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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. You are correct to assume that the bass will not be below the thermocline , in most cases , this is a true statement , bass will venture below the thermocline but they in essence would have to hold their breath , it's just too uncomfortable for them , the ways you can fish for suspended bass will vary , me personally I like to use "countdown baits" and suspending baits , when using these baits it's important to understand the fall rate of each , and the maximum depth as to which they get , how many feet per second on the countdown baits , Senko's , Flukes , etc... suspended bass can be suspended for a variety of reasons , one reason could be that they are suspending simply to rest , no interest in chasing or feeding , the longer you can keep that bait in front of them the more likely your chances are at getting a strike , crank baits are a good bait to use as well but with suspended bass the depth the bait runs becomes very critical .
  2. Actual size of top water lures are dependent upon what forage may be most abundant and the angler imo would try to use that as a basis .
  3. May you and your family be blessed , thoughts and prayers for you and your family big guy !!
  4. Well , I am a huge Ford fan , I love the body lines , the problem I see in the new Mustang is that they have incorporated what looks like the Fusion design into the front end , it didn't pull off too well imo .
  5. Welcome back !!!!
  6. I saw Elvis yesterday !!!!
  7. 1) patience , you should know that patience leads to confidence . 2) Structure , the fish know it and how to use it , you should too . 3) learn to open your mind , if you want to fish the banks , then leave your boat at home , explore , spend as much time learning while your out there fishing , being open minded simplifies your experince .
  8. I find it much more intriguing to start early and follow these fish on their way to spawn , I would much rather find the actively feeding fish rather than spend time trying to coax a bite , eh , it gives me a better understanding of migration routes that I can later use for post spawn , I must say how very exciting it is to see a big ol' sow on her nest though , As for ethics I guess , I'm in with AJ on this one .
  9. X100 !!! That's a pretty interesting fact too , never would have put that together at all lol !!
  10. Don't know anything about the place but I certainly want to congratulate you all for achieving a dream , god bless !! Good luck and be safe !!!
  11. X2 , and thank you for serving !!
  12. That's the point I was making , all that work and nothing to show for it , no sense in beating a dead horse here . I don't get a chance to watch much football , but from what I am hearing , it sounds like Seattle , Denver , colts , and maybe Pats , have the best chances , close ?
  13. If a slow falling trick worm is not working , I like lil Cleo spoons , especially when the water temp is right there at that point that shad can no longer survive the cold . As others have posted , slow and patience is key.
  14. It is getting better since I realized what this place does for me , we have had some great conversations , you and I , I do not think I have laughed so much at or with another person as I have with you , glad to see you still poke your nose in here from time to time , thanks !! For everything over the years !!
  15. I honestly could not tell you that he would be , but truly agree with the rest of your post . Even though my team is mathematically eliminated , I will say that this is the strongest arm in the NFL , if he could shut his mouth and focus on hitting his target , and we get a deep threat receiver that could actually catch a ball , who knows how far we could go , say what you want , number one in the rush , and number 4 offense , is not a bad building block for next year , I do wish all of your teams the best of luck this year , if I has to pick , I would have to go with Seattle to be there in the end , they are looking pretty dang tuff !!!!!
  16. LMAO !!!
  17. With or without the bread ? LOL !!
  18. PURRTY !!! Thanks for sharing !!!
  19. I see we have a few , well shall I say , "refined" and well aged drinkers in here , nothing like time to cure some good friends !!
  20. Think about it , how much do we as anglers buy to make us better fisherman , how often does that work out and how much money do we spend ? hhhhmmmmm ?? My name is Mud , Mud spelled backwards is .......
  21. Thanks a bunch , so blessed to be around all of you !!
  22. Great job guy's !!! A couple of things to add here , don't forget about your trailer , and don't forget about your batteries and electronics . when speaking of cranking the engine to remove access water from the impeller , I would suggest that the kill switch be used in the beginning , I would not risk the engine starting at all out of the water , 5 seconds is all it would take to kill an impeller , not only that but if someone gets close to the prop without you seeing them or a pet , it could be dangerous . Service your trailer , double check your lights and make sure you dont have any standing water in the lenses , tubed trailers will have pockets that water can stand in , beam trailers can build up ice from a wet ride home , the bunks themselves will freeze which makes it easy for the boat to slide and move around if the boat is not fastened properly , double check your straps and ratchets , make sure that when you get it home that the trailer angle is stored high in the nose to allow any access water to exit the rear of the trailer and allow water to excape the hull , always make sure your hubs have a shot of grease to push any access moisture away from the bearings . Batteries can and will freeze , the best thing is to remove them and store them in a warm enviroment , and charge them as soon as you get them home , charge before removal or charge in the house if you have a battery tender , either way it is a good idea to purchace a battery tender to keep life strong in the batteries . Your electronics need to come in as well , make sure your connector ends get a little dielectric grease to help fight corrosion , both the battery connections and sonar connections . All outboard engines need to be winterized , if it is not going to be run for a while I would also suggest fogging the cylinders , as well as following the above post's , remove the spark plugs , slightly fog the cylinders , rotate the crank via pull cord or starter , then liberally fog the cylinders once more , there is good info on the web about how to do this , this is the method that I use .
  23. First of all , I would be glad to have someone on my boat like you , I have shared my boat with many many people in my time , and I have been on the back end many times as well , the best advise I could give here is when asked to be a co angler , ask the angler what's expected of you , it gives the angler and co-angler a feel for the day and of each other , if it's not a fit , find someone else , I learned that the hard way . On my boat you need to ask questions , angler or co-angler , it's a learning experience , as well as anything else , I'm never above learning something , or giving something . You are doing a fantastic job , I applaud your respect !!
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