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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Had a conversation with my local game officer while I was fishing one day , the conversation was going great , he checked my license and everything and pointed out a sign to my right that said " No Fishing " He said to me that if I could come up with an excuse he has never heard before he would only give me a warning . I looked him dead in the eye and with all seriousness I said : I was not fishing occifer , I am merely teaching these worms how to swim He tried hard not to laugh , but I think he had heard this one before and let me go anyway !!
  2. My oldest is going for her RN , she does not want to be a doctor , she loves right where she is at she say's but she does want to improve on her education . Best of luck to you and Congrats on your degree !!! God bless !!!
  3. Sam , it was my understanding that girls mature faster than boys , if that is the case I feel for the ones who have boys LOL !! Thank all you for the kind words and Sam , faith is something I have plenty of in her , she has had my support from her birth , none of that will ever change , I have 2 girls , you have met the one I am speaking of , both are now pursuing a career in the medical field , I could not be more proud of them for doing what they love to do , it is my hope that my youngest finds this field interesting and enjoyable , she showed me her scores from her first week of classes and she is just gleaming with them , me too , my oldest takes care of the elderly and shares their last days on earth with them , she tells me of the connections she makes with her patients and of the accomplishments some make that touch her , some have no memory yet are able to remember her name , I am a pretty proud pop that my daughter's have a positive affect on people and can help bring a little joy while touching a few of these lives . While I am proud of them , I have already told them both , if they ever put me in one of those nursing homes I will kick both of their butt's !!!! LOL !! Thanks Sam and God bless !!
  4. HA !! So ya think he can dance as good as Al do ya ? It wasn't on my depth finder but on my buddy's sonar I seen a dump truck and a dozer next to each other
  5. After a long enough struggle at home my youngest has decided to change her life and get on the college bus , her goal , radiology , she just finished her first week of classes and knows how long the road is going to be and how tough , but , she is a smart girl , a strong willed girl , and is already determined to make this her career . To all of those here that have helped me through some pretty dang difficult times , sharing a few texts , a few personal conversations and much needed direction , and for your support , you have no earthly clue how valuable ALL OF YOU HERE are to me . Forever in your debt !!! Sonny
  6. The products above have a reflective surface much like glass , in some cases are made of glass , the surface of a non glare or non reflective monitor or screen may become dulled and hard to see or read since it hazes over to finish coat , I would think twice before doing so or at least find an older one that is in-op before attempting this , just a suggestion .
  7. HA !!! you I dot , I-dot , what my youngest used to say to me when she was calling me an idiot LOL !! But then again , if raider was to apply this to his bum , there should be no need for wipes !! or goose attacks !!
  8. Thought about that too , I know the hull is designed to channel water , and I can see the advantages of a straight line , but under some conditions when you have to make sudden changes , will the boat just start skimming across the water ? There is a product out that we use in the automotive field called Xzilon , supposed to do the same thing for vehicle finish , only it's applied by hand , I tried it on my hull and it really did a great job for almost 4 trips but then wore off , Xzilon is EXPENSIVE , I was able to get my hands on a sample , but the constant thrashing a hull takes is far worse than protecting something from rain falling .
  9. Assuming both of you would like a rotation as well ?
  10. Pretty excited for catching her a fish , wonder if it was her first the way she was screaming LOL !!
  11. EEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWWWW !!!! That's nasty !!!
  12. OH FOR THE LOVE OF !!!! MY GOD MAN !!! LMAO !!
  13. That's back when men were men and the girls were , well , girls ...and then there are people like , well , us , girls LOL !!
