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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. I like to use a 3 to 5/o offset hook smaller if I'm in calmer waters and larger if I'm in waters with a little current. I use the rage shad mostly for this set up.
  2. Where is that is that the one off of wilda rd. in Augusta Co.
  3. Take my word for it way2slow knows a thing or two and you should really consider what he suggested And forget about the jack plate it will not help the hole shot much at all.
  4. FBL, You really need to convince yourself to try this I know I had a hard time grasping it myself but it really does work!! I will tell you one other thing I did try and that is tying a 12 to 18 inch leader to where your hook normally is on a drop shot...as the weight falls the bait falls away from the line and gives the bait a more closer appearance to that of it being weightless and I have had some really great fishing especially at the 208 bridge on that point there with this technique and it also works really good down at dike 3 where the current is strong coming under the bridge.
  5. FBL, I use this technique a lot at lake Anna and I know for sure it will work at SML. I do a couple of different versions when bringing it back to the boat I will pick it up and let it fall all the way back with a pause in between and a couple of twitches or I will add some nervous twitching while its falling. You have got to try the way everyone says they do it it's a great technique and yields some really fun fishing!!!
  6. T-rigged craws and trick worms to start with or if its kind of choppy... top water cavitron works well.
  7. This is a greatly detailed thread make sure you have pen and paper handy you will definitely learn something here!! Good luck be safe and have fun.
  8. Looking foward to giving this a shot next weekend thanks for the great info J Francho.
  9. Don't go out and buy all of the expensive stuff at first get the basics. You want this to be fun there are a lot of great people here with a lot of great info. Will you be fishing from the bank or from a boat?
  10. I don't know about that one I purchased a well used and abused Nitro and I absolutely love spending time with it on and off the water...Call me wacky I guess
  11. AND DON'T FORGET YOUR VIDEO CAMERA!!!! Lord only knows I have made a few of the highlights myself :-[ When it comes to your first time absolutely positively with out a doubt don't forget the plug!!!! and carry extras
  12. My buddy and I went fishing in the dead of winter and he some how managed to get my windshield off of my side of the boat with out me knowing it and stashed it and convinced me it was stolen...you can imagine the words. So I had to drive around all day with no shield...Froze my face off !!! Needless to say after finding out it was a joke the next trip out I took the adjusting shims out of all of his bait casters and then I tied a wind sock to the front of his boat and taped the rope down the center of the hull so couldn't get on plane... He figured out the wind sock after a few attempts but he couldn't figure out why he was catching trees the rest of the day. ;D
  13. Good job on your behalf and congrats to your friend nice fish!!!
  14. Glad to hear the good news guy's keep taking them and live life the way it was intended too... Newangler, In the immortal words...From the movie "Jaws"...I think your going to need a bigger boat.
  15. No matter where you go this is going to happen it will not matter how many schools you send these people to they just simply are not capable of learning. The skills to perform the motor function of turning the trolling motor in the opposite direction is beyond their 1st grade minds it just can't be done!! Although it would be nice if you could some how remotely turn off their electronics if they come within say...100 feet. : ;D But the answer to your question as a kind act would be at the very least 100 feet.
  16. Wake up lil buddy it's time to go fishing!!!!
  17. Now that's more like it!!! For me it's difficult to obtain the high end equipment so all of my gear is lower end but it works really well for me and has no problems casting,pitching and flipping and hauling in the lunkers from time to time. I know they all have their own problems from time to time no matter the brand... If they didn't they would not have to offer warranties.
  18. 2 boats and you double the size of the hole. Sorry to hear of the strange luck you are having I certainly hope it changes for you soon !!
  19. Thanks shortbasser I will give that a shot.
  20. Mstarr, Thanks for the reply
  21. So are these guys "touring" Pros? No, but Pros none the less Great comment !!
  22. Rubbing compound is never good for gel-coat unless you have a serious problem. I would take catt's advise and use the orange it's pretty good stuff or I would find a concentrated soap and not dilute it too much that works pretty good too.
  23. fishfordollars, No I have not drilled it yet but I am wanting to learn or find some info on how this is done correctly. I do have a basic understanding as to why you vent a prop and some of the options that are out there like variable pitch props and so fourth but I have yet to find any info on how to calculate the correct size holes to drill, how many holes you need to achieve the correct rpms etc... This boat is not used for top end speed and I am not really concerned with the mid range it has, Once it's on plane it's a great boat but getting it there is a mess when I have extra weight on board. The new prop I got for it works better but with a vented prop I don't think it will work near as hard or take as much fuel to get it on plane and if I can figure out the dynamics of this formula...x amount of holes of a certain diameter in this pattern for x amount of pitch = x amount of rpm for my application. This is something I want to learn how to do on my own, I have all but built this boat from the ground up and the new carpet is going on it this weekend and it will be close to finished... There is nothing about this boat that I don't want to understand how it works why it works from bow to prop, Just like my profession from head lights to tail lights. Thanks for the reply...Be safe be happy and have fun
  24. I am looking for info on how to vent your own prop. I know, I know I should let the prop pros deal with it but I am wanting to experiment with a prop that I took off of my lower unit and replaced it with something else. Before you ask I have 37 years experience in the automotive field and I know how absolutely critical getting these measurements correct are and how precise you have to be when dealing with them. I am not saying I know everything about everything please don't misunderstand me...Everyday is a school day I enjoy learning new things and I am looking for a little help in understanding and how to vent a prop. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  25. Cool, I hope they both make it as well if that is what they really want. Thanks for the reply Fishfordollars.
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