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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Sam not sure where but its going to be somewhere close to the new bridge the way I understand it. Im going down with some friends from work and I have been looking at some sattilite photos of some interesting coves and points and havent gotten a map yet. So far I really like what I see, It doesnt look like I will need to travel too far from there to have some fun !!
  2. Getting ready to fish the Kerr 3rd weekend in july, They are having a lake fest that weekend and want to do a little bass fishing while i'm there anyone know any good spots and a little insite as to what too watch out for?
  3. I would start by getting a topographical map and like catt said looking for those interesting points with about a 30 degree slope and fish deeper, But my preferred choice would be the Carolina rig and stay with it and depending on water temp and clarity is what drives color choice. How long I stay with one lure or color is also instinct But remember confidence in yourself is key and patience and lots of it.
  4. Are you paying him for his services? If so is it expensive? If he is reasonable then yes especially if he or she shows you a lot. And if he or she has ship mates that help out I will usually tip them since thats how ship mates get paid here, Not sure how it works where you are.
  5. I cant wait to see more of that either!!! I love watching my 3 girls fishing !!!!!!
  6. Im looking for info on fishing Lake Anna in a couples club does anyone know if there is such a thing there?
  7. Good fish !! nice job
  8. You can only fish the private side if you are a guest, There is no other way to get into the private side unless you have a guest pass and launch from there.
  9. If you fish the beds and you throw a jig that potentially posses a threat to the bass like a perch colored bait they will annihilate it !!! So yes I will jig a fish bed but very slowly if you keep throwing a bait that is fished too fast the fish will not see it as a threat. BUT I ALWAYS catch and release bedded fish !!!!!
  10. I never have used anything other than natural fish oils in the waters that I fish IF it did not specifically state it's intended use. That is why I tried the shrimp soak. Rolo, As I stated in that artical I still FIRMLY believe it is still the tallent of the fisherman or women that intices the fish to pick up their bait and run with it. But I also believe that adding a scent on days when the fishing is slow could infact prompt that fish to strike your lure and have a productive day. I can't wait to get on my favorite lake and try this again, This is some pretty cool stuff !!
  11. I agree with all the info these guys put out there for you but there is also one more factor you need to consider. You said your only going to fish small rivers and lakes, Well this boat is going to open you up to a whole new world of oppertunities and I would be willing to bet that you will want to try newer and larger waters so go with the safest and largest amount of horsepower you can get for the application you are looking at and you wont regret it.
  12. How far are you all willing to travel? And are you kidding me? WOW its been a long time since I left there. What about lake Manassas? That really was a great place to fish
  13. Have you guys tried Barcroft lake?
  14. Where at on the river, what county ? I fish the shennendoah A LOT HELGRAMITES HELGRAMITES HELGRAMITES you wont be sorry !!!!
  15. Geez, What a BUTT!!! he was. I have the paicience of Jobe no need to worry about that and I had no ideal there were couples fishing clubs that could be something to look into in the future and have fun with!! I want to wish you luck on the trail be safe and be happy and let us know how you do if you dont mind.
  16. Got ya. Thanks
  17. We are close Deb and thats some really good advice and i wish she would tell me if she does'nt want to go and I do try to talk to her about it but she is just as stubborn as I am lol. I do take my time with her seriously on the water as well and I teach her as much as she will let me, There are times when she shows a lot of intrest and shes learning while I am standing right beside her without a rod in my hands and its those times when I will make suggestions then shut my mouth and when she is ready to ask a questions I give her support. Am I close to doing the right thing? As far as friends go neither one of us really have any and I thought that getting her out slowly may help us to find some people our age with the same intrest's but I guess that will happen if its meant to. Anyway thanks I really am greatful !!!
  18. The only time I ever use my sonar to find fish is in deeper water then and only then its used to lock on or pin a fish so i can watch my lure go down to it but other than that I use my sonar primarily (99%) to locate structure and I also use it for water depth in stained waters. The reply that rattleheadbaits sent to you would be the best thing to try but make sure you read your owners manual you may have to make a lot of changes to it too be able to see it even then it may not be able to see it.
  19. Catt, Thats interesting, Were you not catching fish at all when it made all the difference in the world? And what body's of water were you on when it worked and when it did'nt work? Intheweeds, I usually soak them for a few hours before a fishing trip,But if you take it with you then usually about every dozen casts and in moderation after the first application, Since you have never used it before make sure you keep it in a cool enviroment, Like in the shade, Some of those scents can get nasty in the direct sunlight. Thats the way I use them but ask around or I am sure you will pick up more advice here. Good luck and be safe.
  20. Sorry nope those are smallies in his pic.
  21. Is'nt that what roadwarrior is holding in his photo at least I thought they were.
  22. Rolo, I think this is getting to be interesting, There seems to be a general consciences on not to use scents and to rely on your honed skills as a fisherman. But what about those who do use these products? Like myself for example, I think it does one of two things. If you are fishing waters that the fish are sparce it will aleart the fish to know that there may be pray nearby and it may entice the fish to go look for it. Second I think in my personal opinion in shallower waters it tends to make the fish hold on to it longer, Either way it is still your skill that makes the presentation appealing enough to make the fish want to choose your bait. any other opinions? And do you by chance know to what extent the Lindner Bros. used for "bass scent" was it only one or an array of scents? Technology has come a long way since then.
  23. I work 12 to 14 hours a day and usually am getting saddle sore on the weekends riding horses with the wife but yes back in the winter I wanted to go so bad that i actually was outside in 4 feet of snow practicing pitching techniques on my frozen goldfish pond.
  24. L O L !! If you think about it I guess how else would we be able to determine what a bass is attracted to as far as scents go. Me personally compairing the female species to fish I could be interested looks alone but its an added bonus if she smells good too!
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