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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. Fishfordollars, Would you consider those two people pros That is exactly my question. If you can fish with the best and not for money or sponsorship deals...That to me is along with a great attitude and helping others is what I consider a pro. What's your thoughts?
  2. I try to fish every day but my wife keeps waking me up ;D I work 12 to 14 hrs a day and my weekends are slammed with Honey-do's and that usually gets me on the water about once a month. But I made our camping reservations at our local lake this year so for vacation I get to do both camp and fish for a whole week this month!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Dan it says it seats 5 but don't buy it if you plan on getting on plane with 5 people on it it's not going to happen... Look at the sticker it's 5 people or x amount of weight...17' boat I'm guessing no more than 550 pounds. Looks Like a great boat and very well kept but I agree with javelin200 take someone with you and definitely give it a good lake run before you buy it. Good Luck!!
  4. I totally agree burleytog but bigger boats make bigger wakes and when they are turning close to you it makes even bigger wakes I just wish people would use their common sence when it comes to boating and read and obey the boating regulations...You know come to think of it I think I may be the only one who use's a horn on my local lake's because I get a lot of strange looks when I use it like I am supposed to...Am I wrong in doing so?
  5. Dan, AHHH HAAAA You sly little devil you
  6. Well would you look at that he's got Nikki's RCX. ;D
  7. I really wish people would not forget to leave their brains at the dock when they cast off. I cant tell you how many incidents I have encountered over the last year alone and put my family and others in danger while boating and fishing. Trying to be reasonable and talking to some of these boaters... that will at least stop and talk to you... just seems to create an argument when all you are trying to do is make the waters you fish safe for all parties involved. And it seems that unless you are wearing a badge then it makes no difference. For example there were close to 15 boats in one area of around 200 yards of shoreline one morning while fishing this sea ray came within 20 feet of all of us and almost capsized this Jon boat with an older gentleman and his granddaughter beside of me... I have no clue how he kept that little girl from going in...So I flagged him down and being really mad at the time but also understanding that this boater may not know the rules I tried to have a calm discussion with him... Anyone want to guess what happened? I ended up calling the local authorities and had him arrested for ramming my boat. No more Mr. nice guy I will let the law deal with these IDIOT'S !!!!!!!!
  8. There was a thread on this some time back and I had used fresh shrimp to soak my lures in over nite and had some great success the next day. I have not been back to test that theory as of yet but I do know that I can use jj's magic and it does work!! And how I know that is because I can throw 2 identical soft bait's one with jj's one without and get results with the treated plastics in the same place with the same technique. So yes I am a believer but I stand firmly on the fact that it is the talent of the angler that catch fish the attractant is used to help get their attention and at least get the fish to pick up the bait after that it's all up to you.
  9. Dan, Are you talking about beside the airport where you caught those smallies?
  10. Yea I caught a 3 lb last time there, small mouth that is.
  11. Oops!! Sorry, The north river runs through Bridgewater and the park is the one tucked back behind the town with the little bridge.
  12. Yep !!! That would be the one Dan.
  13. As promised here are a few of my most favorite spots for you ggfishing and whoever else. First is "Andy" State Park on Rt. 340 From there follow 340 toward Luray and merge onto Rt. 211 West toward New Market for approx 6 to 8 miles and turn right onto Rt. 615, Follow 615 approx 4 mi. to a public boat ramp on the right park there and you will be able to fish from there all the way down to the dam approx. a mile... if you bank fish you will encounter some private property but if you ask the people there they are generally kind and do not mind letting you fish. Next place is called North River and is located in Bridgewater Va. 66 to 81 south exit 240 turn right at the top of the exit and follow it straight through the first stop light and at the next stop light turn left and go approx. 2 tenths of a mile and turn right on west bank st. and follow that until you enter wild wood park you can fish from the banks there no problems. Next place is Elkhorn lake From the stop light in Bridgewater turn left and go across North river and turn right onto spring creek rd. follow it to the stop sign and turn left that will be sangersville rd. follow sangersville rd. all the way to the next stop sign and turn right onto stokesville rd. follow that until you reach NF-95 or it's called leading ridge rd. and turn left ( if you hit the gravel road you have gone too far) follow NF-95 until you come to a stop sign and turn right and continue on until you cross a narrow bridge and Elkhorn lake will be on your left there will be a sign. Now for my favorite spot this place is called Hearthstone lake and offers some of the biggest Northern pike I have seen because it is stocked with them. As stated above instead of turning left onto NF-95 you want to stay straight on stokesville rd. and take the gravel rd. that will be Tillman rd. follow the gravel rd. until you see a sign that says Hearthstone lake it's a steep little climb and the road into there can be rough after a rain so be careful but you can fish from the banks at all of these places. I hope this helps. Good luck have fun and be safe!!!
  14. Shortbasser Thanks that is what I was looking for and thanks for the web info!!
  15. Sounds like that bait monkey has served his purpose and it is headed for the farm... I think your going to have a hard time getting rid of that one. But with the new cards you received their is some good news... Because with the money you spent... BPS sends you a new bait monkey at no extra charge!!!!
  16. 300 hp should do the trick Never been there how big is the boat? What name brand etc.. Helps to know what we are dealing with.
  17. Yes thank tou Dan I could not think of it for the life of me.
  18. Yep I can tell you have been there a time or two Sam. I was there weekend before last and had a boater come straight at me I made a move to the starboard side he matched it so I did the opposite he matched it then I had to make an emergency move and as he went by he threw his hands up at me as if I was the one at fault.
  19. Thanks all.. I have very little experience on tidal waters and that I guess is what has me concerned not that I have not had it on some pretty rough waters but usually I have my wife with me and it would most likely scare her to death. Sorry about that I should have been a little clearer.
  20. Your Welcome just be sure to bring a lunch box full of pacience with you, Oh and to be more specific those trick worms are made by Zoom and I use the watermelon/red 6 and 8" around the docks they work pretty good for me. Good luck be safe and have fun!!
  21. I have no secrets when it comes to fishing, Me personally I want people to have fun fishing after all that's what it is supposed to be about anyway. Mostly I will fish the Shenandoah river in Luray Va. and mostly from a boat but I will gather some info for you on specific road names and such and find out exactly where you will be able to fish from shore. There is also a new state park that recently opened up between Front Royal and Luray that has lots of different species of fish you can catch like carp, bass, etc... That is on rt. 340 off of 66. I tend to like the rivers more than the lakes you have better luck on them. But I will post some info on the smaller lakes and such on Tuesday for you.
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