for what you are reffering to, the guitar string requires some sort of magnification to produce sound, however if you were to take two cans and tie them to a piece of fishing line and stretch the line between 2 people a voice can be heard at the other end. Lines will transmit relations to the bottom, anyone who has ever drug a jig across pavement, small gravels, can pull the line and feel what the jig is transmitting without using a fishing rod.
  19. Not sure where you are but I had 9 at the house at 5 this am.
  20. UFC I really like, I really don't have a favorite, but I always stick with the guy's from the USA, and the girls that carry around the round numbers are quite easy on the eye's too !!!!
  21. You don't know the half of it my friend LOL !!!!
  22. What happened to her ? Glad to hear she is doing well though !! The one of your wife has been my favoirte of the ones you have posted too, you are right, that smile is great and what a shot, nice job !!
  23. LOL !!! I would still fish with him, if he wants to be serious about catching fish, then we will fish and I will work just as hard if not harder and be just as passionate about it as he wants to be, in all seriousness, name one fisherman out there that their passion to catch fish is not over the line, it has to be, or I would venture to say they have no buisness being out there. I have seen him on a couple of you tube videos having fun too, I was reffering to those moments when I made that comment. Thats not to say that I would not fish with anyone out there, I would enjoy the chance to fish with you, Traveler, Zoff, Quanjig, people I have already fished with, or anyone on this site and still be just as excited to share that time on the water as I would with any pro, moments like those are priceless to me, I get excited to see us all having fun, I don't care if you catch all the fish, well, I take that back, I would at least like to catch one or two lol !, However, I live for and enjoy the moment and the friendship along with the fishing, if you want to be serious about fishing then by all means, lets shut the hell up and get down to buisness and may the best man win. Ike, I feel, has that passion, I am by no means comparing the 2 of us, but, when we talk about Ike you can't help but feel the passion and see the passion he has for the love of this sport, he has no problem wearing that passion on his sleeve, good or bad, I LOVE THAT !!! My thoughts and prayers to you and your family Ike, God be with you all. Good luck and be safe !!!
  24. What year is the Vette on the lift ?
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