Now where can I get one with that option LOL !!!
I know I will never see a new one but I want a Z-9 sooooooooooooo bad !!!
My friend has a Z-8 that he will let me use whenever I want, you know me though, I don't like doing things like that, I would much rather fish from mine, but if I don't soon get the money I need for a trolling motor, I may take him up on that offer LOL !!
I want to get to Anna and I want to get there soon, the last few years has been a bust for me and fishing, only 5 trips the year before last and only 1 trip on my boat last year, I need it bad LOL !!!
I am determined to make a big change with that this year, I need to get back out there and do what I know I can do, I have no confidence, I am really, REALLY, rusty, and this thing of trying to stay mentally focused is wearing quite thin, I have even lost patience with practicing my pitching and now the rods are just collecting dust along with the boat, I just can't have that anymore.
I look so forward to fishing with all of you guys this year, there are things that you and I have even talked about doing that I really cant wait for, I look oh so forward to catching my first ever smallie with you on the river this season, I look forward to the meet and greet, I hope to fish with Traveler again and Quanjig, and I hope to fish with many more this season, but my primary goal is simply getting back out there to Anna and get my groove on again, seeing that guy launch his girlfriend, and then seing the smile he had in releif as he made his cast afterward, was like something that rings a bell for me, it's time to launch all the troubles and get my butt out there again, In hindsite, I find it to be ironic that I try to help people be better when I myself am in need of help and can't help but think if what I am offering is to old and out dated, kinda like me LOL !!
Even though the post was FUNNY AS HELL, I also saw a wake up call with a message in there too !!!
Thanx buddy, I really really needed that !!!!