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Everything posted by Nitrofreak

  1. 3 Girls and 2 grand babies, that's 2 daughters and a wife who likes to spend money... I am, as you are, all about family, it seems all of our wants are put away for the needs and, sometimes wants, of our children and grandchildren and IMO that's how it should be, I am blessed to have what I have in this ol' life, the mechanical things are just an added bonus, it's just that I find it a little difficult to turn lose of the things you scrimp and save for especially when it gives you so much in return, I have a really good idea of the things you have passed up for the happiness and well being of family, when you can provide that and get love in return, there is really not much else that matters. (Edit) I wanted to add this to my post but tell me if this just doesn't make ones day LOL!! Life is good!!!
  2. Yes I did Hamma, it's a 2000 Pro Craft 200 Super Pro, while the Super Pro sounds like freakin awesome, it is not without its little quirks, used crafts are never without a something or other but, it's 19.75 foot, upgraded from 17', it's got a tremendous ride over the old Nitro, much much faster to get on plane and much much quicker on top, I fish with a lot of veterans who have health issues, some with back issues or other issues and the complements on the ride have been a blessing for both, I guess that since tracker marine purchased the brand as well as Astro along about the time this one was built, I don't have to change my profile name LOL !!! I am really enjoying the ride or, new to me ride, I have always wanted a Z-9 and maybe someday that dream will come true but this ride for now is a blessing for what I do with it for me as well as others, thanks a bunch for asking my friend!! It does seem fitting that the last water she seen was with a Veteren as well as family, when she blew, I was with a Veteren, the last trip was on the trolling motor with my son-in-law at lake Fredrick with his Father, my son-in-law had not been too long back from a trip over the pond and his first fishing trip since returning, here are a few pics of the new ride and I wil try for one with my son-in-law. Last time out. See recent post my friend, yes I did, thank you and sorry you had to get rid of one you care for too man!!
  3. It's all worth it in the end I guess, I had a 1100 Verago that I wish I had back every day, what a great bike that was to get out and enjoy , that right there is a beautiful piece of machinery Hamma, I hope he at least will let you take it for a spin now and then !
  4. LOL!! If one should need a car such as that, I expect the girl is just as fast as the car... I wish we could just keep some things in life ya know! But, oh well, we can't take em with us when we go so why not let others enjoy it as well. Nice ride!!
  5. Well, it's said that the two most happiest days of owning a boat is the day you get it and the day you sell it. I can't agree with that, one of the saddest days happend just last night, amoung building pressure from the wife and the buyer, the Nitro has been sold☹️ Her 115 gave up the ghost just before Veterens day two years ago, I had hopes of running across a 125 someday and putting her back in service, that little 170TF delivered some truly great times over her course, she has been with me since 1999 and given me and my family some truly great memories with very little fuss, my daughters first big fish, a nice 5lb. striper, my first Bass from learning about off shore structure, many wounded warrior tournaments, cancer support tournaments and of course, some late night cruises with the Mrs., lots of great memories, see ya little Nitro and thanks for all of it !!! Some people get attached to their pets, I'm just different in that respect I guess so don't judge LOL !
  6. There are going to be times when fishing the depths will feel just as wrong, there are a lot of times it may discourage you but don't let that take hold of your mentality, go scan lots of spots when you have the opportunity, some may be far more active during certain parts of the day than others, it takes a lot of work and a lot of patience, this will be an education few get to experience from the best of the best, I can see this being one of those truly great threads!!!
  7. "I can see the concrete slowly creeping" ~ Lynyrd Skynyrd
  8. Welcome to BR!! Keep it real simple, a few top water baits and a few plastics. 15lb test floro, a little more expensive but well worth the investment IMO. Its hard to beat a Rebel Pop-R for its simplicity and effectiveness in dingy dirty water, or almost any top water situation IMO and it won't break the bank. If you have heavy vegetation then pick up some frogs. Spotted vegetation and grass I would add another suggestion to the previous posts, the Zoom ultra vibe speed worm, it's great for swimming on top but also comes through cover and dives into thick grassy areas with little to no hang ups. Creature baits and worms for clear or clearer waters on sunny days, watermelon candy, watermelon red, pumpkin colored or plum colored baits, for sunny days and dirtier waters, black with some high viz glitter, blues and reds are good. Overcast days and clear waters, a more natural presentation, green pumpkin with maybe some purple color accents, overcast and dingy water Junebug and also blacks with high viz flake. Hope that helps where you live, just remember to keep everything simple and just have fun!!!!
  9. May we not forget the cost of freedom, may we also remember the families who have lost everything on the day we remember the ones who have given everything. Know that it is not just this day that you are all remembered, families, friends, sons and daughters who have made the ultimate sacrifice so that our families and friends shall live free will never be forgotten nor taken for granted, may God bless and be with you all. While we celebrate this weekend, please take a moment, look up and say a prayer or give a shout-out or maybe some other form of recognition to the ones who have given their all so that we may continue to enjoy our time freely with one another. Have a safe weekend, enjoy yourselves and catch lots of fishes everybody !!!
  10. Like Sam, I feel the same way, a lot of these little out of the way places that's managed with as little a footprint as possible are really good places to visit, although I frequent a place that was built for a nuclear power plant, it covers three counties, each with their own officers, even though it's owned by Dominion power it's property owners and anglers have a big voice in how the waters are managed which can be and sometimes is very difficult to reach agreements on how to best manage the aquatic vegetation that grows in the lake. I like them all, I am more at home on larger bodies of water though.
