He attached it to his boat , not his vehicle , regardless , yes , s**t happens , it was not that he was making assumptions , I don't think that is the case here , had it been me I would have stopped and picked it up , depending on how dangerous the conditions were , or pulled over to retrieve the flag , the point is I think no one else seemed to be the same minded as him or myself for that matter , fault lies within all of us , and within products we may use to attach such items , so without a clear explanation of exactly what happened to cause the flag to dislodge in the first place , I don't think an argument can be made as to whom or what was at fault .
Even as bleak as the outlook for the USA is , I am very patriotic , very supportive of our military men and women and their families , past and present , it's a shame that there are not more people who realize exactly what it takes and the sacrifices made to make and keep us a free nation .
To me the flag is more than just colors , stripes that represent the colonies , blue to represent the union , stars to represent the states , this flag is much more than that , it's an embodiment that covers us all , it's pride , hard work and determination of the American spirit , it covers our soldiers when they are laid to rest , it's neatly folded and presented through the outstretched arms and bowed head of a brother in arms to loved ones as a gift of the embodiment of who once was and what they are at their core .
What some do not see , what some do not understand , is what we see and why we can not understand why others do not .