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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. I used to love it, like you I too picked it up at a young age, my influences then were my uncle and my dad, Chet Atkins was my first impressionable guitarist who I could only wish to have played like, then along came the likes of Merle Haggard, Waylon Jennings and such, from there as I grew up it became southern rock, 38 special, Molly Hatchet, Lynard Skynard, I picked some others like Rush, Van Halen, AC/DC, Bad Company SRV, and then there was the hair bands and haven't really picked up anything else since 3 Doors down, have not really picked it up much at all since then either but I really enjoyed my time with the guitar.
  2. Don't feel bad about it brother, I'm sure you have read a lot of my posts, if we were all perfect we could not be children in the eyes of God, I'm no bible thumper here but I am one who is not without his own mistakes and lots of them, especially since I found the Internet and started using it, I found your post humorous and nothing else big guy !!!
  3. Thank you very much lo n slo that means a lot, I'm looking forward to it, they already tuged on a couple ?
  4. Congrats to you my friend and know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones for a healthy and safe delivery for both mom and baby !!! God bless and keep you all safe !! Thank you very much buddy, it means a ton !!! Thanks Sam, I can't wait to wet a line with you guys again, hopefully very soon buddy !!! Thanks K_Mac, if all continues on this path, they may be home as soon as today, God bless my friend !!!
  5. It's 12:15 am, I just got done shampooing their carpets and wiping down everything in the house to welcome them home ( hopefully tomorrow) wait, today, thank you for the well wishes my friend and with 2 boys and a grandpa that still likes to have fun, rest isn't an option for them LOL !!!! God bless and thanx !!!
  6. Darren, that's my oldest daughter, I could only wish for a wife as young as her but then again, that would mean that you are currently unhappy with the choices one makes, that however is not the case and besides, I'm not rich enough to afford a wife as young as my daughter LOL !!!!!! My family knows that I have an extended family (if you will) and that they may ultimately end up here with my friends, no secrets, nothing to hide my friend, thanks and God bless !!!
  7. That line right there WILL be used LOL !!!! Thanx Mike !!!!
  8. Thanx RW !! Thank you !!!! Thank you !!!! I'm not sure that can be improved upon and what a great idea you just gave me !!!! Thanx Dwight !!!
  9. As promised here are a few, I only got one of Noah today because the room was full of family and friends when I went to see them on my lunch brake and didn't get the chance to hold him but for a few minutes. I cant wait to take them camping and other things, the fortunate thing is that we live maybe 250 yards apart, when im done spoiling them at my house I can go over there and show them little secrets that will push moms buttons
  10. The day had finally come, a month premature but my grandbabies are here, my baby girl went in for her check-up yesterday in preparation for next weeks C-section and the boys said we cant wait another week, I was on a road test when I got the call, my daughter in tears and scared to death asked in a broken up voice, are you ready to become a grandfather because they are on their way right now... YES !!!!!! I got to the hospital just in time to give my little girl a hug and a kiss before they wheeled her off to surgery, 45 minutes later, I am officially a grandfather to two identical baby boys, Mason and Noah, Mason 6lbs 8oz., Noah 5lbs 8oz. because they were a month premature both boys experienced some small set backs like their lungs could not clear all of the fluids, Mason faired better than his brother Noah who had to spend the night in the ICU but recovered nicely and continues to do so, his mom got to hold him today finally and felt good enough to actually get out of bed this morning and take a shower, they wouldn't let me take pictures through the glass observation area but I did manage a couple last night. I want to give a shout out as well as a huge thank you for all who passed along prayers and kept us in their thoughts, it means a lot to me and my family, God bless and I will be back soon with pics !!!!
  11. Sounds like a really great outing, CONGRATS !!!!
  12. CONGRATS and thanks for sharing some really great fishing with us !!!!
  13. Great first fish for 2016 Goose, here is to wishing you have a season full of fish just like that one, CONGRATS and thanks for sharing !!!
  14. Your doing a great job, keep getting after it and keep us posted with the awesome reports !!!
  15. Anna is a special place and offers some special gifts from time to time, what a great story and a truly great catch man, CONGRATS !!!! I think the record LMB for Anna is still at 13lbs even, keep going like that and you will break that record.
  16. "There is an app for that"... It makes no difference, if you are not fishing where the fish are, your chances are slim to none. If you are fishing where the fish are, there is an old adage that may apply to this conversation, "I would much rather throw the wrong bait in the right place than throw the right bait in the wrong place".
  17. I just snag em' in the middle of the back, they put up the best fight that way trying to reach that thing, I've caught two so far using that method, the only problem I had was trying to stuff em'... guess I should have poked em' first to make sure they were really dead.
  18. New "to me" ride, 2000 ProCraft 200 super pro with updated sonar equipment, a pair of Lowrance Elite-7 HDI's, I plan on really hunkering down this season and learn a lot.
  19. That's a great approach !
  20. There is always a certain time of year I really look forward to fishing my home lake, when I know for sure I can go to several places and not have to worry about a single wake boat or jet ski, just me and maybe a few others trolling around flippin and pitchin in the peace and quiet all day long. nice photo Raul !!
  21. There are numerous ones here in Va., some of those however you run a greater risk of having things taken from you during the warmer months, however, my favorite one is Lake Moomaw, in the pictures below, one contains a shot of the beaching area, that is when they drain the lake there is one, and above you can see part of the campground, it's an absolutely beautiful lake tucked up in the mountains with several different kinds of species you can fish for, of course my favorite is LMB.
  22. Weather is always my number one factor to consider before I go for safety reasons, after that, I wont know about the current until I get there, it's a nuke plant lake and it depends upon the amount of electricity being generated as to how many turbines they have running, secondly is I pay attention to the depth of fish during my launch, I will idle around a bit and scan a fair amount of structure to eliminate as much water as possible and primarily focus on those depths and same type of structure for the day, thirdly is the current amount of sunshine or overcast to help me decide how fast or how slow I need to fish and lastly is water clarity for bait colors, I can have three or four different clarity choices on any given day depending on what part of the lake I am fishing, from stained to gin clear. If all else fails, just start skipping under every single older dock on the lake like everyone else does.
  23. Will do, it's a chance to fish and meet people and I will pack accordingly to what you tell me the conditions are but it's more so for the fun of it, I may have an open seat for someone as well but I will let you know in advance if that happens.
  24. Well, March 4th is my Bday so I was thinking that weekend maybe, I normally take the day and spend it at Anna but if one of those weekends in there works for you all I will just save the funds and put it toward fishing there with you guys.
  25. I would like to come down and fish with you res guys for a day, meet as many of you as I can, I have fished with Quan and Chop so far and met a couple of you briefly, I know that your boat would be open to me quan but my equilibrium has gotten worse, I would probably have to bring my boat and just run the trolling motor, first, is that plausible?, what I was thinking is just fishing the general area that we first stopped in, I feel sure that my batteries can get me that far and back again, maybe further, im not sure when because my daughter is having her babies next week, we will be busy making sure mom gets her rest for the first few days/weeks but im thinking spring, any thoughts?
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