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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Good advise here as well, but I will offer a different side to this also, I have heard horror stories coming from places like these, UTI, NASCAR, etc... you and your parents spend a butt load of cash for these schools and come away with no more than what you can get at your local community collage for a whole lot less money, it sounds like clayton did his homework and found a good school, most of the young fellows that come through here from one of those training programs can not even tell me how to read a fluke meter in an interview, so whatever career path you choose, do your homework and find a good school. By the way Congrats on graduation !!!!!
  2. Like you I started in 1972, sweeping floors, performing full service work at a local gas station, then it was on to changing oil, and building from there, today I still work on cars for a Chevrolet dealership, I am a shop forman and have been for the past 15 years, during that time I have also been in the marine industry as well, both vehicles and vessels have come a long way since then, but if you are still thinking about a career in the industry, get away from places like that and find a better place to hone your skills, it may be a great place to work and maybe a lot of fun, but I can say that I still love what I do, there is not much in the way of mechanical issues that happen as they did way back when, but more along the lines of software and electrical issues, with the introduction of hybrid vehicles, there are always new challanges, Diesels and electric vehicles are where you should focus if you choose to follow this career. Computers are ever evolving so I would think a field such as that one may be of interest, but whatever you choose I wish you the best of luck !!!
  3. X2, now you have 4 cents !
  4. My dad was my fishing mentor, I still have my Berkley cherry spinning rod at home, the very first "real" fishing rod I ever got, I was 9yrs old at the time. I just have to say that db is doing a fantastic job with his videos, I love what you are doing here db and thanx for sharing everything !!! Be sure to pass along many thanks to the anglers that allows us to be a part of it as well if you would please !!!
  5. It don't get much better than that guys nice job all !!! One more thing to think about, the age of the dock, the older the better, the older the dock the more likly it's going to have algae built up on it, algae will attract bait fish.
  6. This is one I like for grass, it's a 3/4 oz weedless spoon Either that or I like to throw a lipless crank just cruising the very top of the grass as well as what others have mentioned.
  7. Just do what you do best and do it to the best of your abilities, be with the ones you love and love the ones your with, all great quotes and certainly words we can choose to live by. We need to be more aware of our own surroundings, be thankful for what you have and soak up every minute of it, don't let your focus be on material things that others may or may not have, you have your own creations to be much more involved with and they should be your point of focus, your success and failures are not measured by them, rather they are shared by them, what you teach is what they will learn. Enjoy what has been given to you and work for what you enjoy to share with them.
  8. First of all, is always and formost safety !! Not only are you looking at the boat but the trailer as well, do you have a vehicle that can safely tow this boat? you need to be thinking about everything and family too. Once you decide you really want to expand your fishing onto bigger waters, make sure the boat is big enough to handle the waters you want to fish, rough waters in a small boat can get you in trouble in a big hurry. When you think about used boats, your first question is, how do I know I am getting my moneys worth? you really don't know, unless the seller keeps a transaction history, services, repairs, all are part of helping you be a little more comfortable when considering a used boat, things like keeping it in a garage or under a quality cover will indicate how much or how well the seller took care of his or her investment. What are some things to look for in a used boat? The best advise here will be to consider the size of the water you are going to fish first, DO NOT settle for an under powered vessel, or too small of a vessel, a modified "v" hull may be the boat you need, but how stable will it be on rough waters, think about the worst conditions and look at the boat and see if you think it will handle those conditions on the waters you want to fish, same goes for the trolling motor, is it strong enought to move that vessel out of harms way if need be. What are some plus items? overall condition would be my first, larger than needed trolling motor, deck space, storage space, it really depends on the application your looking for. Run away fast? you will know, but things that stick out in my mind are things like a clear title, a pushy seller, wood rot, rusty areas, trashy looking boat in general, no title and "im selling it for a friend" are sure ways to make me turn around and say have a good day. As far as the test drive is concerned, as long as you have access to a good marine tech that you can have look over the craft and be able to give you an honest opinion, then the test drive will be up to you, me personally, if the seller is willing to haul it to a lake that far away, then take him or her out to lunch for doing so or comp in some way you are comfortable with, but in my opinion, this option is the best way to know for sure this is the boat you will be most satisfied with and have the most peace of mind with. Always keep in mind that when owning a used boat, even after all is said and done and everything goes flawlessly, it's a mechanical thing, it can and most likly will give you some sort of issue the next time out, it does not mean the seller tried to rip you off in most cases, just look for boats that have been well taken care of and if at all possible have the records to prove it too, always have the option to have a qualified tech look it over and offer a solid opinion, in short give YOURSELF the best peace of mind you can for the investment you wish to make.
  9. X2 Congrats !!!!!! Good luck and be safe !!!
  10. No they are not that difficult to work on, the 150 GT's used to give some issues way back then, but I have not seen a ton of them for reliability issues, other than owner neglect, its one of the most common engines out there, so you should be good.
