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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. This is what my weather report says for Saturday into Saturday night.
  2. I have a co-worker who's cousin fishes there a lot, I should be able to get some good reliable info from him if he knows anyone.
  3. As with any technological advance, they take time, time to develop and time to accept, some get accepted right away, others, not so much. While this particular advance has certainly helped people, such as in your case, with a positive impact, technology is doing what it's supposed to do, which is move forward and create better user friendly products and improvements that allow enhancements to ones quality of life, who can truly say that they will be using this in the future because the future is wide open in the technological sense of things, what's new today is old tomorrow, that's about the gist of just how fast technology is changing. I can see the possibilities of something like this aiding some of our anglers ( tournament or otherwise) who do suffer from various issues or those who are handicapped in some ways, regardless, the choice is out there for those who wish to take advantage of it right now, if it had an advantage over another angler I believe it would already be in use by quite a few IMO.
  4. I agree the best times to try a new bait is when the fish are active, I don't however dismiss the bait if it does not produce in an area I first use the bait, I will attempt several areas and try as many changes in water conditions as I can before I put it in a box for an attempt on a different body of water.
  5. You may be fishing too fast for the conditions, I didn't see in your post where you tried a T-Rig/C-Rig worm or creature bait with your efforts, slow down a bit and try these or even rig up a split shot with a worm or creature bait.
  6. Where, is something you need a lot of input from everyone, some will be or may be driving many miles and may choose an overnight stay so accommodations may be important for those. When, usually late spring or early fall, in the early spring, winds and storms (fronts) reek havoc on plans, late spring provides a more dependable weather pattern throughout each week and cooler temps along with a more consistent bite, same for late fall as it is for early spring. You have to make plans early to decide what type of event you wish to have, boater/non-boater or a bank beating event, it's difficult to throw everything together in a short amount of time if you go with boater/non-boater but our state parks are a beautiful resource for those larger events. If you decide a bank beater type event just make sure that there is ample room for all to attend, look at your bodies of water from a suggestion pool or gather up a pool from suggestions in here and pick the one most suggested by those interested and set a date. We had a lunch when we did ours over at Anna and it turned out great so that may be a possibility as well, just have everyone bring a covered dish type sitting if you wish.
  7. Congrats on the new PB !!! Now all ya gotta do is find one bigger !!!
  8. That's lookin pretty awesome there Nitro !!!
  9. You plan it and we will make it happen man!! I'll get my dates gathered up and shoot you a PM as to when I am fishing with Veterens and see if we can come up with something.
  10. i was truly looking forward to the weekend man, counting down the days I was, I can manage this new boat pretty decently with the wind, but, 25mph hitting us doesn't make it fun nor safe for anyone at all. Look at your calendars and see when we can try again.
  11. So I can take that as a no? LOL !! I use the weather channel app, just checked again and calling out 15-25mph during the day now, not sure what you guys have but check and see what you all are seeing, make sure mine isn't wrong.
  12. I like to keep all of mine in Plano boxes, I keep them stored in the tackle bin in the boat most all the time and really have not had any issues as long as they have been kept in the shade, I have left one of them out on the deck with me before during the day and the result was completely different, like a box full of what you found inside of a stretch Armstrong kind of result...
  13. I think the overwhelming part is the cost of what you actually end up finding un-useful, take your time and try not to get bug eyed over new fads and baits, keep it very simple in the beginning and build confidence in one bait at a time, plastics, in particular, soft plastics, they are inexpensive and the best way to build confidence early, read up on color choices for the clearity of water that you primarily fish and start there, you can be as adverse as you want and experiment so much with soft plastic baits, worms, creature baits, large and small. I really like what Mlbassyaker had to say about learning bass behavior, life cycle and location, focus your attention here on these things first rather than the overwhelming choices of baits, the combination of both will keep your lines tight, keep it simple and don't forget to pack some patience in that tackle box when you go.
  14. Sorry to hear you can't make it Chop, hey, family is always first, I'm a firm believer in that, hopefully we can try this again in the future and everyone can make it out but defiantly glad to hear you got some time on the water. I know most of you guys have smaller boats so I think the question should be asked, is everyone ok with this weekend or do you guys want to try for a different weekend? Safety is the first reason I am asking, secondly, some of us simply don't care for the wind either and hey, I get how aggravating the wind can be, just let me know what y'all want to do.
