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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. No streak , other than a loosing streak , I usually get 5 dollars worth of mega millions a week or at least when I can , I know if I ever did hit the big one I would be visiting a lot of water , and hopefully fish with some of you guys , it wont change the way I am , but it would change what I do , I would still get that Z-9 loaded rather than say a loaded different brand , but most of my time would be spent helping others , like children with cancer , our vets etc...
  2. Me personally , I don't like music on the boat when I am by myself , but the family likes it when we are all together on the water , mostly southern rock and country music . A radio is good to have on the boat for those questionable days when a storm is possible .
  3. I see no use in apologizing for the first part of your statement , I agree , too much involvement , as for the second part , what do you mean was ?
  4. My girls got their butts whooped on a couple of occasions , they are absolutely without a doubt no different when raising a child , respect for family and learning the yes mam , yes sir is no different , gender had no role when it comes to such , they are pure country , just like any male , they can shoot , they can hunt and fish , and in many ways better than any male , they are straight up girls , without guidance and correction , they end up same as males , lost to the insanity of today's environment , equality is something earned not something given .
  5. Being from close to Washington D.C. , this kind of thing was also used to lure in people like yourself , thank goodness you were not the actual intended target , the outcome could have been very different , my Father moved us to the hills of Va. , a setting more of his childhood , things are much like that of what FD posted , we take care of our own , much like we did in the city , only difference is , it's not a gang , it's a community with only one law officer . It is good to see the good in people who are willing to step in and help , I commend you for your actions and give thanks for your efforts to help make this ol world a better place for all , all of you who do the right thing should be commended and not scorn for your actions .
  6. Nitrofreak


    Interesting !!! Thanx !!
  7. Speed , a grass line can be a point , I have some relatively flat structured lakes around here , no more than roughly 10 feet in depth in some locations , but here is Gene drawing some points and other visual aids to help . http://www.bassresource.com/bass-fishing-videos/how-to-read-a-map.html
  8. GOOD LORD MAN !! LOL !! thanks for sharing !!
  9. If you go to Gene's you tube I would be willing to bet he has it on there somewhere , I have not purchased any from the link he provides in the video but they look amazing !! As Bamabassman posted , the white buck tail is pretty good , other suggestions would be RW , he had some killer looking hair jigs from somewhere as well , I will shoot them a PM if I can't find the links today for ya if you would like .
  10. Thank you for the clarification , I did get your point , however , my reference was to the " mean mouth " that fish of yours has big guy , I don't mind catching them , they just always leave me with a mark to make sure I remember no matter how careful I am LOL !! I don't think they like me too much !!
  11. I had to vote other , this time of year with the winter we have experienced I know there was a huge HUGE shad kill , with the craws just coming out of hibernation I know craws are going to be tough to beat , they are taking any offering just about and being real aggressive when they do strike , I think it depends on the available food source at the time or the lack thereof and adjust accordingly .
  12. Yes I have , although I have not used it enough to master it , I have used it enough to know how effective it can be , hair jigs are one of my favorites in cold water where the fish are very tough to catch , especially river systems , but this method actually improved my hair jig fishing by leaps , those really subtle bites are never missed anymore , that is unless I make a mistake .
  13. UUUUUUUUUMMMMMM No LOL !! I will say that is one toothy fish though , we have Northern stocked here in a few places , fun to catch for sure !! thanks for the pic and nice fish WIGuide !!
  14. One of the two of you would have had to have been down right flexible to have that kind of fun ...in that car !!
  15. Whatever you decide to do , make sure you keep detailed notes , boat position , time of day , water conditions , etc... , all of it , keep one eye on the sonar and note the structure change , make notes of the spot on your lake map . in the long run this will be helpful as you begin to understand all the great info given here so far , really nice job guys and thanks !!
  16. Why don't you mods get together and challenge each other or some sort of bass resource challenge , have one of our sponsors send a package deal like that challenge and may the best angler win !! .... I dunno , sounds like fun to me , I'd watch it !!
  17. Suspended bass I like to use suspending baits and countdown baits if nothing else grabs their fancy , but the really tough ones I love the float and fly , one of the best cold water / stubborn fish tactics , works really well , a little difficult to get used to at first but very affective indeed !!
  18. Nitrofreak


    Nice Avatar change Speed !! Congrats , looks like a great day !!! and thanks for the info !!
  19. Nitrofreak


    So how did you come by this interesting name in the first place ?
  20. Nitrofreak


    One big "if" in that reasoning ... something here smells Ghoti'y too me !! LOL !!
  21. Wow , thanks Marty !!!
  22. Hope you didn't lick it where you pooch pooped !! LOL !!
  23. Thanks AJ and Slone , I don't think I will ever be up your way , but should the gods smile upon me I will take you up on that offer or maybe even visit Redline , I don't know that you will get me to try it but there are many other traditional foods from up your way that I would sure love to try !!
  24. What exactly is it ? from my understanding it is a hybrid , something like a mix between a Small Mouth and a Spotted Bass , a friend and I were having a conversation about these fish and there is not a ton of info other than to say these fish are rare , most info seems to be associated with the mid West region , described as aggressive and slightly on the toothy side , not like piranha per say . This is about the best pic I can find of one , if it actually is one .
  25. Is it octopus ? or some part of it ?
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