It wasn't me I swear !!
Couple of years back, my wife was with me on this particular day, I had lucked upon finding a group of fish that were active in 25 feet of water, sonar looked like a big screen full of spaghetti which I really thought at the time were stripers, my wife was sitting there playing on the phone, I tossed in a flutter spoon and wham! a nice 3 lb'r, 2nd toss in wham! another one close to that 3lb mark, 3rd toss, wham! Biggest one yet, 4.4, again, wham! a nice striper 6.2, she gets excited and has to toss in, I offered her a spoon but she refuses, I offer to tie on the set up, "I got this" (her exact words) she ties on a Texas rigged ribbon tail worm, an Ol' Monster, she uses a twisty knot as she calls it, we know it as the clinch knot, I suggested that she twist it at least seven times and make ... I GOT THIS !! ok, I said, so I get back on the trolling motor and find the fish again, she casts out and just one twitch WHAM!! Her rod is bent but good and it's taking drag, SEE I TOLD YOU I...
Well, I had it she says, she reels in the line and at the end is a small section of twisted line where the knot used to be.
Ya know, she didn't talk to me the rest of the day, I even took her out to eat, not a peep...