  15. How's the Res holding up guys? Looks like we got a front coming Thursday and Friday and a mess of wind on Saturday with partly cloudy skies, winds look to be right now @ 10-20mph, sounds like a challenging day but I like a good challenge, just gotta remember to make sure I have my anchor packed too. READY FOR SATURDAY !!!!!!!
  16. 30 rods on a deck usually means they are having some issues figuring out the bite, whatever you fish just make sure to pack your confidence baits along with some patience, a game plan is always good, as mentioned though, things change, if your not getting bit dont panic, adjust and slow everything down before throwing in the towel on what may be a good spot.
  17. Go back to what started it all, fishing has become too complicated in the fact that we tend to try and put everything together in a short amount of time, sometimes we have a tendency to fish to fast, think too much, on neutral fish and pressured waters, that rarely works, IMO, by far and away worms are the best producing baits even in the toughest of situations and conditions for both the angler as well as the fish.
  18. I don't want this to be the last time, although it's been a couple of years since my last trip I really enjoy the Res and its company of fine folk, we will do this again, just not sure when, shucks maybe we can make this like a yearly thing or something who knows or we may be able to do this again by fall, regardless, we will do it again and hopefully you can join us.
  19. Hey, I just re-read your post Quan, we don't all need to be together man, you guys can fish anywhere you want, I will just be somewhere around the splits and maybe a little deeper depending on the trolling motor battery status, I like the idea of tying up together for lunch that's cool !! I figure we can all meet up somewhere at the end of the day and swap some fish tales if you want but by all means just because I will be limited doesn't mean we all have to fish the same area, it's all good !!!!
  20. Future representative of the United States in the olympics right there brother!! Congrats to young Evan !!!!
  21. We are slowly getting to the age of programming a vehicle to do everything for us, there are and have been for some time now systems being tested that allows you to voice your destination and the vehicle will take you there. There are many new technologies coming down the pike in the near future but we are still in our infancy stage, however with all of the technological advances made as well as those coming, it still boggles me as to why we still have little to no regard for our own lives and the lives of others, we are still in an age that applies common sense to the ways we go about everyday life, common sense "should" tell you not to pick up that device until you have pulled over somewhere safe, where exactly is it that we have we lost the simple thinking, the respect for the lives of ourselves as well as others, what is it about this concept that we simply ignore?
  22. 11 days and counting down, looking forward to the Res, as a fellow NOVA or alumni, it's going to be good being in my old stomping grounds, although the Res was not part of my daily life, places like lake Jackson and others were, mostly it was the creeks that ran around Manassas park and lake Manassas itself, it's going to be a great day and I hope you guys can make it out!! John, thanks again for everything, can't wait to see a great friend slinging a line man !!
  23. Thank you sir !!!!
  24. Some fish less days??? LOL !!! I have dedicated the last several of seasons to get a lot more intimate with my home lake by rendering what this man had to say, along with what a lot of you here had to say as well, for someone like me who can not spend every day at the lake or even every weekend at the lake it's down right frustrating to be honest, it's however a necessary evil and I accept that fact because it's what I have made my mind up to do, this year I believe will be better, finally, I hope. In his book he spoke of lakes being bait specific, some being better suited for cranking, some for plastics and so on, the question I have is what is it about each that makes them more suited to one bait or another ? Bill spoke of clearity of structure, I'm assuming he meant cleaner? Less silt on rocks etc...? In the past couple of years and the reason I am asking, I have worked really hard on various baits, lots of which are not unproductive but, not giving the results I had hoped for for the amount of effort put in, it's not that I have low confidence in the baits either, I have used the same baits in other lakes with the same techniques and they by far out performed my home lake, this on the other hand is actually exciting in a sense to know I can pack for any lake and have a lot of confidence in each, it's exciting to me to know that this effort is starting to show results. This will be my fourth season since dedicating myself to understanding what it is going to take and so far both of my trips to my home lake have been focused solely on structure, im finding the main river channels, I'm finding where the fish leave these channels and head for the mouths of major creeks that they use to spawn, im finding I have a lot more patience than I ever thought I had before that's for sure !! LOL!! What is it, after realizing the amount of work that this is taking and still the long road ahead, that makes an angler want to leave the visible atributes of the shallows and head for open water? I hope to yield some results this season with a definitive answer to that question.
  25. The short answer is yes IMO. I like the Seaguar red label just to absorb some of the cost, it's been a pretty good investment for the lesser price for me, I agree with WRB though, a little line conditioner helps a bunch !!!
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