I used to think it was for the challenge, I mean, how hard could it possibly be right?
My very first trip out alone really early in the morning, I prepped everything the night before and stowed my gear in the camper because I was unfamiliar with the place and nervous about leaving it in the boat, I pulled up on a spot that was very peaceful, a slight chill in the air from the fall weather, nerves slightly rattled from the excitement of my very first boat, everything went according to plan until I stepped up on the bow and realized that I left my tackle in the camper, frustrated I went to fire the boat back up and head back, now the boat engine won't fire, no tools, no fishing gear, no one around, I took a minute to gather myself and looked around, the sun just starting to crest the bank, how vivid and vibrant the colors were that morning, the water was mostly clear and calm with a hint of fog, so quiet, so indescribably incredible, a deer sipping from the waters edge had cought my attention, then her two fawns showed up as she seemingly taught them to drink, engrossed in the moment a voice shouts out as the lights go out on his dock, GOOD MORNING! Everything ok ? Yes, yes it is.
It hit me, light switch! Switch! KILL SWITCH!!!
I don't know if that moment of peace is something that was meant to be, it sure made a lasting impression and helped me to realize that it is not wise to let life's problems interfere with everyday living, enjoy what we have been given and never take it for granted, I think that lesson is why I enjoy fishing so much, that and the daily dose of dock follies, they never disappoint either.