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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Only when I fish private lakes that require the use of barbless hooks, some of these guys go to great lengths to keep up a fishing pond, some are more than big enough to accomadate several bass boats so I keep a small Plano box stocked with baits that have barbless hooks just for these guys.
  2. It's a great book but even with that book it's still no easy road, it's a lot of work, in the future though I can see it being worth all the effort.
  3. Sounds like we may have a chance to have some fun as well then, looking forward to it regardless buddy, boat is ready, all I need to do now is service the trailer !! Can't wait !!!
  4. It would be nice if that pattern holds up for our outing in two weeks but I'm really glad to hear you guys whacked em and had some fun !!!!
  5. Sounds like y'all had a great event!!!
  6. I used to count but it's not as important as it once was, it's been a long stent since I have taken it seriously, I had dedicated a lot of trips to learning these past few years, although they have been limited with the exception of each September when I usually revert to past successes on good structure areas, this year is a lot different and I will most likely start logging once more.
  7. I don't mind the go pro shots when they show like the line ripping off the reel, small segments of those type shots make it interesting but myself, I like the camera on the back where I can watch the entire cast of an angler and learn some of the ways that they go about using different techniques and such, much like Mr. Horton's show.
  8. What a great vacation, congrats and thanks for sharing !!!
  9. I have the fortunate ability to be financially strapped, enough so that I couldn't be that guy even if I wanted to, kinda glad that it turned out that way because I could see myself as a sucker for all things fishing...
  10. His findings still incorporate the importance of key outside structure during these moon phases as well as pre-frontal conditions but also notes the two or three days around a 3/4 waxing and a 3/4 waning moon were the two most consistent times "each month" to intercept large bass on structural elements. So yes, I would say that his records show that he studied this for a long or in depth period of time, I don't see where his writings show an end date, that's why I assume he kept records until he published the book.
  11. I found my book, he does not give an an exact date, only that "since 1970, the date I started keeping records"
  12. I have mine somewhere Catt, I will find it and get the exact dates of his studies, I recalled reading about his studies in that chapter and thought about the specifics, if I recall correctly, his documentation began in the 70's and I am assuming it went through the time that he published his book which was in the 90's, I remember him also stating that the moon phases basically intensified the action that was already taking place, even noting anglers catches from other parts of the country including different species being larger during these phases.
  13. Yes he did think it to be true and actually recorded his catches in different phases, I think all of his recordings were that of "Trophy cycles" good, fair, better and best, best was the waxing cycle and second best being the waning cycle, 3 or 4 moons before the full and 3 or 4 moons after. These were recordings of position as well as activity, but, he did make note that the fish he recorded were 8lbs plus and 10lbs plus, in general getting pretty specific with his documented catches.
  14. Very nice indeed !! Great job !!!!
  15. Great outings man and congrats !!!! Thanks for sharing !!!
  16. Lake Anna is a fickle ol' girl, the crappie fishing is really good there around quite a few docks and some of the rock piles and over passes especially in the old river arm, talk to the guys at the marinas for your crappie adventures, the bass however are a good bit different, it depends on what your after, if your going for numbers then focus on the docks and grass, you will even pick off an occasional big'un with this method, if your going for quality then your primary focus needs to be on structure. This thread however is about the Occaquan and I don't want to go into to much detail about Anna but just touch on the basics since you asked the question. As quan stated the search tool is a great option for what you are looking for.
  17. Should have taken your video camera out eh??? LOL !!! Great day and thanks for sharing!!
  18. Its defiantly a nice bass but I agree with others that it's not a 10, although one that would warrant some excitement for sure, do yourself a favor and pick up a quality scale, one that will alleviate any sort of guess work, they are out there at some reasonable prices, I use a Berkley digital scale, it's not exact but it does get very close (within oz.) of a certified scale and for roughly around 20 bucks. Nice fish and congrats !!!
  19. I hit a dry spell the last several outings on a lake that I normally do very well on, although I understand that I am focused on learning new techniques and such with baits I have never used before, I have convinced myself that I should expect 0 fish days while in this learning curve, I will say that it's very difficult not to pick up what I know works, the feedback and the lessons I'm learning though by far outweigh the goose eggs.
  20. The fish could be ok, there is truly no way to know for sure unless of course you go back and find it floating on the surface, in the long run of things I am certain you did your best to return that fish back to the water as quickly as possible but in order to lessen the amount of time focus first on getting the fish unpinned from your lure, no need in keeping your hands wet, even though that shows you care about the fish which is truly good, it's really not necessary, snap a quick selfie or two after unpinning her, it does help if you want to take her measurements to have a catch net that you can submerge the ol girl for a moment or two and then take her measurements and release, now you have everything you need if you want a replica and the fish lives to fight another day!! Congrats on a great catch!!!
  21. Pics are cool but Vids are so much better, I wouldn't worry about anything you can do better, just do you, just like that one man, great job !!!
  22. In Lacey springs, the outskirts of the burg. Good to see someone close to home!!
  23. Where about in the valley are you?
  24. Update, Lake Anna has some developments in the mid lake region, I had seen schools on the top of the drop offs and mid sections of the old river channel where it has more vertical structure, with the front we had this past weekend I am assuming that they/some "could have been" on the flats and moved back to the drop, water surface temps were wild, ranging from 52.2 to 65.0 depending where you were, mid lake condition at the mouths of major creeks were mostly clear, in the back of the major creeks it was heavily stained, if you like off shore structure fishing like drop offs and ledge fishing, this is your time to shine and have some fun filling the wells with some bucket mouths !!
  25. Sometimes it's good to take a breath or two...
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