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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. If you are thinking about it, you will need an extra battery tray, a third battery and some extra cables, use caution though, make dang sure the batteries are all the same, using one smaller than the others or larger than the others can result in overheating. Orient the batteries in the boat as such and wire as such. 1) set the first battery in 2) set the second battery in so that the negitve terminal is close to the positive terminal on the first battery 3) set the third battery in so that the positive terminal is close to the negitive terminal on battery two Wireing, 1) run a cable from the negitive on the first battery to the positive on the second battery 2) run a cable from the negitive on the second battery to the positive on the third battery 3) the two remaining terminals will be the positive on your first battery and the negitive on your third battery, use these two terminals as your connection for the 36 volt connection. Read your owners manual for the 36 volt trolling motor, it will let you know what cable size is required in most cases, if not you can e-mail the manufacturer and get all the answers you will need, most of the time the cable size will need to match the plug in and you can use that as a guide, if your original cables from the batteries to the trolling motor are too small or smaller than the plug in cable or power supply cable, then you will need to up grade, using too small of a cable from the batteries will overheat the cables when you are asking for a lot of power or a lot of amperage from the trolling motor.
  2. Yes you are but what part are you torquing the bolts on? Some models have 2 seperate plates, one transom mount and one is incorporated as a unit, if yours is one unit it's 90lbs/feet, thats the reason for the question.
  3. I met him a long time ago, we have been best friends for years, although, I am not sure why but it seems he is always making me forget where I parked my car, He always empties my wallet, he is forever trying to make a fool out of me, he has even been known to make me sing from time to time, but he always makes me happy, I just wish I could remember what it was that I was trying to forget. LOL !!
  4. I have the pleasure of both, the Shennandoah runs for miles and miles and we never seem to fish all of it, I love to fish the river, it's home to so many secrets, but my favorite is fishing lakes, I love fishing deep structure, it's home to some of the biggest bass and you rarely if ever find someone doing the same thing you are, even when the lake is crowded, you find yourself all alone, with the exception of skiers and big boats during the busy season, that part of the lake is generally all yours, granted the bite is slower and fewer bass are caught, but the ones you do catch are on average larger.
  5. LMAO !!! If I tell you the truth, you will think I am lieing, if I lie I get ripped, I see no benefit in saying either way lol !! I will tell you this, you are supposed to get wiser with age, as we progress through life we learn to read everything first before we react, thats what instructions and directions are for, but there are cases that have shown some of us still don't pay attention to our schooling and years of experience, current thread is proof of that, you sir are a looser....and so too am I. BAHAHAHA !!!
  6. I can't, lollipops don't utilise telephones....but I can think of a few other things to call you
  7. Hey it's good to vent from time to time, there may be a thing or two in there that may help someone out in the near future. It's a sign of things to come though unfortunatly, I think a lot of us are going to feel this frustration at some point.
  8. Ha Ha !! Thats for sure, I have to tell ya, if I had the extra cash to visit you every weekend you want to go, I would still be broke LOL !! I will say this, I enjoy your company and your a great angler for sure, we have a lot in common and time will get us fishing together at some point, as soon as I can get back up on my feet here, we will fish again my friend, I look forward to the days !!!
  9. I walked out to the boat this past weekend, still covered up for the winter, as I reflect on the upcoming events with our Government, I could not help but wonder what this season would hold, Thursday is a day of deadlines for our Govenment, once again I await to see if my paycheck gets cut yet again, I had saved a few bucks for my birthday trip to my favorite lake over the last several months, a trip I have not been able to take for the past few years, it was just enough to get out for the day, I started to uncover the boat but thought I had better check the batteries first that I had stored for the winter, wouldn't you know it, sure enough both are shorted for the trolling motor, although the main battery seems to be in good shape, I walked over to my red truck to borrow the battery from it and low and behold, that one has also reached it's end as well, with the rising costs of everything, I knew this weekends planned fishing trip was a wash, so much for a birthday trip yet again. Last night I got a phone call from my really good friend as I was sitting in my chair watching the news, he has invited me to spend the weekend at the lake with him, a Saturday with just us and he has to go back to work on Sunday, he has opened up his offer by letting me use his boat for the rest of the weekend through Monday. If you know me, I am not the type too use someone elses equipment, I always feel bad about those sort of things, I feel as if I am taking advantage of something, but the offer was more than I could have ever wished for, I had found this type of thing twice on here with Zoff and Quanjig, both had offered their day with me on the water to be at their expence, nothing else but just simply come and enjoy the day with neither one asking for any monitary investment, nor would they take it as offered. I am once again reminded of the kind of people we are toward one another, even though you think times are rough, there are those suprising moments in life that just make you want to stop and give thanks for the kindness that people always seem to show, just a day on the water, it may not seem like much, but that escape from the pressures of everyday life, no matter how brief, always seem to renew the soul don't they, just hearing the wind as it whips by the rod as you cast, the spool buzzing off line as bait goes flying through the air, only to have your friend laugh at you for fishing in the trees, those moments are few and far between, enjoy them while you can. There may be another 4 years of high fuel costs and taxes etc..., it may last even longer, who really knows, but everyday I am thankful for the friendships I have made and the opportunities I have been blessed with, this site has also allowed me to make some really great friends to talk with and share a little about one another, and to also someday plan a get together, miles and miles and miles apart are we from one another, but yet we still share a smile and on some occasions a laugh or two, this site has opened new doors and allowed me to make some really great friends, some are still only through words, someday I hope to meet each and everyone of you and be able to return the same kindness, until then enjoy everything you have been blessed with and laugh as much as you can, we are not here for very long at all so make the most of it no matter your given situation. Untill that day comes, keep those baits in contact with something, get off those banks, thats what you purchased that boat for in the first place, enjoy the time and take the time too learn something new. Good luck and be safe !!!
