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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. I do remember where you are located lol! If a couple or a few gallons is no big deal then yes you can get the 200 if you wish, breaking it down there is really not a big difference if your only talking a couple of weekends, here and there, if your talking running miles at a wide open pace every weekend then yes it will be significant, but for what conditions you are describing, there wont be a significant difference imo.
  2. Hope all goes well for you !!! Can't wait for the report !!! Good luck and be safe !!!
  3. This is something you will have to see for yourself, even though the boats sound like they are in good condition, I do not trust what they say until I see them for myself, as for the difference between length and engine size, you really won't notice a "huge" difference, so to speak, but the difference may be just enough to make you swing one way or the other, once you get them on the water you will notice the total difference between the two. If the 150 will work just fine for you vs. the 200, then it may come down to parts and the prices of parts for each, you may want to look up some things just to use as a comparison and how available some of those parts might be, like power packs for example, lower units, etc...the 150's in my area are quite common and I can locate parts almost anywhere, usually it ends up being cheaper than fixing a 200, don't just stop there though, look up parts for each of the vessels and see which is easier, that may also help with the decision. The beam on the 19' vs. the 18' "may" be something you find interesting, a little more room on the deck could be something worth thinking about but here again it's something you will need to investagate for yourself, It's the little things that may not be so little too you, that you will find helps with that decision. Plan a day and go see them both before you start even thinking about either one of these boats, there may be some things you like about each and some you wont, but until you see them up close, you will have nothing to do but wonder about each.
  4. Awesome !!! Thanks for the report Spropro, Only 3 more months until we all get together and have some big 'ol fun !!!! I don't know about you guys but I am starting to get excited !!!!!
  5. My dad got me started, Bass Resource keeps me in it, what has this place not given me should be the question, I have shared personal things and fishing things and in some cases both, no other site I could ever imagine doing such things with. It's brought my family closer together with a lot of the things I have learned, it has not been just about fishing, but it's also been about new friendships. It's opening a post and reading responses, some, you wish you never read, like Raiders Thongs lol !!, some are funny as they can be, some are just what you needed, but all have been there to help you succeed, in laughter, in fishing, in life, this place always brings a smile in some form or another. I think, if I may use a caption, DB said it best, there are " little bit's of wonderful " would be the best way I could put a description to this site and what it has done for me.
  6. Straight A's while working toward a goal is not easy at all, I commend you for that, thats a lot of hard work in and of itself !!! Congrats !!! Now you get to relax a little and do some fishing in a very good looking ride, kids like you are rare and I would assume mom and dad are pretty proud of what you have accomplished as well as you should be too !!! Awesome job on both the grades and the ride, I hope it brings you many years of enjoyment for all the hard work !!! Don't forget to post some pics of the first fish from that ride !!!!!!
  7. Points Points are my biggest secret to success, not just above the water line but below.
  8. If you are using the same bait, it's probably the technique that is your issue, you may want to pay attention to what he or she is doing differently than you, it could be as small as the bait entry to the water, take a moment and step back and learn what he or she is doing that you are not. Frustration is a key to let you know that things need to change, it makes you loose focus on what really matters most, concentrate and slow down, unloading your tackle box says that you have lost that focus, pay attention to your surroundings and adjust accordingly.
  9. If you don't know a lake then maybe, I would agree there is no doubt that fishing cover like docks can and will be productive, with all of the answers that have been provided, it would be up to the angler to locate the most productive docks, a little talk to the locals to find out where tournaments are held and where the fish are released may be a good option since most are held in larger creek channels, my thoughts would be yes if your out for fun then fish all the ones you can, but for a tournament, I would be looking for ones that have feeder creeks, ones where tournaments are based out of, ones that are nestled against some more vertical structure etc....to give yourselves the best chances if that's all one would plan to fish, even though one is not familiar with the waters there is always options imo to give us the best chance possible, docks are usually almost always productive, looking at and fishing the best ones will help you increase your odds of being more successful.
  10. That's a once in a life time car, he knows it too, if you really want it , you need to quit trying to buy it at a junk yard price, everyone loves a great deal for sure but the only great deal in this case would be you being its second owner. If you really want the car, go spend some time with the man, make sure he knows what your intentions are with the car, let him know you guys can take her out for a spin anytime, there is a 69 Mach1 with a 429 Cobra sitting not far from my house sitting under a tree just rotting away, I know how you feel when you see things like this and they wont budge, good luck to ya Bobby, I hope he sells it to ya some day!
  11. X2, the trip I took with you on the res made me think about this very thing all the way home.
  12. Man I hate to hear that, one of Nascars best when Nascar was at its best, thoughts and prayers to his family and friends.
  13. I know, but it never hurts to make a wish LOL !! So when do we normally see a decision as to where it will be for the following year?
  14. BAHAHAHA !!! Bring me back a monkey !!!!!
  15. It really depends on what boat you get, there are a ton of them out there that will give you years and years of care free service, I have had my little 1990 Nitro for twelve years or close to it, it has rarely cost me money, and yet even the cost has not been big things, don't let what can go wrong with a boat keep you from enjoying the waters you want to fish.
  16. Yep, I think I can, or I am going to give it my best shot anyway, never seen the place before my very first trip there, spent the first day scouting from the local talk and learned a lot from them and from the lake, spent 2 days on the water and almost won big fish on that Tuesday night tourny lol !! I don't think there are any spots in Claytor, no one mentioned any and the VDGIF does not show any records, not to say they are not there though, anyway I will send you a PM with what I have learned.
  17. I vote for Smith Mountain Lake or Kerr Lake (Buggs Island) if we are hinting around, I WILL beat 00 and be the first to sign up if that happens LOL !!
  18. They are still there, trust me, maybe a little rusty but still there, you will do just fine I am sure.
  19. Very cool man !!! Thank you much for the vote and your willigness to have someone aboard, look forward to meeting you !!
  20. You live in Canada, what in the world do they need with a refrigeration mechanic LOL !! It stays cold up there, too cold for me anyway !!!
  21. As a dad of two girls my self, I commend you for taking the family approach and have all involved in the discussion, it's not that I disagree with you at all, I just take a much more direct approach, you took an approach as a caring dad and mom, something we need a lot more of today, I am VERY PROTECTIVE of my girls even though they are now 24 and 19, I know what you dads are going through, especially as they start to express their freedoms. I also commend the young man for showing up in the first place, that shows a little respect and that his parents must have done something somewhat right, I hope you made him pee his pants, thats always funny !!!
  22. Is it for both SMB and LMB?
  23. AWESOME !!!! How many seats would you have open Vekol? 1 or 2? We need a couple more boaters with open seats here guys if you would please !!
  24. Towing a small trailer is nothing, but backing one is a different story, it's not that it's difficult to learn, the difficult part is not being able to see the thing until it's too late and you have to pull forward again and again, small trailers are a pain because they get around on you so quick. Good news is all you need to do is put a marker on each side that you can visably see in your mirrors, these let you know exactly where the trailer is without even seeing the trailer at all, you can find them almost anywhere or you can make them yourself.
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