Remember the first time you spoke with someone over the phone from this site after reading all their posts ?
I don't know if you are like me , but I try to get a picture in my head of what they may sound like or look like and try to get a picture of their personality .
I just spoke to Jigfishn10 today after lots and lots of posts and texts that we shared , what a great guy and thanks for the conversation , it was great to hear your voice my friend .
Or the first time you got the chance to fish with someone from here , Quanjig was one of the best experiences I have ever had , but I never pegged him for a cigar kind of guy , but what a true wealth of knowledge .
Zoff , Never have I had an experience quite like meeting this cat , from the get go , the very first trip out , I'm on the back of the boat , we pull into a small cove and we are just chatting away when all of a sudden , HOLY CRAP THERE IS A BIG OL BASS RIGHT THERE !!!! , I have a huge smile on my face and shaking my head at the enthusiasm , very funny moment for sure , but the family time was a gift I will never forget either.
Traveler , we shared very few words , I never seen anyone get excited over a sign posted on a boat dock before , I gotta admit it was a funny caption though.
Sam may be the biggest surprise , this cat has got a great sense of humor but looked nothing like I imagined when I met him for the first time along with Endless , both were a joy to share a day with .
Moments like these are priceless to me and I can't wait to meet more of you someday .