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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. I rarely say anything at all, my hook sets are usually announced by my rod.
  2. I have a question while we are on this subject and I hope you don't mind me posing it in your thread buckeye, I am debating on either a laser or a tactical light, I should probably tell you the gun first, it's a Sig Sauer 45 cal P250 model, I am leaning toward the tactical light since it is not only for CC but home defense as well, either one or the other or would not worrying about it at all be better, any thoughts, suggestions?
  3. I really don't have a partner, when dad and I went I paid for everything, just a little right back atcha for all he did for me, when I do go I look at it this way, I'm going with or without you anyway, if I have an open seat and I invite you, it's yours to enjoy, if you feel compelled to chip in because you had some great up-bringin then ok, but you wont hear me ask about it or expect anything for it. Only one rule, no alcohol.
  4. This was a hilariously good way to get the word out, however, I was always warned about taking advice from those who hide behind a mask...hhhhmmmmmm.
  5. That right there, it just don't get no better, what a great lookin family you have big guy !!!
  6. My wife would probably be more upset that I melted her candles rather than stopping an intruder with that thing, might even be a good demolition tool, looks like the procession could take out a wall or two... dagummit man !! Oops, *percussion, sorry about that.
  7. Sounds like you need a winter time base situated somewhere in the southern part of the hemisphere...
  9. They may not be moving at all, in those cases you usually have to knock em in the head before they will bite anything, glad to hear you got out at least but I would keep an eye out for warming trends and fish those too !!
  10. Dare I say mentor ? if so, I don't think you could have picked a better one, what a great bass club to be associated with.
  11. Probably the best worm fisherman to ever pick up a rod IMO, something tells me you may have spent some time on the water with this feller... hhmmmmm,
  12. SHAWEEEEEEEEEET !!! thank you !!!!!
  13. Ummmmm, lets just say it was not the experience I was expecting to have and leave it at that, I think they noted in my charts to make sure I get a little stronger sedative for the next time.
  14. Thanks Wayne, I'll do better at getting clearer photos as well, I do not know if I can take a screen shot with these yet, at least I have not read about doing so in the manual, is it just me or is it normal to see that much return at the top of the screen, will adjusting the level of surface noise aid in clearing some of this up? I have seen some videos that suggested turning some of the auto features off like sensitivity but I am wondering if screens that look like these are normal returns for these units and should I mess with the settings at all since I am just learning about these.
  15. Make sure to post pics, we like pics !! Good luck and be safe !!!
  16. I woke up in the middle of my procedure...
  17. Looking to go to the lake this weekend and I have a little understanding about what I am seeing from the owners manual on these sonars, since I am a newb to this sonar my trip is basically geared for learning how to interpret what is being sent back, I took these with a cell phone and want to apologize for the clarity, in the one picture it would appear that I captured an image of Batman lurking in the depths and for the most part was just an image I thought would be cool to show my friends, sorry, this was my first trip out playing around with this new to me technology, come to find out this is actually a bridge piling that I could have marked UGH !! The second photo is one that has some fish arches on the bottom and some blotches in the screen, I have no clue how to interpret what I am seeing in this photo, is it just clutter?
  18. Will do, I think everythingthatswims is the only one with a report this season so far up here that I have seen, reading all these Florida posts is really getting the itch all worked up to get my arse out there.
  19. Fishing the tidal waters around here is just a little different than fishing one of our reservoirs, look at the deeper parts that have as close to vertical structure as you can find, during the low tides you may find them grouped up far easier in these areas than you would on our lakes, from there keep it pretty simple and remember that the fish move up as the water level rises and they move back as the water level decreases, as the tide rolls in and as the tide rolls out use your reaction baits around the brakes in the current, you can find these and mark them as you scan the channels leading back to the shallows, during the lull between the two tidal events use your slow moving baits, fish the cover like grass and lilies from the middle toward the back or shallower area when the tide is in, fish the middle to the front as the tide goes out, I have not fished our tidal systems much but this has helped a bunch from the guys here that helped me with it.
  20. HOWDY !!!!
  21. During my research for the one I wanted I found that many manufacturers make CC handguns for ambidextrous use, have you found what your looking for yet? or have one in particular in mind? make, model, caliber, fit, (full size, compact, etc...)
  22. Not me, I was hoping to get out this past weekend but it seems my luck has been carried over from last year, I ended up spending the weekend installing a water heater in my mother-in-laws house and attending my daughters baby shower event. There is a possibility that I may get to Lake Anna this coming weekend, keeping my fingers crossed for the first time out in 2016, I too have been guessing at what the bite may be like and looking at my baits that I have tied on then tied on something else, if I do get to go I'm sure I will retie again when I get there LOL !! Good luck and be safe !!!
  23. Sounds like a terrific outing, congrats and thanks for sharing !!!
  24. Just recently had this done for the first time, while I do not like hospitals and doctors in the least, I feel the same as you, guys, it's important, early detection is a vital key, GET ER' DONE !!!
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