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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Good luck with it and like I said I hope you get a lot of enjoyment out of it!
  2. Yea I know Thats what I do for a living is turn wrenches, But I bought a basket case Nitro to do the same thing and have not finished it yet it's still a work in progress but I use it every time we go out and fish and I did not pay near what you did for yours. That's what was getting me worried about yours, Man the way you were talking I thought you were really being taken advantage of and that is something I really hate to see.
  3. Reguardless I still wish you the best of luck I really and honestly hope this boat brings you as much joy and happiness as mine does. Have fun fishing be safe and be happy. (by the way nice boat!)
  4. WOW, I know I can't be first but can I be next? fantastic job!!!!!!!
  5. It was supposedly improved for smoother casting and lower memory
  6. That sounds a lot better I have never fished from one but a friend of mine had one and he loved his.
  7. I just bought the vanish in 12 # test and I am going to try it out this weekend but I was practicing my flipping and pitching in my gold fish pond and so far it hasn't coiled up or anything but the one thing I have noticed is that it doesn't seem to want to slide well when I tied my knots and I had to work at it to get them tight.
  8. If you are looking to fix just that area then you can take a syringe and fill it with glue and poke it through the carpet and then do what Scott suggested with finding something to set on it. But that is only a temporary fix, You are going to have to pull the carpet up sooner or later it would probably be in your best interest to remove the carpet and inspect it and either re-glue it or replace it. Most likely the carpet matting is coming apart and needs to be replaced.
  9. You keep posting another problem you found with the boat, carpet, seat covering, gel coat, gas gauge, NOT the original engine, chine walking, THROTTLE IS STICKING!!, and the the trailer needs work too? Do you really think this boat is worth what he is asking? And do you realise how much you are going to have in this boat when you fix what you listed? You are getting screwed, You owe it to yourself to keep looking cause it sounds to me like this guy did not take very good care of this boat. If you do buy it I wish you the best of luck!!!
  10. Have you tried Falmouth water front park area?
  11. If the screws are in good condition then try this first get the screwdriver in the slot as straight as you can and put as much pressure as you can on the top of the handle and lock a pair of vise grips near the screwdriver handle and twist the screw loose but be careful because some of these screws break loose suddenly and some take quite some pressure to get them to break loose. IF that does not work which I am pretty sure it will, Then find a small propane torch and warm the area around the screws NOT HOT but warm enough you wont be able to hold your hand there and try repeting the above proceedure.
  12. If bang the rocks in a glasser you wont have a boat for very long and you can find aluminum boats that work like glassers that have platforms just like you need and will even have a shallower draft than a glasser.
  13. Does it do it in neautral? check your delivery ducts in your air silencer and make sure there are no obstructions or gaskets that have seperated allowing air to pass through a small gap.
  14. Experienced not smarter! We are like children on this site learning from our wiser more educated parents only this time around we tend to listen to them.
  15. DUH!! ha ha I did the same bloody thing so dont feel bad, That's what fishing is all about... Learning lessons like that so others can have a laugh at your expense... What a great country we live in!! ;D
  16. I haven't had any problems with them I have 2 and like them both but I haven't caught any "hawgs" with them yet to see what they really do under pressure, But so far no arguments from me.
  17. Have you had the boat in the water yet with the seller? And if it needs new carpet check to make sure the flooring has not rotted, And since the boat and engine combo are not a match look really hard at the transom and make sure you dont see any damage or any signs of repair if you question ANYTHING at all I would have to walk away from that deal.
  18. WWWWOOOOOOWWWW!!!! GREAT JOB!! I wish I could catch smallies like that :'(
  19. Mattawomen is a fun place to fish and I don't know if this will help you out but try it if you want it work's pretty good for me any time of the year there. I work parallel to the banks roughly 15 to 20 yards out and I use craw dads with a clicker and a lot of patience especially with that many bass boats around. But be sure you take into concidaration what RockvilleMDangler stated about the weather and you should have a good day.
  20. Yea its plenty wide enough but with a v hull you don't want to go to high I have a 14' sea king with a v hull that I bolted boards in just below the top lip and then bolted 3 seats in that are mounted at the swivel plate any higher than that you run the risk of capsizing your boat. I also put some cheap carpet in the bottom not so much for noise but to keep my gear in place.
  21. It's not hard to install carpet but a word of caution look at the boat's flooring before you buy it, Most boat's that I looked at had rotton floor's when the carpet shown a lot of wear and tear.
  22. Are the screws really tight or are the screw slots stripped or both or are the screws just turning and not backing out?
  23. Bass boats are made for shallow waters, mine with the engine up and me on the back draft's 8 inches. But each boat is different with different engine options etc... thats why you will be hard pressed to find the info your looking for. But most all of the bass boats I have ever checked run around 8 to 10 inches.
  24. Big rick, I got mine for 79 dollars at Gander Mountain. Then spent ten dollars for a one year warranty that covers anything It wouldn't matter if I ran over the thing I can take it back and get a new one but hopefully I wont need that.
  25. Kelly, I really like what you are saying and I know Quantum stuff is good but not great and I am looking forward to stepping up but I think this is going to be a good reel for reintroducing my self back into the world of bass fishing and pitching and flipping not to mention finding those hot spots fast with the 7 to 1 it's go time!!
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