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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. I'm not real familiar with what or how our new GM thinks , a little reflection of how San-Fran was built and how Seattle became so powerful is through his drafting schemes , this year proves to be no different for him , a well balanced mix of very talented youth , I am tempted to believe that what he is doing with some of these "questionable" moves is actually positioning the skins for better bargaining or leverage for what he really wants . We will see how it all shakes out very soon !
  2. Your whole team is still pretty much in tact aren't they ? I haven't really read anything about the Eagles this off season , I'm really not up to speed with them .
  3. Maybe we should invite Jimmy in here on this one , he's kissed a few , he would know the answer !! LOL !!
  4. But , I have proof that you did write this !! What a great thing to do for the children , very classy move by the Eagles !!
  5. Better late than never !!!! Awesome job and thanks for the pic !!!
  6. X2 , Great detail in that story and your over enthusiasm had me hook , line and bullet weight my man !!! Congrats on a great fish and thanks for sharing !!!
  7. I wonder what would happen if I did try that concoction ???? I just might be brave enough to post a vid of my latest fashionable undergarment ...
  8. "Agent" A person or a thing that causes something to happen , I know this from first learning of what a bait monkey was , and now I share this knowledge with you , already knowing that you know this to be fact ... I just figured you were a little heavy on the cough syrup today so we will let this little over site slide .
  9. Those things are sneaky little devils , be careful , they like to burn holes in you pockets !!
  10. Country , Southern Rock , Rock , some Metal ( Ratt , Scorpion , Poison , Warrant , etc...)
  11. I don't know why but , I take my wife to bass pro , I'm looking for specific colors and here she comes around the corner with these pink/white sparkle worms from out of one of the bins that sit along the front of the isle I assume , so excited she is , just have to have them she says , I look at her and say , with a kind of chuckle , were not here for fashion accessories love , well , I'm going to use them anyway , they are too pretty and I think the fish will love them ... wouldn't you know it , they were , i'll never question your judgment again baby , buy what you want . Who knew that bass were so into fashion besides her ...
  12. I think he made the right call for him , like you , I applaud his decision , this guy was poised to make a good chunk of change , he had a heck of a rookie season in San-Fran , I guess one question is , will we see other talents like him follow in his footsteps , if so , where does that leave the market ? As far as seeing the way the game is played in the next , how ever many years , look at the changes already made , it wont be long until we are playing flag or touch football , or so it would seem , I'm all for not laying a guy out by being blindsided , altering someone's life or possibly ending ones life , but IMO , the game has become a little over sensitive with some of the calls that were made over last couple of seasons , the equipment itself is evolving and testing is being done continuously to improve upon existing technology , hopefully , technology can advance far enough , fast enough , that we don't see too much of a change .
  13. I think they will be just fine without him , but , what an absolute talent he is !!
  14. Your not allowed in my boat anymore !! LMAO !!! seriously , there is a lot of truth in that statement though !!
  15. I thought the bills showed a good spark with a 9-7 season , their best since 03 or 04 I think , Doug seems to be getting them in the right direction , best of luck this season !!!
  16. Anyone keeping up with what their teams are doing this off season ? So far I love what the Redskins have done , offensive lineman Tyler Larsen should be a great addition , that dude has got some skills , also adding Nsekhe , another young talent , and then there is this young safety Johnson that we acquired from the Seahawks , what can we expect from him ? a whole lot more than what we previously had for sure , looking forward to the passion and bright thinking brought by him in the safety position . The addition of the new GM IMO has been the biggest move so far and probably the best move in the last 10 maybe even 20 years , Scott McCloughan , I would not be afraid to say he is most likely the best dang draft navigator in the NFL , not too shabby at using the free agency either , the most impressive is his skill at combining the two . Ok , Ok , I'm not entirely sure just what to think about the QB situation , RG3 has got a really strong arm , I think we can all agree with that much , after seeing him through injury , watching him after a run , that's about all that really impresses me is his arm strength , his accuracy has suffered , which IMO negates his strength , reports say he's refocused and really working hard , the jury is still out . Cousins , I don't really know about either , maybe the both of them are being held for future bargaining chips , I cant see any other reason why either of them are still there . I am looking forward to the future of my beloved Skins , this season "should" be a much more productive one , but then again , I've said that for the last ten years ...
  17. What a prize !!! Great job Aiden and congrats on a very nice catch sir !!! 8 years old , skipping a swim jig , in his second year of fishing ? sounds like you have a great teacher as well , life is good !!!
  18. Lots of hard work and preparation on your part rewarded you with a sweet prize to show for it , thank you very much for sharing this awesome news with us ! Congratulations on a job very well done you guys and God bless !!!! You know what this means right , your going to have to be even more prepared to defend !!
  19. Welp , there goes another dissatisfied lip piercing customer , this can't be good for business , NEXT !! Honey, I need a new rod , this ones defective ...
  20. Great job , garden looks awesome !!!!!
  21. My father always told me that if there were no fools in this world , there would be no fun . I may be the fool , but just look at the fun we're having !!!
  22. Go to Lew's website and there is a "contact us" link to use , ask them for a schematic of your reel , sounds like you simply didn't get it back together correctly , an exploded parts view can help aid in the assembly process as well if you still have yours that came with the reel , if you don't , give them a shout , they are good people to work with .
  23. It seems I am in the market for a new manager , looks like you have experience ... LOL !!!
  24. SURE !!!!! I'll do even better than that , Send me your address and I will send you 6 pair that have been worn by me personally FREE !! Note: If you do accept my free gift to you , they will come with a patented trade mark !! LOL !!
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