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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Nitro Z-9 LOADED !!!
  2. Amazing !!! Thanks for sharing !!!
  3. End the confliction and go !!! just remember to post a pic or two for us would ya !!
  4. So glad to hear some good news , thoughts and prayers will continue through out , blessings for a happy , healthy and safe delivery , all the best to you guys !!!
  5. Still praying for you and your family , may god bless all of you !!
  6. Thoughts and prayers for your continued success and recovery , much love and respect for you and your family , God bless !
  7. Thanks guys !!! Learning a lot , Rolo , catt , looking for that conversation you two had about this I guess from a previous thread can you point me in the right direction please
  8. All of these answers are here to provide us with general guidelines , they wont help any of us if we do not put them to good use ourselves and learn from our own waters , our waters and our actions on our waters hold the answers , not this forum .
  9. Merry Christmas to you as well , I would like to congratulate you for doing what is needed in our communities , best of luck and God bless !!
  10. AWESOME !!!!! CONGRATS !!!!! I see a happy father in the photos , we look forward to his first catch with dad , time flies so we wont have to wait too long , again congrats to you and your family and we wish you all the best for sure !!
  11. OH SO CLOSE !!! LOL !!! So what do we have left to ponder on ??
  12. My Favorite lake is a Nuke Plant lake , I find the thermocline more easily in the upper part of my lake and mid part of my lake , down by dike 3 or the return there is little to no thermocline , although if I cross the lake ( roughly ) 1/2 mile in distance I can sometimes pick one up in the upper part of the opposite side , this is starting to make more and more sense to me , so what about turn over , should I expect to see areas that show thermoclines have turnover as well ?
  13. Featherman ??????
  14. I was thinking it had something to do with feathers LOL !!
  15. For those who do not understand what a thermocline is , pay attention to this thread . I think the most misunderstood concept of the thermocline is that fish do not go below it due to the oxygen levels and can not survive , this can be misinterpreted due to the differences in lakes and water clarity , J., the trout you mentioned live below thermoclines in waters around my region , specifically the Brown Trout and pike , the cooler water is where they thrive just below the thermocline . For me , when I was learning how important a thermocline is , understanding it was a different ballgame and quite honestly still is , but the advantages it provides in bass fishing is too great not to get an understanding of , for those who are about to read this thread that have no idea what a thermocline is , don't be afraid to ask questions ! In my own experience , using this as a guide redefines what part of the lake ( my favorite lake ) is the best to fish , basically I was able to use the thermocline as the lake bottom and aided in searching out structure just above and within this depth especially during the summer months . What you learn from this thread especially when you read WRB's post and others , will open up a new light in the upcoming months and how the fish relate to this in different bodies of water . We are in for a treat !!!
  16. Featherhead ??????
  17. Hhmmmm , good one , sloan , you got this one LOL !! Ain't got a clue !!
  18. Kowabonga !!!!!!!!! I still use it to this day ! Still drawing a blank on the other , thanks for the hint !
  19. Crap , you would make it tough on me wouldn't ya , at my age , just remembering that much is an accomplishment worthy of something LOL !!
  20. OH !!!!!! Flubadub !!!!
  21. I believe sloan got the princess , one of the chiefs was Thunderthud , I am drawing a blank on the other .
  22. How early ? the show had a couple of mascots did it not ? The earliest one I can think of was a chimp named mugs , I am too young to have seen the show but I remember black and white episodes ( re-runs ) in the late 60's , the host of Today show , I can not remember .
  23. What I hate is that I cant go , I hate having everything that allows me to go and just see it sitting there , in hind site , I appreciate it even more when I am able to go .
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