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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Phew ! 200 bucks man, but it is what I am looking for, I think I am going to take up Way2slow and catt's advise first and see what they may have to offer, having tech support is a pretty cool option, but I have tech support here too ya know !! By the way, this is a brand new powerhead with only "supposedly" 22hrs on it, it looks really fresh and I do believe it has been replaced looking at some of the wiring repairs and such it was not done by any expert in the field that's for sure, you may be better off with what you have LOL !!
  2. Purchased one for my daughter, in the muddy girl pattern of course but, the gun itself is a straight shooter, very accurate and reliable piece, we have fired approx 1000 rounds through it and had no problems, the only thing I really don't care for about the gun is removing the slider pin to break it down, it's not as bad as you would think but it's just a small inconvenience, other than that she loves it !!!
  3. A couple of the issues I am having I would like a shot at repairing myself, I have done a lot of repairs and service work to all kinds of older craft, in fact even once thought of putting myself through some type of education for the newer stuff and maybe opening a business if all went well, I really enjoy the marine industry a lot, this particular shop I have done business with and they truly are unwilling, and your right, I really do not want to take my issues there if I can help it, when I first had to go to them for some parts they told me that they would have to wait until they had enough orders before they would submit an order which could be as long as a month, maybe they do have to wait I'm not sure but, I too would think that business is business, profit is profit, so I can see them saying something like this to my buddy, hence the hesitation to want to ask for the order, the first time I had ever visited that place there were 2 techs outside working on a boat, I had seen one of them reach in and hit the starter and the other took a hit to the lower shin by the prop, not sure of the circumstance that led to that. The serial number is key to any make to get the right information and parts, that's for sure, I have looked on there for things related to my engine but have not located anything as of yet, I will keep looking though !! Thanks Tom, I hadn't spoke to you for a while, hope all is well my friend !!! I will check there this evening, thanks buddy !!!!
  4. That's what we do around these parts when we want to up our percentages LOL ! However, we just use a pair of headlights and a really heavy duty bumper
  5. Thank you Glenn !!! They have already decided that I shall be known as the one they call, paw paw LOL !! Many thanks Mike !!!
  6. Thank you my friend, they are truly appreciated !!!
  7. Not a scary question at all, my honest and somewhat embarrassing answer is that I had thought about that but have not asked that question because a friend of mine with an older merc had already tried to purchase a manual for his engine from the one and only merc service center we have close to our area and was denied for the thought that it would be taking business away from them, I get it, I just don't know how true it is, guess there is only one way to find that out for sure... I have a BPS with a service center not much further away if that doesn't pan out, that may be another option. Thanks Way2slow !!
  8. Thanks Sam, I was just looking at those pictures from the Anna meet and greet last night and thought about time, how fast it goes by. Many thanks and they are surly appreciated !! Thank you Bankbeater !!!! Got to see the 3D photo's last night, our last look before they venture into the real world, Mason is head down and ready to go, even giving us the thumbs up, Noah had his hand in front of his face waving, almost like he knew mom and dad were watching them, my daughter is doing great but more than ready to get this done, HA, she thinks her life will get back to being normal again, let us know how that works out for ya... Got to feel the babies moving around last night, at 6lbs each, they are trying to find some room to move, they are experiencing the "hiccups" a natural occurrence which basically is their exercise to take their first breath once delivered, they are ready, we are ready, just hoping and praying for everything to go great during the birth. Thanks all !!!
  9. Thanks Archer !!! I had not seen that one yet, I will research this site and see what it offers, much appreciated !!!!
  10. Mine is to get a lot better at understanding structure, just took a trip to my home lake this past weekend and did not even wet a line, with the exception of dragging a heavy jig around some areas to get a feel for what I was seeing, just focused on where the fish were this time of year and tried my best to locate some productive areas, I learned where the fish were not at unfortunately but at the same time I learned a lot about what I did see.
  11. Yes, these are identical as well, my treat will be that I can stuff these lil fellers with sweets and send em back home to mom and pop !!!! Thank you !!!!
