I don't know if the tax's outweigh the fishing here in Va. we too have a lake the pro circuit uses as one of their many stops which is Smith Mountain Lake also we have the Potomac River which is also one of their stops .
Although we seem to be taxed for everything , it's a manageable taxation , I myself am close to being centrally located to any large body of water with a TON of areas that are centrally located , ie, river systems , creeks , ponds , and other smaller but fun fisheries , stocked with all kinds of fishing , bass , trout , basically all the fun one could ask for .
I love the idea of being secluded from society , but I also love being closer to waters that I would like to frequent , Va. has a lot to offer in the way of fishing , no doubt we are not a world record setting state by any means , yet it does offer a lot of really great fishing , and in a lot of cases , year round fishing .