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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. It does not have an altenator it has a stator and it's located under the flywheel but get me the numbers and I can help you out. Chances are if its not charging it's most likely the regulator, But I love oldirtybasstard's reply I am still laughing!!!!! Oh and the boot you can find at sierramarine.com
  2. Just make sure you make it last too, It does not sound like it would be too hard to repair and I am sure you would like riding in the boat again just take your time do it right and enjoy the ride. And yes that is a common problem with the carbs and is an easy fix. Good luck
  4. First if the transom is damaged that obviously is your first priority after looking over the boat as a whole because if the transom is rotted then that means there could be problems elsewhere. Don't patch it fix it!! Are you mechanically inclined? If so and you repair the damage to the boat then your next step would be to look at the steering cable's, shift cable's, wiring and then worry about getting the engine to run properly and to do that I would start by draining ALL of the fuel out of the system and start with fresh gas and replacing ALL of the fuel lines and primer bulb and see if that takes care of the way it runs before disassembling anything on the engine and install a new set of plugs and wires. Boat first, engine last, Good luck
  5. Couldn't have been much of a teacher! lol.
  6. Welcome and thanks for the pics keep sending them!!
  7. Welcome Mark, There is no doubt you will learn a lot here the people here will have a mountain of knowledge you ask a question I guarantee you will get an answer.
  8. Speaking of reels and servicing them I was looking through the info that I received with it and found no info on the maintenance other than to send it to a Quantum repair facility. How often should one be serviced? I do mine every other trip out just to make sure it is not collecting dirt and to keep the lube clean is that to often? I don't know about you guys but I take my own apart and service them and I took my Code apart last night and made sure it was lubed properly but does anyone actually send theirs in to service them?
  9. Adam, Thanks again for the info. I have recently got back into bass fishing just about 2 years ago and just now starting to get my mo-jo back and dont want to step in with both feet so to speak and buy all the expensive stuff yet , I am not a custom to these bait casters just yet but getting very close and I thought the Code looked like a step in the right direction but I guess I will find out this weekend I will post what I think about it on monday.
  10. Have you done any research on the reel? I like quantum reels for the most part but I always try to research the reel first before buying one, no matter who makes the reel I try to look for a source other than the company that produces the product that way you get an unbiased opinion. As far as applications go that is really what a specific reel is for as far as the hybrid is concerned it should be a well rounded reel but as for myself I like the 6to1 for general fishing and a 7to1 to locate where I am burning the water trying to locate an area or cover a lot of water in a very short time so I can start establishing a pattern.
  11. I really think your thinking too much about it, in my personal opinion, All that matters to me is the presentation the fish will take the bait if you make it attractive enough and for the most part will not pay any attention to the color of the line or how thick it is. If the size and color of the line really mattered then explain to me how you can catch bass with steel leaders or swivels or lead weights in front of your rig no matter how clear or stained the water is. There is nothing wrong with using green blue or any other color for that matter but if you are more confident using a certain color than use it and take full advantage of it.
  12. Adam, Thanks that is something I will most definitely do! I saw that lube at my friendly local Wal-Mart and I will pick some up And if you have 3 of them to back up the 200e7's that obviously means they perform well. But I agree with you kikstand I have a Shakespeare bait caster that a friend gave me for my birthday a few years back and every few trips out I have to take it apart clean it and I don't think there is a reel made that does not have it's own little problems no matter what you pay but I wouldn't trade that reel for anything.
  13. Green, blue, clear, HMMMM, I have caught lots of fish on all 3 colors, But I agree with road warrior it's a matter of preference. I generally don't try to match the color of line with the water it's the exact opposite I will use whatever color that makes my line most visible to me.( you miss the movement you miss the fish )
  14. OOPS! Sorry you posted while i was replying, So was that the only issue you had with it?
  15. Really? I read 44 reviews on it and 98% of the reviews were 4 out 5 stars and a lot of good comments so what did you not like about it?
  16. Anyone in here have any comments on the Code? I recently purchased one and have not tried it yet but the reviews were pretty good and I am looking forward to trying it out.
  17. Yea, it has been a long time since I have been home I guess since you all are telling me this stuff. Man that place must have gone to the crapper or it belongs to the rich and famous now, Oh well either way I guess its gone. Darn and I was hoping to take my children there someday. Lake Mannassas was a great place to fish it had some really big crappie there.
  18. Dan, Sent you a pm check your messages.
  19. Thanks, 5basslimit That's most likely where I will go then.
  20. Job well done Deb !!!! Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Look out tour Debs comming ! Good luck be safe and be happy
  21. Welcome aboard !!
  22. Thanks for helping to keep this great nation free and letting us enjoy our freedoms!!! Now its time to enjoy yours and congrats on both occasions. You will find more help here than anywhere i have ever seen the men and women here are AWSOME!!! WELCOME HOME!!!!!
  23. Thanks guys, I'm really getting excited about this trip I've never been there before but I have not heard of one bad trip yet. Sam, not sure yet about clarksville or if it's gonna be the state park but with all of the boats that are going to be there that evening the way i understand it's gonna be a long wait to get off the water we are supposed to watch the fireworks from the boat and I am trying to decide where the better place would be to load after that. And I have been told about that place from a couple of different people I know as well, It must be a cool place to go so I am definitely going in for a look see. fivebasslimit, Thanks, The way the weather is as of now I may not be looking for shade I think I will be looking for a coat!! lol.
  24. Hey, Welcome aboard I see you guy's have some flooding down there.
  25. Guy's I don't belong to any clubs yet and I am very interested in joining a club and doing tournaments but I don't have a partner yet. Now my wife loves to fish with me but she does not want to be in any tournaments or belong to any clubs she just wants to have fun fishing. I'm curious do any of your clubs allow your spouse to fish with you if you don't have a partner in tournaments? And if you don't mind me asking what's the best thing to look for in a club?
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