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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Welcome aboard, If you have a question dont be shy some one here will help you out, Lots of great people here !!!!
  2. Catt, I am no scientist but there was a study done on the basses receptors at a lab in OSU in 1989. If I remember correctly the fish were put in different tanks and all kinds of attractants were tested while the fish were at one end of the tank the attractants were introduced in the far end from remote controlled room so no interaction would sacrifice the experiment and the one scent that bass were most attracted to was crayfish. I will see if I can find the article on line and refer it to you guys, This particular study I read about was in a magazine
  3. Sam I like that, And I agree that what he says has merit. But thats exactly my point especially for soft baits. If you can find a scent that gets the fish to hold on too it longer than your chances of catching more fish increase. For example I was fishing Anna 2 or 3 weekends ago and I was having not much luck I could see the fish following the bait but they just wouldnt hit it no matter how long I left it in front of their face or if I were using soft baits they would pick it up and spit it right back out and I think if I had the baits scented then I would have had fish in the boat. By the way congrads on your 4th place finish that weekend.
  4. Interesting Question, I think if a lure is productive its only because you are using it in the way it was intended to be used. And if it works, Shoot I would most likely never take it off the pole.
  5. I dont know about that one. But I do know that it is a proven fact that bass can taste their food long before they inhale it. They can taste a scent that is 1/200th of an ounce in a 1000 gallon tank so if they are that sensitive to smell or taste then it only makes sense to use scents that are pleasing or familure to bass in their enviroment and that could be key to catching fish on a day that is unproductive. So if what you are saying is true we are all waisting our money on JJs and mega strike and should be spending our money taking lessons from you lol. Hey if thats what it takes when do we start?
  6. seriously you tried gasoline and caught fish?
  7. True, Very true but what does the spf have to do with anything? I understand the coppertone due to its oil but the spf was specifically mentioned as if it had a role to play, that was my question, maybe I was misleading if so I apologise to those whom I have offended. As far as attractants go if they do not work why do people sware by them and all I am saying is that this scent worked well for me and my way of fishing so it could possibly help others who have not mastered the art of fishing, hence the suggestion to try this and see if it works for you. PS: You may want to clean your boat more often lol
  8. Ok I have read a lot of your articals but I have a question for you gals. I LOVE my wife and she goes with me every time we go out no matter how cold, how windy, or how hot, and she really does try to fish and at times she enjoys it. I really and truly do want her to fish with me but there are times when you know she doesnt want to be on the water but she wont say a word, just because she wants to be there with me. Thats the way we are we do as much together as we can, She loves horses, I love fishing. My question is do I even try to maybe introduce her to women that fish and see if a different perspective would get her interested in learning more about our sport? Oh by the way before you ask, Yes I do ride horses with her, In lessons and on trails and yes I did buy her a horse. Not that it really matters I guess but I thought it may let you know that I do care about things that she loves to do as well.
  9. I know the pros soak their baits thats one of their secerets but most have their own mix
  10. OK , ok I have gone to lake Anna a LOT and have been successful but the most I have ever caught there was 10 in one day on the cold side or the public side whichever you prefere and on occation come home empty handed but on my last trip there I started the day as I always do top water and spinners and move to live bait in the middle of the day, Well nothing was happening and I mean nothing, As a matter of fact it was so slow my wife decided to take a nap, Well the nite before I had soaked my lures in some fresh shrimp and put them in a container and kept them cool and all of a sudden I started to catch fish. These fish were actually picking the bait up and holding on to it longer so I changed back to the non scented baits and tried another spot low and behold nothing, I stayed in that same spot and switched back to the scented bait and it worked again, I did this repetedly through out the day and caught 28 fish off of the scented bait, Now was this a fluke? Im not sure, But I want to try this again the next time im there.
  11. Coppertone? Really? and why spf 50 to keep the bait from getting discolored?
  12. I think my favorite one was one that I did not catch but rather the first ones that my wife and daughters caught. The look on their faces and the sheer happiness that we got to share was priceless and unforgetable!
  13. Im not sure where the gift actually comes from or that fishing in general is a learning curve I think its the attachment to the great outdoors and spending sweet precious little time that we have with the ones that surround us that makes fishing what it really is. Time well spent.
  14. OOPS !! sorrry I meant to say 10 or 15 yards off of the bank not feet.
  15. Have you tried using it with a drop shot and just lowering and raising your rod tip ? ( not picking the weight up off of the bottom )
  16. My biggest flaw is not having enough time on the water. STINKING JOBS !!!! Even when I am on the water there is still not enough time on the water !!!
  17. Like most of you I am a loner too but THANK GOD for the internet and this site rite here!!!!!!! Your not alone any more its like a big ole blanket !!!
  18. Thanks for all the info you guys since you have posted i have made 2 trips back to the lake and have had success but I can say the private side is better, I have a friend that has property there BUT I may have found an answer I have only tried it once and it worked very well, If it continues to work well I will share it with you. I want to be sure it was no fluke
  19. Ha Ha, Sounds like your trying too hard, Slow down and work parellel to the bank about 10 feet out, Normally I will work backwards and let the bow face the current and allow the boat to drift about 10 feet or so every 10 casts this way the bait swims up stream with very slow retreve pausing it for about 10 to 15 seconds every 4 or 5 revolutions and very slightly tipping the rod tip upwards to help keep the weight from getting hung up in the rocks. Try using a watermellon color swimtail lizzard or find a pocket and use a drop shot with a senko and slightly raise and lower your rod from 9 o clock to 11 o clock staying in one spot. This is what works for me I hope this will help you Be safe and wish you luck
  20. I have fished rivers up here in virginia for a long time and I can tell you what I have learned. Fish finders are a great tool to have but I rarely use it for fish, I primarily use mine for structure and depth in rivers. What kind of bait or tackle are you using?
  21. I have tried that too and it works good but I have never had the fish hold on as long as these fish have while trying this scent. Is this cheating the system? Not sure, But it was a one time wonder and I have not tried it in a number of different trips. If this works on more than one wacky trip I will let you know
  22. Has anyone tried shrimp as a scent for attracting bass?
  23. I dont know if anyone is still checking this out but I find it hard to believe that they have closed that lake to the public. I fished that lake for many years when I was little and cought my first fish there and they did use to allow boats with trolling motors. Darn I was hoping to take my children there. :'( That has got to be one of the best citation crappie bodies of water and the bass were big too
  24. Welcome, Good to hear from you, My wife enjoys fishing too she goes to every fishing trip with me as well and its nice to be able to relate to that. Whatever you need you will find it here
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