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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Mine would be to be more open minded about everything, stop thinking that because it works for others that it will work for me as well, explore more, get deeper into why the fish are doing what they are doing and fish accordingly.
  2. I hope you enjoy that lake as much as I do, check out Anna Point Marina and High Point Marina as well, all the peeps at these marinas are very helpful folk and if you get the time, take a look into their guides at all 3 marinas, you want to know the lake and where to find the bass, all 3 marinas provide some truly great guide services. Good luck and be safe !!!
  3. Sounds like a great outing, congrats !!!!
  4. You try lake arrowhead? Talk to NitroFreak if he is still around. I'm still here, just been really busy this summer and don't get to check in as often as I'd like. Lots and lots of places to go around these parts chmeyers, I'd suggest what Sam posted and let us know what you would like from there.
  5. Just wondering if anyone is going from here, thought if anyone was that it would be nice to take the opportunity to meet y'all.
  6. I used to think it was for the challenge, I mean, how hard could it possibly be right? My very first trip out alone really early in the morning, I prepped everything the night before and stowed my gear in the camper because I was unfamiliar with the place and nervous about leaving it in the boat, I pulled up on a spot that was very peaceful, a slight chill in the air from the fall weather, nerves slightly rattled from the excitement of my very first boat, everything went according to plan until I stepped up on the bow and realized that I left my tackle in the camper, frustrated I went to fire the boat back up and head back, now the boat engine won't fire, no tools, no fishing gear, no one around, I took a minute to gather myself and looked around, the sun just starting to crest the bank, how vivid and vibrant the colors were that morning, the water was mostly clear and calm with a hint of fog, so quiet, so indescribably incredible, a deer sipping from the waters edge had cought my attention, then her two fawns showed up as she seemingly taught them to drink, engrossed in the moment a voice shouts out as the lights go out on his dock, GOOD MORNING! Everything ok ? Yes, yes it is. It hit me, light switch! Switch! KILL SWITCH!!! I don't know if that moment of peace is something that was meant to be, it sure made a lasting impression and helped me to realize that it is not wise to let life's problems interfere with everyday living, enjoy what we have been given and never take it for granted, I think that lesson is why I enjoy fishing so much, that and the daily dose of dock follies, they never disappoint either.
  7. Thank you for doing this to aid our men and women, may you guys and gals have a great event and be safe !! God bless you all !!!
  8. Yes, too bad LOL !!! Gotta admit they looked a lot better
  9. Redskins look the best they have looked in Sunday's WIN against the Eagles, starting to show a little cohesion, running game is improved over last season, O-line looks a lot better than years past, 3rd down conversions? A heck of a lot better, probably since they haven't had to go all that far, defense is making some noise too, really happy with the adjustments and improvements over this season compared to the last... Decade. HTTR BABY !!!
  10. Anytime with family is a beautiful time , mix that with other venues we love and it's just that much better , you should have some pretty good days in that area , there is a good mix of current and structure , only been invited to fish that side a handful of times , it's beautiful in that area , there are some hazards you need to be on the lookout for across from where you are staying there are a few submerged humps , the water level is down so they might or might not be visible , just ease around if you don't have a good lake map and if your unsure of the surroundings there . Enjoy yourself and your family bud !!!
  11. OH , your staying on the private side then , that's a pretty decent area to fish , hope you have a great time and catch lots of fish !!! Good luck , be safe and God bless !!!
  12. Not sure exactly where that's located , that somewhere near Dukes Creek ? Don't remember seeing that one but there are a slew of islands down around Dukes is the reason I ask .
  13. Thank ya much , means a ton , by the way , here is a standing invitation for you , you say when and I'll be on the water waitin on ya !!!
  14. It is big guy and thank ya much !!!
  15. I was just there this past Saturday , water temps were in the mid to upper 80's depending on where you were , up in the Anna arm the water was stained , mid lake the water was somewhat clear , lots of boat traffic still so be prepared for that , I really didn't fish much at all because I was getting used to my new to me ride but when I finally did I was in pigeon creek , found two schools of bait and one small school of bass on a secondary point with hard bottom , I managed to make 5 whole casts before the VDGIF showed up and checked us over , I did manage this one little feller on the second cast however but by the time we finished up we needed to get home so that was the end of my day . I'll be there from the 16th through the 20th , fishing the wounded warriors tournament , best of luck to ya and be safe !!!
  16. I can't be much help to ya since I haven't been in a while , not real sure what the fish are doing , keep checking with Anna point Marina and their fishing report , I was hoping to get out last weekend but that didn't happen either , if I get over there before then I will try and provide a detailed report for ya , hopefully someone has been recently and can help ya out .
  17. By the way , I know you didn't say monsters but I am only assuming that is what some have labeled them as .
  18. There are some better ones in Hearthstone lake , they are stocked northern pike in that lake , I caught one 28 inches 2 years ago , my youngest daughter caught one 24 inches just after I caught mine like a week later , haven't been back since . As for monsters coming out of lake Shenandoah , never seen one , there are some decent sized fish pulled from there but to be called monsters ? I'm not sure what they consider monster class fish , the biggest I have seen is 18 inches .
  19. Yes , not big ones but fun to catch , you have to get to the grass for a good chance at em or at least the better ones , there's some decent fish in there but nothing to write home about .
  20. I might hit up lake Shenandoah at lunch tomorrow if the wife decides she's not taking one , I go to lunch from one to two if your interested .
  21. Will do , where in the burg are ya ? I'm in Lacey Springs .
  22. There are trails there Fly , mostly it's used as horseback riding now days , pdc , since your stuck on foot there are some areas that you can explore , at the concrete ramp you can stand to the right of it and cast out toward that point that's straight in front of you , there's a small break that the bass will hang around , you'll feel it as you drag a bait across the bottom there , brush hogs work really well in natural colors on a C-rig , most all creature baits work pretty well up there as I am sure you have figured out , there are several spots where the tent campers dwell as you head upward from the dam on the right hand side , might want to explore those just be careful cause some of those campers aren't the friendliest of people , you can also try past the ramp where the water gets a lot deeper , there's some good areas with a lay down or two out that way as you walk over toward the dam , one of my friends pulled a seven pounder off that first lay as you round the bend 2 weeks ago .
  23. They did stock it , I haven't seen any caught there but I have had friends tell me of some nice ones being pulled from that place , out in the middle around the dam area is where I hear they pull them from mostly . That place fishes a lot like Moomaw .
  24. You can have a great day there when the pike aren't really close to shore , there are some really nice pike you can catch close to the concrete boat ramp on spinners , there are several lay downs around that lake , may I ask you to be a little more specific as to which one you were fishing ?
  25. I wish to thank those who had sent me PM's about how to fish the Potomac , this past weekend I was to take a warrior out for the 5th annual Reel American Heroes Foundation at Hope Springs , as it turned out , I couldn't due to having an engine failure , regretfully I had to withdraw but , on the bright side of things I was still able to participate in the event and provide assistance to the foundation . It was a truly great experience with the Warriors , got to meet so many from all across the country , not one of them left without a smile . I wish I had the opportunity to put your valued information to good use but , looks like I will have to save it all for next year's event , I have since found a ( new to me ) ride , believe it or not , it's not a Nitro but it is a great ride for future outings . Thanks so very much guys , it means a lot to have you all here !!!
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