Guys , I really can't say what this place means to me and how special it really is , to be able to go from a bank beater , to boat owner, to bank beater again from a boat and then finding out what having a boat really means to bass fishing was to say the least one of the greatest experiences of my life , and one I will cherish for the rest of my life !!!
I don't think I will be gone forever, however I truly can't answer that right now , I still have a goal that has not been met yet and that is to attend a Roadtrip , I don't see that happening anytime soon or at least for the next couple of years .
When I am able to come back , I want to be able to contribute as much as I receive , a lot is going on right now , but family life is strong and full of joy , so no worries , as long as we all have that we will be fine .
To all of you who have posted , thank you so very much , it means the world to me to know that I am thought of this way and I will remember that when I am blessed enough to get on the water again.
I want to leave you all with a little something I learned from catt.
Stop looking at the water with your eyes , open your minds to the deep waters and her secrets that they hold , see with your hands what your bodies of water can tell you , stop wondering if you can and believe that you can , there is a whole other universe , a completely different angle to being an angler .
Catt, you are the one responsible for making me fish where no other anglers were fishing , I swear there was a moment on the bow of that boat that you could have been in the water , grabbed the boat and turned it around and pushed it in the right direction , much like a moment you would turn a child in a tube on the water , that moment was one of the most significant I have ever had as an angler , I will never forget that nor will I ever stop learning from it , thank you my friend !
Fly , the Redskins are going to the Super Bowl , the path goes through Philly , I hope your wearing your big boy pull-ups cause your gonna need em ! I will be thinking of you both of those games !!
Sam , thank you !! You have got to be one of the most informed people I have ever met and one of the funniest !!!
Quan, the best dang angler as a whole I have ever had the pleasure of fishing with , we will bend a rod or two again , next time I will try to be a little more prepared , and yes I think I still have your number but please feel free to shoot me a text since I had to get a new phone !
Traveler , I vow to make that trip someday , you can find out first hand just how mentally unstable I can be !! Lol !
St. Sloan , thanks for the blessing , I will be collecting by the way !! HA !
Jf10, there is no better guy that I have shared sooooo many laughs with and so much more , you are a great friend to have and one I hope to never meet , my god just think of the trouble we would be in lol !!
Jeff, like I said , there is one more goal , I will continue to strive for that Roadtrip , maybe by then I can come back focused and sharper than ever , there is nothing more that I would like to do than to finally meet the man behind that great big smile you always seem to have !!!
God bless you all !!