  12. Thanks a bunch fellers !!! I am hoping they enjoy fishing with their grandpa, I am looking forward to having them on some future outings for sure. There will be pics, lots of pics !!! Just found out that they will be here on the 24th !!!!!
  13. Finding out I was going to be a grandfather was exciting enough, now the twins are almost here, the doctors said they would be here the week of the 27th barring any unforeseen emergency, they were to busy at the office today to schedule the C-section but we will find out sometime in the next couple of days when the procedure will take place, OH MAN I cant wait !!! If I may ask for prayers from you guys for a healthy and safe delivery for mom and babies they would be truly welcomed !!!
  14. Looks like a really great ride, Congrats and I hope it brings you many years of worry free fishing !!!
  15. That was by far the best defensive game I had ever seen, Congrats to the Broncos for doing a really great job last night, super bowl 50 CHAMPIONS !!!
  16. I found some manuals out there, the best one so far is produced by Seloc which worked out pretty well with my old Rude/Johnson outboard engines, the manual is nice and packed with lots of info but I am looking to limit the wide variety of engines and years that they cover, I have ventured into fuel injection with my newer boat, it is a 2000, 200 merc efi that I have very little experience with or knowledge of. Are there any manuals out there that specifically cover this engine? if so, can you help point me in the right direction please. Thanks all !!
  17. Most of the time when there is music in the boat it includes my family out fishing for the day, my girls love having music on board, it does not have a negative impact since the radio is simply a little hand held device or something on their phones that they listen to, some of the best days have come with music so it is not something I would place any stock in for a negative impact, it may have a different effect with those really big systems such as those found on wake boats and such, as for me when I am out, I am more focused on the task at hand anyway, I don't even notice it even when the girls are with me.
  18. Update, found very little as far as reports go for her on the public side, mid lake temps are 39.7 to 41.4, partially stained, lower lake temps, 41.4 to 47.9 and clear, scanned a bunch of structure from Sturgeon creek down to Valentine, mid lake included Pigeon Creek, Marshall, Contrary, most of all I scanned was only primary to secondary points, fish were suspended and only found above the splits, didn't venture into the coves and basically stayed near any vertical structure that I could find. I feel as if I would have ventured further back into these major arms I would have located some fish, saw lots of bait in a stacked position, no fish on any of the breaks or located relating to bottom structure where I was, lots of activity however in the old river arm of Anna River, water temps in the arm near the splits and condition at the end of the day were 41.2 and partly stained, if your going to Anna you may want to check out further beyond the splits or investigate areas deeper than secondary points. hope that helps. Good luck and be safe !!
  19. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family, God bless !!!
  20. It truly is a beautiful place to fish and I would like to venture there more often myself, great report and thanks for sharing your day with us !!!
  21. When you are reading up on everything about CC you run across suggestions about everything, most of what I have heard and learned about in the CC arguments and suggestions is that I found all the cases to be close quarter confrontations, however, there are some areas within my house that could reach as much as 30 feet between myself and an intruder, that was basically the reasoning for the question, as for the tactical light, it has an easily removable clip so that I can carry it much easier without having to purchase a bulkier holster, it would be used primarily for home defense for sure, I have made a decision on the gun but have not purchased it yet, I firmly believe as you do that it should include practice and lots of it, not only that but I also feel that it is worth every penny you spend to train as much as you can with instructors, not all of them have the same outlook and in some cases may not even suit your needs but at the same time there is most always something that you learn that you take away with you, even though I don't have the gun yet, I have already been through lots of training with guns very similar to what I want and cant wait to start with my own. Thanks for the input, it is very knowledgeable and I shall put it to good use.
  22. Your going about it the right way, the only things I would add are to work the frog with a little more speed, work it more like you would a jerk bait in the summertime, you want the frog to look like it's walking if you hit the open pockets of water, if you fish the pads during a time of high pressure then flip a worm or a craw in the really small nooks and cranny's but be stealthy about it, if they are tucked up in there tight they can spook easily.
  23. 3/4 of the battle is learning something new and doing so under various conditions, that's a good report and thanks for sharing it with us !!
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