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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Stainless props are awesome for sure, but the one thing to be careful or mindful of here is for the added strength you get means there has to be a trade off somewhere and it usually ends up being gear fractures or shaft damage.
  2. Nice, very very nice !!! You have worked long and hard for her I am sure, I hope it brings as much joy and excitement as it does on this day for many many years Sloan. Congrats !!!
  3. No electronics either, $500 just after the sale seems shady to me, I did not see anywhere where it said it could be refunded if you were not satisfied with the boat, unless I looked over it, regardless, If I can't drive it first, it's not worth much at all, I will say she is a good lookin ride though.
  4. Thats a good question, it really depends on the amount of time, wind conditions and how they favor your fishing, there are a lot of factors to consider, but the most important is how hard do you use the trolling motor each outing, is the current battery size you are using completely drained after each trip?
  5. I would suggest taking the battery back, in my opinion, there are two reasons here, 1 being the reference to what BKieth had mentioned, I really don't think you are going to get that 15 to 20% on top of what the battery is rated for, for optimum life, 2 is that it is the wrong kind of battery for the application, since you already have had to bring it back from roughly half to start with, the battery I feel in my opinion is already damaged to a degree right off the bat, those dual purpose batteries are truely not built for that and usually do not last as a trolling motor battery. If you have not used it yet, only charged it, the store may be willing to exchange it for a deep cycle battery, just be sure to check the date and have them check the battery before you leave with it if that is an option to you, which in my opinion is something they should have done in the first place.
  6. If I may ask, first of all what are you using the battery for? If you are using the battery for the wrong application you are simply waisting your hard earned bucks and it wont give you the satisfaction you are looking for, thats the biggest reason why I am asking. It really depends on the battery tester that they use, I am unfamilure with their test equipment, take the battery to a battery mart or someone who specializes in batteries, sales and service, they will be able to give you a much more definitive answer, Autozone may be bias and tell you their battery is fine to avoid having to return the battery for any given reason, if you know the employee's personally it may be easier to work with them but for an honest opinion and peace of mind I would look to an outside source for the test.
  7. Generally, lead acid batteries are classified into two groups, starting batteries and deep cycle batteries. Starting batteries, commonly called SLI, which stands for Starting, Lighting and Ignition are designed to deliver quick bursts of energy. Deep cycle batteries are designed to withstand continuous discharge cycles. Starting batteries are commonly used to start combustion engines. Because they are designed to delivery short, but high bursts of current, these batteries feature a greater number of thin lead battery plates in order to discharge energy quickly over a short period of time. Starting batteries are not designed to handle multiple discharges. In fact, SLI batteries will only tolerate being completely discharged a handful of times before damaging the battery and decreasing the battery life. Deep cycle batteries feature thicker lead battery plates which help make these types of batteries more resilient to deep discharges. However, deep cycle batteries cannot provide quick bursts of current like starting batteries, which make the less likely to be used for starting combustible engines. Deep cycle batteries can still be used as starter batteries, but a higher battery capacity (Ah rating) should be selected. Some batteries, such as "marine", are classified as dual pro purpose, or dual purpose, meaning these batteries can be used for both starting and deep cycle applications. Typically, dual purpose batteries have thinner battery plates than "true" deep cycle batteries, which make these batteries more prone to battery damage and shortened battery life, which sounds like the one you purchaced. I agree with BKeith and take that battery back, I do not know what the intention is that you have in mind for this battery but hopefully a little extra general knowledge of battery type and what they are intended for may help as well.
  8. No not at all, I personally have learned a lot from this guy, Structure has taken on a whole new meaning for me and has given my fishing a whole new outlook on how I should approach structure, I have not seen him post in quite some time, and to be honest I am glad to see he is still here. Both him and his friend "fishfordollars", even though he is no longer with us, have both influenced my fishing tremendously, I personally put a lot of my faith in fishing into what we discuss and I look forward to going to a lake with his hints, putting a plan together and trying to figure out what catt is speaking of gives me a challange, this guy makes you work to be better, he gives us just enough to make you think and learn for yourself, When you have a problem with what he is talking about he has no issue with talking you through it with in depth discussions. Five words or 100, I take each under consideration and learn something from what he has to offer.
  9. Just one ?? What happened to the other three boxes ??? lol !!!
  10. So I take that as I'LL SEE YA NEXT YEAR !!! LMAO !!! As for the Roadtrip, I am trying my best, but don't count on it this year big guy, I won't give up and I am still working toward it, but if you could do me a favor and put a bug in Glenn's ear that we have some prime and very challenging fishing waters here in Va that you could try your luck at for next years Roadtrip, we may just get to have a whole week to get ourselves in trouble LOL !!! Tell the Mrs. that she gave me a good laugh too would you please !!
