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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Welcome, From one Virginian to another, I love this site so much info and really GREAT people here!!!!!!!
  2. Without knowing your lake I would say to start looking for places that offer more cover and oxygen
  3. Hello and welcome, I am new to the site as well and if I cant give you feedback on what you should buy I can tell you what works for me. I started with a 6.6 and a 7 foot rods medium/heavy, Spincast or open face, I prefere a bait caster ( but they take lots of practice and can get quite expensive ) get a medium size open face reel if you get one too large you decrease the distance you can cast. 10 to 14 lb test fishing line works really well ( clear in color works good in most places for me ) A tackle box ( nothing really big ) and fill it with 3 to 6 inch plastic worms and lizzards, colors that work anywhere watermelon, pumpkin seed ,chartreuse work great, 3 to 5 inch suspending crank baits I like ones that have black on top and either gold or silver on the bottom. I like 2/0 or 3/0 offset hooks with 1/4 to 1/2 oz bullet style weights. You can get all of this stuff at your friendly local wal-mart for around 100 to 150 bucks ! But I cant express to you enough BE SAFE and take your time and you will have a lot of fun!!!!
  4. Rebel, Thanks it sure feels good to be here
  5. Road Warrior & Sam, You both have missed the boat on telling me about getting the girls interested in fishing before they get interested in boys. That ship sailed long ago ;D But thanks for the advise its great !!!
  6. Chris, Where do you go to on lake Anna to do most of your fishing ? Most all of my fishing is done in the Dukes creek area and rockland area, Lots of good structure!!!! What kind of tackle are you using ?
  7. Wow, Thanks to all of you !! Sam I also was on lake Anna last weekend and what a weekend it was, It was like being on a bucking bronk but we did not have the success you and your partener did we cought 8 but all were in the 4 pound range, And how many were in the tournament? We launched from Sturgeon creek and couldnt find a place to park . Congrads on your fourth place finish I hope to some day join you all and compete sounds like a lot of fun.
  8. Thanks Bear
  9. Thanks, Im looking forward to talking to all of you so far it has been a warm welcome its great!!
  10. Well at least your getting her started early, Mine are 16 and 21 I am teaching them everything I know and it works but I guess its just going to be like fishing for the bass paicence, paicence, paicence But I know as soon as they hook their first big one its going to be great
  11. Hello to all, I am 48 I have a wife and 2 girls that I love spending time with on or off the water ( mostly on the water ) and my favorite places to fish are lake Anna and Smith Mountain lake here in Va for bass. I have been fishing for as long as i can remember but I just got started chasing bass last year and I LOVE IT !!! But my girls get bored when we go out, I am hoping that this forum will lead me in the direction to help me help them catch more fish. As much as I love catching bass I love watching them catch bass 10 times more. Any advise?
  12. Hey anyone out there ever fished lake Anna in Va.?
  13. Nitrofreak


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