  14. It's a pretty simple job , you will need a Phillips screw driver to unscrew the foot plate along the bottom of the door opening , remove and set aside , at the bottom of the gasket in the middle of the door opening there should be a seam where the two ends come together , some older models had an insert to keep the rounded part of the gasket mated together and to provide support , like a small solid piece of rubber , pull straight up at the seam and the gasket should lift off of the lip with a little effort , as you look at the gasket some of the older models also used the interior trim to hold the gasket in place as it makes it's way up and around the door opening , be really careful , most all of these were plastic and by now I am sure it's brittle and will brake easily , some others all that you need to do is gently pry it away as you are removing and installing the gasket . Once you have the old gasket removed clean any hardened glue that may be there from the old gasket that wont allow the new gasket to seat firmly against the lip of the opening . Install the new gasket starting in the middle of the bottom door opening , work your way up and around the door opening , as you approach the sharper bends make sure you take your time and fit this area as needed , the gasket has a metal retainer throughout the part that seats to the flange of your truck , this helps the gasket grip to the flange and also helps retain it's shape , work the corners or the sharp bends slowly until it fits properly or your gasket ( if it is already fit to length ) will be too long by the time you get to mating up the two ends , once you get to where you are ready to join the two , you may have to cut the gasket to length , some companies send you a bulk amount , enough to ensure you can complete the job , as a note , it's always wise to cut a small amount extra if you have never done this before , it's better to have too much than too little at this point , I use a razor blade to cut the thin upper part of the gasket and a saws all to cut the beefy part of the gasket , once you have it cut to fit there should be a small piece of foam or solid rubber to insert into the top portion of the gasket , I like to use a small amount of weather strip adhesive on one end of the insert to make sure it stays in place , as you join the two ends keep the end of the gasket off of the raised seam about 8 inches back from where you are joining them , this will give you ample space to fit the two ends together , it should look like an inch worm as you are fitting the two ends , once together , the slack should be gone and you can press the rest of the gasket into place and reinstall all of the removed parts .
  15. Thanks for sharing the pics , may she be a great vessel and bring you many years of service , have you picked a name for her yet ?
  16. Pucuation , excused !! LOL !! just ribbin ya , Glad to hear things are going well , thoughts and prayers for a continued and a speedy recovery , just a thought but since you are right handed , if you have an opportunity to still practice at home , getting used to casting and pitching with your left hand could improve your skills and take some early stress off of a recovering injury , not to mention keeping you from going stir crazy .
  17. The best tool you can have is your brain , finding the fish first and then separating the active from the inactive and in a lot of cases knowing how to get an inactive fish to strike , baits are always dependent upon water conditions , you can search all day and not find an active fish , your experience is what is called upon when you do locate fish and the best approach always comes from lessons learned and the conditions you face . Remain open minded , think about what's most important given the here and now and try to fish that first . Good luck and be safe !!!
  18. What does an athlete have to endure before this guy thinks it is a sport ? risk of life ? endurance ? knowledge ? courage to face a stronger opponent ? performing under extreme conditions and still be successful ? to be in good shape both mentally and physically ? What does this sport not have other than physical contact ?
  19. I did too LOL !! Trying to help Zoff put a few things together , do you have a preference on a rotation or a single place for the meet and greet each year ?
  20. HA !!! That's funny right there !!!!!!
  21. Winter time fishing is a time that tests you patience , what works well for me may not work for you but I have a river here in Va. last winter the surface temp was 34.6 , but with a current , slow falling baits or countdown baits were not possible , blade baits like silver buddies and small spoons , hair jigs work really great in winter , if you have any of those give them a shot , if you have little to no current countdown baits are very effective as well , placement of these baits are critical and you must watch your line with the utmost attention as the bait falls through the water column cause bass will rarely move when the water is really cold and they will just slurp it in .
  22. I love it all , tournament fishing in particular , it really makes you think a lot of the time and pressures you to do better , but there is no better time on the water than when you can spend that time with family especially when the family is having a great time , everything comes together , fishing and the bonds get stronger as a unit , no matter the troubles you have from within , they all seem to go away with a loaded rod .
  23. I would have to say that Charlotte is my favorite one , it's close to all the shops and you get the better chance of meeting a lot of the drivers .
  24. Dang dude !!! what kind of inbreeding y'all got goin on down there LMAO !!
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