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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. There is a little cove at the beginning of dike one on that side , the point that is just before the dike wall that leads into that cove has always produced some good quality fish for me , I love Anna !!
  2. We could have a lengthy conversation about this for sure LOL !! My Great Grandfather gave me that name , Sonny , Sonny Boy , most common of what he called me by , it just stuck and everyone called me that , funny thing was , I did not know I had a real name until I was 8 years old LOL !!!
  3. Forget that !! Enjoy the drinks with Dad and the time together !!!
  4. Do you have a recipe ???
  5. LOL !! You know how many times I have heard that over my life ? I dunno , but it's a lot LOL !!
  6. I can't drink bourbon , they say it makes me mean as he** , so I would rather participate in the food thread LOL !!
  7. Simple Sausage Gravy 2lbs of your favorite sausage 1/2 to 3/4 cup of flour ( will depend on how thick you like your gravy ) Milk about 1/2 to 3/4 of a gallon I use this recipe for camping but you can adjust for smaller portioning , this feeds 6 people or more depending on their appetite's Brown sausage in a large skillet or deep skillet , just as sausage gets done add the flour while the sausage is still on the heat and mix thoroughly until the flour is completely incorporated with the sausage , add the milk and bring mixture to a slow boil while stirring consistently until it becomes gravy , add salt and pepper to taste while it is thickening and remove from heat and serve with your favorite biscuits . I use a medium low heat and cook mine a little on the slow side , if you use a higher heat remove the sausage while you are incorporating the flour , otherwise it will burn or brown too fast on you .
  8. We have a meat grinder , just had to try this with some deer meat , what a cool way of doing things , I did it like this and used it to put in my deer jerky dispenser , smooth even strips , Thanx for the tip !!!
  9. SSgt Hoskins , Cool story and thanks for sharing , I am a proud supporter of our military and I know you hear this a lot but thank you !!! Hanover-Yakker , Great to hear you got out to Anna and had some fun !! where did you go ? down by Dike 3? Private side ?
  10. What do you wish to talk about then ? Cow stomach ? it's a food , Monkey brains ? Snake meat ? there are a lot of delicacies that people won't consider "food" yet if we ever were to have a cooking forum should those not be included either ?
  11. HA !! HA !! HA !! Just sent you a PM too LOL !!
  12. My Siri has a country accent ... And big hooters !!!
  13. I would love to send you a brick , it's gotta stay refrigerated however !! Shucks , I'd even fix it for ya !! A couple of eggs over easy , some hash browns , or potato cakes , some coffee perhaps to go along with it .
  14. Sent you a pm !
  15. Your a nut !! LMAO !! I truly was excited to see the fish that the quan had to offer , man , you were puttin a whoopin on em !! I will some day come again , thanx for the invite for sure !! My balance as you know is not so great , almost but not quite LOL !! You have some terrific friends as well , I thoroughly enjoyed that day man !!! I'll try harder to keep up next time !
  16. I have not stopped trying , someday I shall make it !!!! even if Rhino does box my ears LOL !!!
  17. Ever since I joined this forum , I wanted to work on things to make me and my family better anglers or at least give them a better experience on the water , since that time , I have learned so much about fishing , my problem is that I can't seem to get out there enough to put it all together , although the times that I do go out are far more productive and I try to participate and pass along the things I do learn , maps were a big issue , now , not so much , my journal has come a long way , understanding why the fish were where they were , changes that I make now are subtle ones first instead of wholesale , figuring out boat position and baits on any given day and where to look , what to try first , so yes I really am trying to get better .
  18. I dunno ???? Sounds like he has a thing for people above the Mason Dixon line ... I wonder if he knows ???
  19. Remember the first time you spoke with someone over the phone from this site after reading all their posts ? I don't know if you are like me , but I try to get a picture in my head of what they may sound like or look like and try to get a picture of their personality . I just spoke to Jigfishn10 today after lots and lots of posts and texts that we shared , what a great guy and thanks for the conversation , it was great to hear your voice my friend . Or the first time you got the chance to fish with someone from here , Quanjig was one of the best experiences I have ever had , but I never pegged him for a cigar kind of guy , but what a true wealth of knowledge . Zoff , Never have I had an experience quite like meeting this cat , from the get go , the very first trip out , I'm on the back of the boat , we pull into a small cove and we are just chatting away when all of a sudden , HOLY CRAP THERE IS A BIG OL BASS RIGHT THERE !!!! , I have a huge smile on my face and shaking my head at the enthusiasm , very funny moment for sure , but the family time was a gift I will never forget either. Traveler , we shared very few words , I never seen anyone get excited over a sign posted on a boat dock before , I gotta admit it was a funny caption though. Sam may be the biggest surprise , this cat has got a great sense of humor but looked nothing like I imagined when I met him for the first time along with Endless , both were a joy to share a day with . Moments like these are priceless to me and I can't wait to meet more of you someday .
  20. I do to an extent , if I am on a bait school of shad , I will throw something like a Fluke or a flutter spoon to imitate a dying/injured bait fish , but most of the time I try to get the bait to match the situation of water color and clarity vs. weather conditions .
  22. I KNOW RIGHT !!! LOL !!
  23. Been playing since I was little , self taught but still love the guitar , rhythm is all I really play , very little lead , my favorite is Country and Southern Rock but Rush , Boston , SRV , Hair Bands from the 70's and 80's , as long as the song has a lot of drive in it I will learn to play it . Have not picked it up in quite a while , makes me wanna go home and play now LOL !!
  24. Depends on who is fixin the possum !! LOL !! Souse ????? you can eat Souse and not have a taste for scrapple ???? I ain't no dang yankee first of all , all these recipes came from my great grandparents , the biggest secret is in the amount of cornmeal and wheat flour you use to blend the taste in the scrapple , and we SOUTHERNERS ain't got it wrong LOL !!
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