  11. Yes like that one there, Thanx Sloan !!!! By the way that one looks like it's seen a sand bar or two LOL !!
  12. Exactly, I don't want to suggest using something like that without it.
  13. And just where have you been ?????????? I have been so waiting to see you post on here again big guy !!!!!!!! Welcome back !!!!!!! My apologies, I do not mean to interupt this thread.
  14. Very nice !!! Hang in there that day will come sooner than later now that she has her own set up's, really nice story !!! My youngest daughter, now 19, she was 17 at the time, was scared to do any of this until one day she asked to tow the boat, we have been practicing in an empty parking lot for a few weeks before our first trip to the lake that we scheduled for her to tow the boat over, I told her if she is serious about this then that means she does it all, and she was all for it, well long story short, she backed in that morning with very little pressure at the ramp, when we got back to load up it was a totally different story, at first she did not have the confidence and did not want to go get the truck, I told her we were going to set here until she did because that was the deal, she finally worked up the courage to go get the truck and pulled down to the ramp, as she arrived at the ramp another truck pulled right in front of her, it took this guy about ten minutes to get his empty trailer in the water to load his boat, 3 more trucks waited in line behind my daughter as this guy tried and tried to get the trailer in the water, she called me on the phone and asked if she had enough room to get our trailer in, I said yes but it would be really tight, just wait a few and we would be next, well she said I have 3 more behind me, if you think it will fit I would like to try, I said, show em' what you got then, she pulled up while we were talking and all she asked was am I up far enough, I replied yes and she backed it in from there, 2 minutes I was loaded and up off the water, there were literally inches between the two truck mirrors, as I ratcheted my bow strap, guy's were already coming up to the truck and telling her what a great job she had done, as we pulled out to the strap down area she had a crowd of guy's and gal's around the truck congradulating her on how well she did, I was and still am one proud dad, of course it helps I guess because she gets her good looks from me !!! I share your pride that we have in our girls, congrats !!!
  15. Very first thing is patience !!! You must be very patient when fishing for bass, give yourself a chance to learn, don't just give up on a bait in the first ten minutes, experiment with one bait and grow from there, my first suggestion would be the T-Rigged worm and or a creature bait like a lizard or a craw, start small and get your confidence gathered up, when you can go to that lake and know when the time is right to catch a few on each, then it's time to try something new, but don't let these 2 or 3 be your confidence baits, you must have confidence in everything you fish with, this includes your mentality, so start small and grow, everything will come to you much, much easier if you take your time.
  16. As far as the paint goes you really need to scrape a small area to see if there are multiple coats, if so, I would like to suggest getting some aircraft paint stripper, you can usually pick this up at your local Autozone store, but first I have a question, is this project being done with access to the outdoors close by?
  17. NO WAY !!! IT'S GOHTI'S B-DAY?????? Happy birthday big guy !!!! I am actually sitting here at the table having a nice cold bud, I raise my bottle to you my friend and wish you all the best, many many more happy birthdays, I wish I could be there to help celebrate this one with you, mine is on Monday, maybe next year eh !!!...............do you think your wife will bail us out of jail if we have too much fun though ?? Happy birthday Ghoti !!!
  18. Most all props spin clockwise as you are facing them in forward gear, but it would be better to know the drive system that you have and even a picture of the prop as you are facing it would be even more helpful.
  19. I hope you enjoy it, let me know how it turns out for ya and what you used it for. By the way, I tried your recipie in my dutch oven, that was really good, thank you for sharing that with us !!! It's going in the camping recipie book for sure !!
  20. I think I am just going to get 4 cases of bud....that should cover at least one day...........maybe two if I can resist the urge LOL !!
  21. I just heard the silliest thing, they are now forcasting the storm to move more eastward, now they are forcasting the storm to get right over top of Va. and stall giving my area a chance at 2 feet of snow....minimum BAHAHAHA !! Either the forcasters are crazy or if I am going to be stuck in the house with my wife, I am going to go crazy...please dear God.......NNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!
  22. The best way is to just hook it, one charger to one battery, if there is too big of a descrepency between the two the bank charger may end up damaging the battery, it's not that it can't be done that way, it's just much safer to have it on one battery.
  23. Roughly, I think the best answer here would be to have them as close as possible, one concern I would have if they did differ too much is that depending on the users type of charger, the overcharge protector may not be of use and could result in damaging one if not both of the batteries.
  24. Ha !! took a little out of ya there did it LOL !! For me I would have to agree with Sloan, If you are really thinking this will be your life time boat, save your money and wait to get one like Sloans, The Lund boat is one of the best on the market right now and provides you with all of the features you described you would like to have, take a strong look at them and I think you will be pleasantly suprised. It makes no difference how much money you spend, but it makes a huge difference as to what you spend it on.
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