  11. First of all, you really need to go see the boat in person, safety is the most important thing here first, then make sure it's the one that fits you and how you fish, is there enough room on the deck etc...if you like what you see, then check out the rest of the boat, listen to it run, check all the electrical stuff, check the steering and throttle cables etc...if that all checks good, including the trailer, have the seller take you for a ride, fish from it for an hour or two if you can, see how the engine refires after a good run and heat soak, work the trolling motor, if it all checks out and you like it, of course you like it or you would have never made it to this point, talk pricing with the seller, or if you think it to be worth the asking price then by all means pay what you feel is a fair price for the boat. I always buy the seller lunch or something for taking me out, if I buy the boat or not, just good relations, but thats up to you.
  12. Sounds like a fair price if it really is in that good of shape, how about the trailer, did the seller or your friend say anything about that? I would venture where the boat is and take a good look at it myself, having gone through your first resto, you should be able to make a great assumption as to what kind of shape this boat really is in and go from there. Everyone should have their own boat for sure, I could not be a partner with someone, it would drive me loony toons not to have my own ride lol !!
  13. Keep an eye on yourself for us and keep us posted buddy, glad to hear the doctors are saying "good so far", but you know your body better than even the doctors do, if something aint right don't hesitate to get your butt back in there !!!!! Also check your messages, I text you a couple of times to see how you were getting along and have not heard back, glad to see you posting !!!
  14. LMAO !!!!! That would not be a story about you now would it? LOL !!!
  15. I don't push my boat at all......I bought a truck to tow it with, life is so much easier now in my older years !
  16. The best thing that worked for me was to slow way down between casts, start using your baits with much slower presentations, especially if you are coming up empty handed, if you get one of those days where it's fish after fish, then enjoy the pain, it's worth it lol !! Working a new bait like a crank bait can be exhausting, but one that you will get used too, matching the right rods and reels to your approach will also help, a slow speed reel on a crank bait when you need fast action will wear on you and your equipment in a days time.
  17. Growing up in the city in the 60's, there were many, many ways to get a fix of some sort, you get mixed up in a group of friends, who you find that really are not your friends after all, it's the inner voice that becomes what you make of it, it's your inner strenght that helps you to overcome, I get how hard it is to get off the pill, the needle, the pipes, the bottles. I commend your brother for staying straight, it's a tough, tough, battle between him and the addiction, I hope his strength continues to grow each and every day. How do we do this to ourselves, we are each responsible for our own actions and each of us react in a different way, it's not that life itself or the problems we have are to blame all the time, but merely the excuse that often accompanies the addiction, it may have helped to get us through a tough patch or simply picked ones self up, or just simply tried it for the very first time, it's the brain that needs that reaction, it's a lot tougher than one thinks, trying to retrain your brain in most cases, it takes so much out of ones self and everyone around that person, I only hope and wish all of you who fight, that you win all of your battles.
  18. Easy, "Bounty Hunter" by Molly Hatchet
  19. I like to throw a bigger more visable bait, I like the 5 1/2 in Lake Fork Flutter spoon when they get broken up like that, or a c-rig with an 11 inch worm like the Anoconda, or you can get right over top of them and vertically jig the spot with a drop shot as well, there is a number of ways that can be effective. I agree with others, marking your spot is critical, but you also have to go back and make sure the school is still in the same place from time to time. Glad to hear you are finding some success, keep up the great work !!!! Good luck and be safe !!!
  20. WOW!!!! Nice job there buddy!!!! Those are some nice lookin fish ya got there, glad to hear and see how much fun your having, thanx for sharing and I wish you much continued success!
  21. I have a question if I may, we are only talking about LMB here I assume, but there are other species of bass that we can include can we not? If we are talking about LMB then we are also referring to a lake I assume, they can only move so far from one end of the lake to the other, if we include Striper in this conversation, they use currents and other things in the oceans and bays to migrate from one area to others, am I way off base here? Confinement to an area no matter the size, to me if a "group" of fish move from one area to another would still be considered a migration of some sort or at least I would think.
  22. HHHHMMMMMMM, They wern't female's too were they? sure they were looking in the right area? LOL !! Glad to hear you will take it easy, at least until the doc says you can go, very wise decision on your part, I am wanting to get up there soon and visit with ya and get the skinny on that place and the campground, but things are so freakin busy around here I can never seem to find the time, but if you don't mind some company we will set a date before too long ok !! Take good care of yourself until then !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  23. You be careful there now Eric, I know you want to get out there again, but dag nabbit you must remain around people for a while and let this med do its job, As tolorated means by you.....but in your case it could mean both lol !! Stay home and make me some more spinner baits or something, I am glad to hear you were released, thats a real good indication, I hope, of how well you are getting along, take it easy for a while and relax and enjoy what your family has to offer, spend some time with the grandchildren, the last thing you want is to end up in that place again with bigger problems. We kinda like having you around buddy, so don't do anything by yourself for a while......don't make me come up there, you know what kind of effect you Northerners have on my blood pressure !!! lol !!
  24. Good to see your get up and go has not got up and went bud lol! Somehow I can see you having some fun with this ....I am not responsible for what I say thing , hhhhmmm, must be some pretty nurses taking care of you!
  25. Been texting the big guy, he is on pain meds and in and out of conversations with all that is going on, I found out which hospital he is in and the room number too for anyone interested. Civista Medical Center in LaPlata Md. Room # 3208
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