Very nice !!! Hang in there that day will come sooner than later now that she has her own set up's, really nice story !!!
My youngest daughter, now 19, she was 17 at the time, was scared to do any of this until one day she asked to tow the boat, we have been practicing in an empty parking lot for a few weeks before our first trip to the lake that we scheduled for her to tow the boat over, I told her if she is serious about this then that means she does it all, and she was all for it, well long story short, she backed in that morning with very little pressure at the ramp, when we got back to load up it was a totally different story, at first she did not have the confidence and did not want to go get the truck, I told her we were going to set here until she did because that was the deal, she finally worked up the courage to go get the truck and pulled down to the ramp, as she arrived at the ramp another truck pulled right in front of her, it took this guy about ten minutes to get his empty trailer in the water to load his boat, 3 more trucks waited in line behind my daughter as this guy tried and tried to get the trailer in the water, she called me on the phone and asked if she had enough room to get our trailer in, I said yes but it would be really tight, just wait a few and we would be next, well she said I have 3 more behind me, if you think it will fit I would like to try, I said, show em' what you got then, she pulled up while we were talking and all she asked was am I up far enough, I replied yes and she backed it in from there, 2 minutes I was loaded and up off the water, there were literally inches between the two truck mirrors, as I ratcheted my bow strap, guy's were already coming up to the truck and telling her what a great job she had done, as we pulled out to the strap down area she had a crowd of guy's and gal's around the truck congradulating her on how well she did, I was and still am one proud dad, of course it helps I guess because she gets her good looks from me !!!
I share your pride that we have in our girls, congrats !!!