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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. I too would like to pass along my thoughts and prayers !
  2. I think you missed your calling Sam , you should be writing for the tabloids
  3. BIGGEST improvement so far is special teams , both defensively and offensively , but the weapon we have been looking for is in this young man , speed , agility , I really saw a lot of 8 man fronts facing RG3 last season , Garcon , should have a career season , Morris should have a career season , along with Jackson , all of this can be possible if we complete the assignments and not stumble around like a bunch of lost beginners , regardless , the pressure this will relieve on the offensive line should be noteworthy . Regardless , there are no excuses , this should be RG's year to prove his worth , I don't know about out of the gate performance , but none the less we "should" see dramatic improvements over the course of the season .
  4. Looks like a lab or a lab mix Scrogg , I wouldn't think he would not be too hard to train , although I know those dogs are super hyper when they are young . Great looking dog !! This is my wife's fishing partner , "Sarge"
  5. Easy there killer , no one said anything about playoffs , I would be happy with a better than 500 season , even at that I would consider this year to be a successful building block .
  6. Be careful !!! lots and lots going on in the Redskins camp this year Fly !!! Contenders ? we will see , I think the Skins are looking pretty good !!! Still cant figure out why they have not found a safety yet though .
  7. Have a great day on the water !!! Good luck and be safe !!!
  8. One of the only guitarists I know that could play 2 songs at once , dad used to love his music !
  9. Since it will be new , how about "Beginnersluck" "Fishtap" "Firstbite" "Fishinwithweld's" Good luck and be safe !!!
  10. Boy Robert you are on a roll today !! LOL !!
  11. I find 54 hard to believe !! LOL !!
  12. Ah yes , the oldest trick in the book !! madeth thou look ... LOL !!!
  13. I don't know if the tax's outweigh the fishing here in Va. we too have a lake the pro circuit uses as one of their many stops which is Smith Mountain Lake also we have the Potomac River which is also one of their stops . Although we seem to be taxed for everything , it's a manageable taxation , I myself am close to being centrally located to any large body of water with a TON of areas that are centrally located , ie, river systems , creeks , ponds , and other smaller but fun fisheries , stocked with all kinds of fishing , bass , trout , basically all the fun one could ask for . I love the idea of being secluded from society , but I also love being closer to waters that I would like to frequent , Va. has a lot to offer in the way of fishing , no doubt we are not a world record setting state by any means , yet it does offer a lot of really great fishing , and in a lot of cases , year round fishing .
  14. No regrets , lots of mistakes for certain , still no regrets , I think it best to learn from decisions and or actions to create a better future rather than dwell on what could have been , should have been .
  15. UMMMM ... I thought you got paid to be an electrician ? LOL !!!
  16. If there is one thing I have learned here , it is to find new water , fish where the fish are , not where they have been , I have fished my favorite lake for over twenty years now with only a handful of those years seriously fishing this body of water , that marks the day I have joined this site , I have learned that not all fishing requires a rod and reel , nor bait of any kind , I have found that applying theory to your own situation from books and teachings from this site have by far made me and my family better anglers , I have learned that your mind is one of the most , if not the most , important tools you have as an angler , also one of the most corrupt if you allow it to be .
  17. Lake Anna for me here in Va. there are a few big water lakes I like to frequent and quite a few smaller ones , but the challenges Anna has to offer are up there with the best of them , it's a nuke plant lake with a ton of diversity , you can find quite a few 2 and 3 lb bass , but finding the better quality fish is where the challenge is at , I both love and hate that lake , some days you get to feel both LOL !!
  18. ABSOLUTELY !!! I use that time to work on my cold water fishing , very little pressure , if any at all , this also helps my patience in the dead of summer .
  19. I tried having a conversation with my wife at 4 am once , only to find out early in our marriage , she is not a morning person at all .
  20. I have no uplifting message to share with you , other than to say that you are not alone !!
  21. Pressure is a mindset of patience , take the time to learn what others are doing and do it differently , I agree with WRB , find the water that no one else is using , take the time to scout if needed , if the fish are where everyone else is fishing , get to know and be comfortable using finesse and super finesse techniques and tactics , no matter the pressure a body of water see's , always remain open minded and adapt to changes and keep in mind , the pressure is on you , not the fish . Good luck and be safe !!!
  22. An angler and a great teacher and a guest from time to time on our site , one whom we consider a great friend . Mark lost his wife Donna to cancer , I wanted to pass along my thoughts and prayers to him and his family , may God be with you all .
  23. Not far from each other during the week !
  24. Congrats on a top 5 !!
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