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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Taste like rubber , that of an inner tube which has been used for several years and then patched and ran again for several more years !! I may not have had it prepared correctly , but I am not willing to give it another go either LOL !!
  2. Calamari ....YUUUUUUUCK !!!!
  4. I have to admit , things are not where I would like them to be , not even close , but at the same time , life is what you make it to be , it's down right difficult and depressing in todays times if you allow it to be , remaining positive , focused on others close to home , I rarely think of myself and how I want things to be , yet I focus on others and how best I can help them , I feel grateful if I can bring a smile to someone , get a hug from my children , the simple provides so much more for me personally than anything else I believe can , I live for 4 words from the English language ... "I love you Daddy" , only then am I truly happy , I hear it a lot so yes , I am happy , very happy !!!!
  5. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!! Movies have come a long way since Bates Motel huh .
  6. HAHAHA !! Not too hard to figure out am I LOL !!
  7. Take his advise , he intimately knows these waters !! Good luck and be safe !!!
  8. X2 , with eggs over easy !!
  9. Met mine at a party , I was celebrating joining a new band and we had our first practice together , a few people came to listen and she arrived late , the band was on the last song for the night and as we finished our set , she requested a song , to which the band replied that we were finished and apologized , so I grabbed my acoustic and sat down and played her the song , oddly enough , that was 27 years ago today .
  10. Everyone knows that men have only 2 emotions , Hungry and Horney , The conundrum in this equation becomes that of wondering if all of the male mods are walking around the house without an , well , you know , do their wives fix them a sandwich ?
  11. Best of luck to you my friend , what you went about doing is long gone in today's society , it was my fathers lesson that taught me this respect , no matter how bad or good the employer , glad to see you still have an open door and I wish nothing but the best for you in your Ventures !!
  12. Some of us are not the same as we near our end , our minds journey , sometimes before our bodies do , your mom , same as many of my wife's family and mine , left long before their body did , I think a lot of us are prepared for the inevitable end , but are we all prepaired to visualize the end of others surrounding our lives and the way they leave this life for a better life , that smile that you remember will once again shine as she looks upon you from beside our father , it will glow with the light that is heaven , not as a body that lays before us , smile for her as she joins the kingdom , for she is surly happy and at peace. As a thought to your question , I think that possibly we have given up on faith or question it too much and look for a more scientific approach and become lost in what we should or should not believe as Individuals , I think that personal loss also translates to feeling lost at times such as these and raises questions just like the one you ask of us , I'll prepared we are to see the empty shell of whom we physically recognize as someone else , someone else we are not ready to set free yet , someone else we do not wish to memorize as this in their last moments with us . Keep in mind that they live though their touch and teachings , for they shall always be with us in this form , the positive impacts they have made shall be passed from generation to generation , so much so that they live far longer than one thinks . God bless , my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family !!
  13. X2 , Chris Craft , Dave Fauntleroy , great people to know , the more time you spend there at fish tales , the better off you will be , they have done a fantastic job overhauling Fish Tales , with some of the best tackle advice you will ever get . Great advice cwalsh !!!
  14. Very few do that there LOL !! You know me too well ! Thanx !!!
  15. LOL ! I do the same thing when I get the chance , I usually end up LMAO and SMH !!
  16. Harrisonburg , welcome to the forum , Anna is my favorite lake to fish , we may cross paths sometime and I hope to see you around !!
  17. "Spoonplugging" is by definition of Buck Perry , being in the right place at the right time , presenting your lures to catch fish consistently . Many anglers I think mix this up with trolling , but if you follow Buck's lessons , the above description is actually what spoonplugging is . Here is a video with Buck Perry using the spoonplug and educating some people on how and where to fish , an old one but I still enjoy it . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rvrfwu4CLfA&feature=player_detailpage Another website you can get info from on this is www.buckperry.com
  18. Well , if you call sleeping on the boat a skill , she has me beat ! The weather has to be absolutely perfect for her before I can fish out in the open , too hot , we are looking for shade , too cold we are headed for camp , or home , too early , well , let's just say she is not a morning person and leave it at that , too dark , I won't let her fish , so she does not like to go LOL !! All in all , she has been with me many times , I enjoy the time we get the opportunity to do so , just recently she has opened up to fishing different things other than a live worm , this past summer she used a drop shot for the first time and caught her first bass on it within the first 5 minutes , she also fished a Senko , and caught her first bass on it within the first 5 minutes , she skunked me both times and she never let's me live it down , I rarely if ever have a line in the water when I am teaching her how to fish something new other than to show her how to use the equipment , I will take the shame of being skunked by her any day , as long as she keeps smiling and having fun doing it .
  19. I use flutter spoons and jigging spoons a lot here in Va. some of the best baits by far for winter and summer patterns , spoons are so versatile that you can practically fish them anywhere . The grass spoon or the weedless spoon on the left is one I really like in the fall or on those really bright sunny days when they are buried deep in the grass , it can be used for rocky areas as well , it's most effective when worked tightly along the edge of the thick grass and on rocks all you do is get it to the bottom , raise your rod tip just enough to make the spoon stand straight up so that the spoon is just barely dragging on the rocks , I do like the printed ones , this has both crappie and perch colors for a little extra flash in some of the more stained water periods . The jigging spoons are great too , the best way I have found to fish these is just to get it to the bottom , stand it up and simply shake it with a nervous twitch , but my favorite has to be the big flutter spoon , want to find some fish on a really tough day , this one of my favorite go to baits , that is if you can make it down past the stripers of course LOL !! , this bait usually attracts the attention of just about any fish in the lake , catfish included , it's deadly when you use them on clam shell/pea gravel covered areas , but works most anywhere the bass are holding .
  20. It's a shame really , I mean , if he keeps going on this path one would have to think of past players that have had attitudes like this , Moss , Owens , Ochocinco , even though Moss I think out performed them all , the career they have had bouncing from one team to another and eventually not being the threat they once were or able to showcase the true talent they once had , there is no denying the talent this young man has , but I wonder if he will become just another statistic if he continues this path .
  21. No hater here at all , there was some trash on the field I would assume to that contributed as well , but it's like you said , emotions run high , some of them need to learn a little about how to keep them in check , collect yourself before commenting if you must , there is no doubt Sherman is a huge talent though .
  22. I did not get mine until last year at 50 , if I wanted to keep up with my family , this was the only way to get it done , land lines have gone by the wayside it would seem , I have an Iphone 5 , not through my choosing , my first smart phone was a droid , well I had an issue with the thing within the first few months I had it and walked into the store to have it addressed , walked out with a new Galaxy , not that that's important but dang , the rate at which technology is evolving is incredible , that phone was only on the market for a year and it was already discontinued !! I liked that phone , I was just starting to get used to it then they went and changed everything LOL !! I really have no clue what I did before the smart phone , I find it very useful now for a lot of things , shucks , I can even play word games with my friends in Texas and keep in touch with my nephews in Japan or wherever they are deployed . I'm a lot slow in the learning curve but I find it invaluable sometimes .
  23. Congrats to the Seahawks !!!!
  24. Congrats to Denver !! And RW LOL !! Best of luck in the big game sir !!!
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