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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Thanks , much appreciated !!
  2. CONGRATS ON A SWEET LOOKIN RIDE !!!!! May it bring you much happiness and many good memories !!
  3. AWESOME JOB SHIMMY !!!! Absolutely loved it , thanks for sharing it with us !!
  4. Ice that is , that stuff reeks havoc on everything !
  5. 1/2 INCH ???? PHEW !! You all be safe and I hope you do not get what they are calling for .
  6. Think he will be as good at asking the pros what kind of ice cream is there favorite as you are someday do ya? BAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!
  7. Road to the superbowl !!! Go Skins !!! WWWWOOOOOHHHHOOO !!.... Oh wait , I came in a little late huh . Or am I a year early ??? WWWOOOOHHHOOOOO !!!!
  8. Thanks , thats a dang nice smallie your holding in your avatar !!! I wish you well and be sure to snag one of those brownies for me would ya !! I have yet to get one of those , 40 years , and still no smallie !
  9. I figured my spool would have to be loose, I just kept getting P-O. I will need to work on honing my thumb this winter even more. I like the milk jug idea, and I can already see the look on my wife's face when she sees THAT! Ha. I'm just kidding, she's very supportive, but she thinks some of the practicing I do is funny to watch. I'm sure the neighbors get a good kick out of it too. You should see the look on my wifes face when I practice using the swimming pool !! LOL !! What ever you decide , make sure you elevate yourself a couple of feet , just as you would be standing on the front of your boat . Take your time , try not to pitch to hard , use a smooth uppward motion by using your wrist , not your whole arm , let the rod do the work . Glenn's video's are amazing to learn from , eventually you will get it and eventually you will get good at it .
  10. In pitching I like my spool set loose , the key in not getting backlash or as we like to call it , professional over run , is making sure you have your thumb in the correct location on the spool , the way I guage it is to have the bend of my thumb on the release , allowing the bottom of my thumb to control the spool . The way I practice is to cut milk jugs in half , fill them with water and place them in a circular pattern out in front of you , much like you are standing at home plate on a baseball field and looking at the three bases , I use 6 at 25 feet to start and as you get good at accomplishing hitting each target , downsize the target and hone in on presision , like 4 inch PVC pipe , then you can start to move the targets around at different distances .
  11. Someday big guy we shall meet , I would like that day to be in person , if not , I shall look forward to sitting on a bank on high and sharing a cast with you ! Well said , I feel the same way , I spoke with Traveler at our meet and greet , I asked what everyone was like , he spoke highly of all of you and it just makes me want to attend one even more . Thanks , I am truly blessed , I feel we all are blessed to have found this place .
  12. Your first mistake is comparing boat to boat , it's never ever the boat from one brand to another , it's the boat that suites your needs , forget about names , take it fishing , does it suit your needs as an angler ? Does it perform the way you expect it to ? Does it give you the freedom of which you desire ? Point blank ... Does it catch fish for you ? Brands are just brands , find a boat that suites your needs , does EXACTLY what you ask of it , anything else does not matter , I am a Nitro Freak , I will push opinions on you all day long , but in the end , tell me what you intend to do with the boat , do you want it to catch fish for you or do you want it to use to catch fish for you ? No matter the brand , no matter the extras , are you happy with the way it provides a great fishing platform all around ? Fish from it and decide for yourself , imperfections can be addressed , perfections on the water in your feel can not .
  13. NO S**T RIGHT !!!! LOL !!!
  14. I wear my sunglasses at night .... HA !!! Congrats man , hope they work out well for you !
  15. I do not want to know what life will be like without my baby girl Zoe , she is my pride and joy my beautiful golden , she is a golden retriever , but near the end , I feel for you man , I truly do , if one ounce of comfort finds you may it be that your companion is with our father , in peace and in no pain , thoughts and prayers are with you and your family !
  16. I sent you a PM my friend , thank you !!!
  17. HA !! Ain't that the truth !!! Thanks K_Mac !!!!
  18. I would absolutly love that !!! ..... well as long as you don't try to box my ears , LOL , that stuff hurts like HE** !!
  19. You are so very right in the fact that a little fishing time would ease tensions , free the mind , calm the spirit , shucks , even getting the poles out to practice pitching does that and I could do it for hours and enjoy the heck out of it . I won't go into details , but right now , there is just no way , for now this is my out , this is my first step up a long flight of stairs , just being here talking about fishing , takes me to another place , I know that if I wanted too , I could open up and get responces from a great group of people that I know care a great deal about this community of ours , just as I do . I would much rather laugh with you , joke with you , help you in some way to find fish if I can , I want you , all of you , to have the drive and determination to go out there with all the confidence you deserve . Thanks Red , I appreciate it !!!
  20. Lots of great reads in here , some I hope to get myself , nothing but nothing beats applying that theology on the water though, don't let all the good reading go to waist , spend time on the water as you go through these books , read some , fish some , read some , fish some more , get a feel for the author and what he/she is relaying to you , the books will make much more sense in this manner and don't forget to take the book with you .
  21. Well I guess there is still room for discussion for sure , but really , is there any use ? it's time to work on next years possibilities , who knows what the plans are at this point .
  22. Thanks man !! I have not forgotten your offer , I picked up a free 6HP for my port-a-jon , needs work of course but someday it will launch at the Quan with you !!
  23. Sam, I don't really know when the next adventure will be , but the way I see it , if I can't fish then hopefully I can help the next guy , if not , maybe I can give a smile or a laugh , anyway you look at it , it's all good !!! Thanks J. !! The road trip , someday Ace , someday !!! Really !! the Redskins ?? come on man , what is there to talk about ? LOL !!! Although your Eagles are doing well, I wish you all the best this season !! I know , I know , maybe one day I will get my crap together !!! LOL !!
  24. Thanks RNF !!!
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