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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Supposed to recover nicely by the weekend here , almost 60 , if they get it right , is it supposed to stay cold there in Tx .
  2. 34 here now , supposed to get to 22 by 5 o'clock , -9 by 10 pm wind chill -22 we just had a good soaking rain here too . Hoping everyone stays safe , be careful y'all !!!
  3. WOW , never would have thought Bengals would have lost at home , looks like they barely even showed up , the much better game was the pack and the niners great game !!
  4. The only problem I have had was the top button , it quit working , insurance on the phone is not cheap but if you have an issue it gets replaced , no problems .
  5. HA !! I would be willing to bet he didn't want us to know all that ! LOL !! Sounds like a great outing though !!!
  6. The old road bed winds and twists a little to about 39 feet , there is an old bridge that crossed the original river that used to be there , the bridge is also flooded , it was never destroyed or dismantled , at the left or west foot of the bridge the fish still use this drop off into the original river bed , the old bridge is now cover the fish will use for attacking gizzard shad , if the shad are in the area , it's also a good spot , but mostly the old bank before the bridge will produce .
  7. Best of luck bud !! Still sending thoughts and prayers for y'all and the baby , god bless my friend !!
  8. No , it does not need cover , but it should have some sort of change in the structure itself that the fish find useful or attractive , there is a wash across an old road bed , when my home lake was being constructed a hurricane came through , the torrential rain washed out an old road that is now submerged and took out about a 12 foot section of road , it drops only 6 inches on one side and about a foot and a half on the other , no cover , just a subtle change , but the bass love it there .
  9. Your right , it's time has come to pass , the last I used it was two years ago , almost lost half of it reeling in a fish , the halves became separated while doing so and if I would have lost the fish on a line breakage I would have lost the rod too , so I'm building a case for it to hang on my wall in memory of my father , thought a little history behind the rod would go along with the history of my dad and I fishing with it . Thanks a bunch !!!
  10. Structure , every body of water has it , what defines good structure is how the fish in that body of water relate to it . More vertical structure in the cold water periods , more flat structure post spawn , are a couple of keys to my home lake . Where they go after the spawn , as the waters change and develop different characteristics , the importance of knowing what structure is useful and what can be eliminated . Without a doubt , THE most important part of fishing , structure holds the key , it's how they use it and how we use it to find them , finding them determines how we fish for them .
  11. RIP Phil , thoughts and prayers go out to your family and friends
  12. Done !! And God bless !!
  13. Really nice !! Thanks for sharing !!!
  14. Not bad at all , honestly , get some singing lessons , get your voice soft where it needs to be , you sound too nervous , gather some confidence and try again , you honestly have some potential , nice bravado in the voice , original , holding her and loving you I feel was the better of the two , timing a little off at times but not too shabby at all !
  15. Looking for info on this rod , it's a Berkley cherry rod ( spinning rod ) crc32 It's a rod my father got for me when I was a little feller , just looking for information on it , googled it but cannot find any worth or history etc ... Any help would be much appreciated !!!!!
  16. Might be ??? I think you have !! But then again , can't loose something you ain't never had !! LOL !!!
  17. I have 2 ( twin ) nephews that serve , one great grandfather one grandfather , and my dad served , one paratrooper , my grandfather , shot 3 times on the way down and lived , one of my nephews served in Iraq , I am very proud of all of you , always will be , my blood is red white and American blue , I can't do much in the way of support , but I support as much as I can , to know a soldier gets to enjoy his family is everything to me , I wish all of you could , I love all of you and I know what it costs to be free , what it takes for us to sleep in peace , what you sacrifice for our great nation , yet I understand also what you guys and girls also put up with from our own , God bless all of you and your families !!!
  18. WOW !!!!! Thanx a ton !!!!
  19. Plain and ever so simple , if you want one , get one , if I had the extra cash to support what I love about this site and everything it represents , by d**n I would do it , no questions asked , your not the only one who would wear this shirt , there are plenty of others , otherwise , there would be no demand to keep these shirts in stock , get it and be happy , wear it with pride , as much pride as you want , it's just that dang simple IMO .
  20. Your just showing support , that's really all , maybe some advertising as well , but none the less you are in some ways representing BR and it's sponsors , just like a uniform from work , if you are in public you are still representing that work place in some form , it's not Gawdy if you represent the jersey one would think , but really beside everything else , would it make you happy ? That's all that really matters anyway is it not ?
  21. Congrats , really nice job !!!
  22. I'm too old to be picking people up and I'm not into checking your oil ! Thoughts and prayers of course may you find a good report and may your recovery be swift , keep us posted big guy , God bless !!
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