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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Really, thats cool I never tried that!!
  2. OK this bait monkey is getting on my nerve's!! Is there such a thing as a female bait monkey? Cause my wife keeps coming back from shopping with these bait's that are pretty or cute or adorable and she just has to have them because it matches her outfit or whatever. The only logical thing to do is to hunt this thing down and open a big can of whoooopa** on it !! OH NO I just thought of something horrible what if he is my bait monkey and he is getting in touch with his feminine side. How do I stop this insanity?
  3. Sweet ride your going to have a lot of fun with that one!!! Like Nate said photo's man photo's!!!
  4. Good job. Does it still not Run? If it does then I would try some sea foam first but follow directions to the T. but if you should have to take the carbs apart for some reason I will offer some help. Once you have the carbs removed start by removing the bowl on the bottom of the carb and flip the carb upside down and look at the float it should be level with the body if so remove the float and needle assembly by removing the small retaining pin. Now inspect the needle for wear at the nose of the needle and if it looks like a perfect cone shape it can be reused unless your kit contains one then replace it as long as it looks the same. the next step is to take the rest of the carb apart making sure you lay the pieces out in order check your throttle blades and shafts for wear and or damage then flush the idle ports and all of the other ports out with carb cleaner then blow them clean with air and make sure they are clear and make double sure you have saftey glasses on. Note: Be careful with the air there are orifaces that can get damaged in some of these carbs 10 psi is plenty. once clean and dry reassemble with all new parts and before you install the carbs make sure your complete fuel system is clean and a new fuel filter has been installed then prime and start the engine and make any nessesary adjustments.
  5. What is the idle speed and why do you think it's too fast? As far as your batteries are concerned be careful because the charging system can get overheated very easily especially if you were to have a battery short a cell. I have seen people do it and get away with it but me personally I wouldn't recommend it.
  6. #6 is ok but you are in a damp enviroment on the water go to your local hardware store and get weatherproof butt connectors, Once the connections are made you heat them up like heat shrink and they will have a chemical reation to heat that allows a sealer to form around the wire.
  7. Good luck then I'm sure some one on here somewhere will be able to help you out with a contact.
  8. Did you purchase it locally?
  9. Is that a part #? if it is then you must have a part's list and the phone# should be attached for ordering part's or get on the web and google local dealer's and repair place's.
  10. Most mounts are a little different but it's not hard to mount any of them you just need to measure and see if they are compatible. As far as the kill switch goes you should have that installed by someone who knows what they are doing, That is something that has to work and once you have it installed USE IT PROPERLY please.
  11. If you go fishing for trout look about 20 to 30 feet deep and you will most likely pull out a citation or come close to it a friend of mine does it almost every year there, As far as the bass go Waynep has some great info but I have had success staying out 20 or so yards from the shore and fishing a little deeper with trick worms and small crank bait's where all of those bedding area's are on the map. As for a detailed map or topo. map you should be able to find one at any state park office, I found mine at (Douthat) (I think that's how it is spelled) state park or pay a visit to your local welcome center and I think there is a web site but I will check and see if my friend can help, I'm not sure what the web address is If he has it I will pm you.
  12. I think he's referring to his goat's lol
  13. Totally agree!!!! But I think it should be on what not to use, That could be a little more fun.
  14. sqhertz, I know your asking j francho and if I may I would like to tell you how I mix mine 1 table spoon per 1 cup of warm water with dawn (non detergent) and about 20 minutes then I use a soft brush to clean afterwards.
  15. [ I think Johnny Morris is a marketing genius. I just think he makes cheap boats and I don't mean cheap in a good way.
  16. Adam I should have been more specific I use a non toxic mass air flow cleaner that does not hurt the plastic parts of a mass air flow sensor but I do not recommend using it on the covers or on the plastic body of the reel, However I do use it on the gears and bearings and disassembled parts to get them really clean and it works very well for that. But sqhertz DO NOT use carb cleaner nor brake cleaner as these do have properties that are or could be potentially harmful to softer metals and nylon and will most definitely damage your plastic covers. As I suggested earlier I clean my body parts in soap and water. And be careful of the simple green and purple power as they both contain acids, Mixed in small amount's can even damage your reels if left in the solution too long but do a fantastic job at cleaning when used with a soft brush. Be sure to rinse under running water when finished.
  17. I had a very similar thing happen to me with my wife on board in march on my favorite lake and all I can say is thank god for kill switches and life vests because the log was submerged we never saw it and hit it at roughly 40mph,You want to talk about a dead stop!! I wish it was easier to help people understand just how important this stuff is and not take these thing's for granted, you already have them on the boat use them!!!!!!! Thoughts and prayer's out to their family.
  18. Be sure you note small amount of grease on the gears otherwise it will be just like casting with the brake fully applied.
  19. I use an automotive application on cleaning gears and such it's called mass air flow cleaner and wont harm the little rubber part's in the reel, But I do the same as bob stated and clean my reel body in soap and water.
  20. I thoroughly clean all of my part's first using an automotive mass air flow cleaner and then I use Penn synthetic lube's on all of my reel's gears and 3 in 1 sewing machine oil on all of my bearings. I want to clearify that I am using a non toxic application and only on the removed part's not on the body. I use Dawn (non detergent) soap and water for the body and covers.
  21. It's going to be completely up to you and because you get to field test before you buy you are already getting a head start, They are all good reels but take this opportunity and put them baby's to the test and you will know which one is right for you.
  22. Thanks hotrod I really appreciate that!! I feel better knowing I can take bass boat!!
  23. Sterling Va. and a cowboy's Fan WHAT'S UP WITH THAT? I have an Aunt who enjoy's the occational boat ride but it's hard for her to walk much less get in the boat and she enjoy's seeing the lake and want's me to take her there on the boat. It's much easier to help her onto the bass boat rather than the jon boat. Is there a web site that will tell me what I need to know for sure or a phone # I can call?
  24. Thank's tboydva, I will take the jon boat and head over there then.
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