  10. That right there is a good lookin ride !! Congrats !!! When are ya bringin it down so we can fish out of it LOL !!
  11. You can leave that part out, it won't offend me at all. Glad to hear the shoulder is healing up and I hope the doc finds out that it is something else other that a herniated disc, something not serious at all, get well soon !!!
  12. Yes, yes he is LOL !! I would be willing to place a bet that he has had to change his britches already once or twice too !! LOL !!
  13. Well, Thursday has come and gone and I don't see any pics of the new ride yet LOL !!!
  14. Shucks, that ain't nothin !! I do that in my sleep......then I wake up only to find....IM' MARRIED.....WITH CHILDREN !!! DUUUHHHHOOOO !! Kidz got skillz for sure !!!
  15. March, it's almost here !! Its' time for most of us to dust off the rods and start getting everything ready to hit the water, March is a time of thawing and warming up of our favorite waters, it's that short period of time we get to use for tracking the fishes movements from deep to shallow as they prepair for yet another spawn. Some of us have already experienced this event and some of us eagerly await the event. March, it's like that ol' firehouse from way back when, you know the one, the bell would ring and half the town would show up to put out the fire, some would watch and some would work and some would help with whatever they could, kind'a like a fishing tournament, once again the boats will roar to life as they gather for the seasons first event, once again they gather in a large pool of boat after boat, once again they take off one by one, hitting the trottle and setting sail for their first destination and their first fishing event of the season, each one hoping they will be the victor at days end, aaaaahhhhhh, I can smell the oil mixed fuel now !! Are you ready? Did you do your homework? cause it's time to show what you got, and give all those new lures and rods and reels a good workout that you got for Christmas, is this going to be the year for you? the year you will finally put all of it together and start to really figure out what you are doing and not give up? YES !! Yes it is, it's time to fish !!, it's time to not just show up, but to show off those new skills you worked on last season and over the winter, it's time to stop dreaming and start catching more fish !! WWWWWWWWWWHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOO HHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's time once again to get out there, throughout this season, I wish each and everyone of you that this season is the best one you have ever had, I hope you continue to grow and learn and most importantly, teach, pass along this awesome thing we like to do so much. I hope this season brings a lot more of us together and new friendships made that will last a life time, with lots of memories, especially ones that include some big ol' bass. To the events of the season, I hope the Roadtrip turns out to be the best one ever, it sure sounds like it's going to be, especially with so many states being represented this time around, be careful and have a safe trip to and from and enjoy the time while you are there, man I can't wait to see the video of this one !!!! Let the fun and the swearing begin !!! Good luck and be safe everybody !!!
  16. Ha Ha !! Does it sound like a sewing machine yet? lol ! If it would not be for that signature noise I don't think you would be able to hear them running, Great cars in my opinion.
  17. That is one sweet ride Sloan, I wish you the best of luck and I too hope it gives you a lot of really good memories ! Can't wait to see the one you picked out !
  18. You got it Zoff, I will keep in touch.
  19. Zoff, Why don't you go ahead and make some plans to fish Gaston if you want, they are calling for snow and sleet here on Friday, temps below freezing on Friday night, that will make the roads a little slow to travel Early Saturday morning, I was going to hold off till Thursday to see but it looks like the chances just keep increasing, it went from 30 to 60 percent in just two days. I will shoot you a text too to make sure you get this. Thanx for the offer Zoff, we will try again soon.
  20. Nice ride and great story man !! Thanks a lot for sharing that with us !!!
  21. I got a couple of pics last night before the sun went down, sorry about the pics but my cell just wont take good pictures at all. This is my F-150, we used to have a 27 ft camper, I pulled it with the Jeep for about a year, but we were limited as to where we could go, to make it short and sweet....the Jeep didn't like it, so I needed a truck, this truck originally came from Mass. This is our 96 Jeep, yes the same one that pulled the old camper, if you look you can see the back end of the Mustang and part of the camper we have, I tried to get a pic of the Mustang but they did not turn out at all, too dark. This is my F-250, I love this truck as much as I love my F-150
  22. Nope ! I got it too, he likes to mate with diesels HA !!!!
  23. I am an automotive tech and shop forman for a Chevrolet/Cad dealer here in Va. I have been the field since 1972, I work with 16 techs, I take care of their training, tools, CSI, and handle all of the major problem vehicles if the tech has an issue with one, I fix anything that goes wrong in the shop from computers to cars to air compressors, quality control is one of my top priorities in making sure the car or truck is fixed right the first time. I also teach diesel classes at a local technical center here at nights and on the weekends I can be found in my yard working on my passion, boats, I love the marine industry, I don't know why though.
  24. Yea, well, you are stuck with the same old pain in the a## job so get over it BAHAHA !!!!
  25. Uuuummmmm Goose .......... are you gonna let us in on your little secret? Ok I will force the issue and ask the question, whats the deal with the roll cage man? Nice fishing gear by the way !!
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