  11. LOL!! Well, with a bass boat you should have at least a 70lb. thrust TM? If so you won't have that feeling any more or at least it won't take as long to long line a deep crank.
  12. Welcome to BR !!!
  13. I'm off on June 6th and 7th, I plan on hitting lake Fredrick one or both of those days.
  14. Thanks for that info Shimmy, I've tried more natural colors because that water is usually clear, I have marked some of those ridges for fishing them later, never seen any fish on them but the spots look really good, could be that I spooked them when I did, there are also a couple of cars in that place that I have caught some decent ones off of, nothing that broke the 5lb mark but big enough to keep interest in the place, lots of wood there too, can't wait to get back and try and change things up a bit. Deep crank? As in a 10XD?
  15. There's always little bugs to work out with anything new, truly glad to hear that it's going to be beneficial for ya man and I hope it brings you many years of enjoyment !!!
  16. I don't think I would fish anywhere that I had to do something like that LOL !! I use my bass boat there all the time, I really like that place and it's only an hour away for me, I need to do a good bit more homework to be a bit more successful there but it's an awesome fishery !!! Yep!
  17. I don't know that the VDGIF has a say there or not, I know they stock that place but this is what their website says about it. Hunting Run Reservoir is a 420-acre water supply reservoir owned and operated by Spotsylvania County. The lake was stocked by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries and opened to fishing by Spotsylvania County in fall, 2007. There is one access point near the upper end of the lake off Ely's Ford Road. The lake has an excellent largemouth bass population that is currently "bass heavy" or "predator heavy". Anglers need an access pass to fish on the reservoir. Season passes for Hunting Run Reservoir are only $8 for anglers from Spotsylvania, $10 for Fredericksburg and Stafford. Daily passes are also available and cost $3 for Spotsylvania, $5 for Fredericksburg and Stafford and $7 for all others, respectively. Combination season access to both Ni and Hunting Run costs $15 for Spotsylvania, and $18 for Fredericksburg and Stafford, and $25 for all others (and allows access to both Hunting Run and Ni River Reservoirs in Spotsylvania County). Senior citizens over age 62 have free access, and children under 16 have free access. Boat rentals are $6 an hour with a minimum of three hours and can be rented for up to eight hours. If using your own boat, it must have an electric motor, gas motors are allowed on boats but have to be raised out of the water or the fuel line disconnected. Gas motors are prohibited from operation unless engaged in official duties.
  18. I got a reply to that email I had sent off for us from the VDGIF. Regulations and rules set by the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries for lakes and reservoirs establishing that only the use of electric motors is allowable; refers only to use, not possession. You would only be in violation of these regulations and rules if you were using your gasoline powered motor to propel your boat on those waters. Merely having a gasoline motor on the boat does not violate those rules and regulations set by our department. I would suggest that while on those bodies of water, you should trim your motor up and out of the water and also disconnect the fuel line to the motor to eliminate any confusion. I would also suggest to ensure your winch and strap are in working order to trailer your boat because using your outboard to push the boat onto the trailer would constitute use. I make these statements as generalities without knowing exactly which body(ies) of water you are referring to. There is a possibility that we could be in a cooperative agreement with the owner of a body of water and they may not want any gasoline motors on their waters due to the possibility of fuel dripping or leaking into those waters.Please keep in mind that there are lakes and reservoirs that are not regulated by our agency and the entity that owns those bodies of water may establish their own rules and could prohibit the possession of gasoline motors on boats on those waters.If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.Best Regards,Lieutenant Scott E. Naff VA Department of Game and Inland Fisheries 3801 John Tyler Memorial HighwayCharles City, VA 23030 804-829-6580 (office) I just don't see any use in disconnecting a fuel line, can you imagine the fines you would face if fuel did in fact get away from you? I wouldn't mind bagging my lower unit though.
  19. Sounds like a great trip, I went over today and had a hard time putting anything together too, all of these fronts have really got that place all out of sorts, ended up with about 14lbs, 7 fish all together, I was talking to Chris Craft and he said I would have had second place with my best 5 if I was in his tournament, I asked what the winning weight was he told me 18 was all it took, surprises me because usually weights this time of year are up there, seeing the lake and her water temps this time of year explained it but anyway, it took a pretty good effort and had to cover a lot of water, duck in the hole creek in the back was at 60.2 degrees, at the mouth it was almost 4 degrees warmer but heavily stained, it was partially stained at the splits and still not into the 70's, I made it down to sturgeons creek and the water there was in the lower seventies without a whole lot more clearity than at the splits, fish were very scattered and ones that were grouped up ( well, in close proximity to one another ) weren't active at all, whenever we get a few warm sunny days in a row to warm things up a good bit, I'd be willing to be that place will explode. Thanks for sharing your experience with us and can't wait to see the pics !!! I managed a couple snaps between the downpours today. Whelp, it won't let me load the other two from my phone, I'll try again tomorrow.
  20. Next week? I wouldn't want to be anywhere near that place on a holiday weekend LOL!! Seriously though be careful. You have an 8 hour day, you can break Anna down into 8 areas, fish an hour in each and see who can figure each one out best, if you want to put a little monetary pressure on each other, loser of the first half of the day buys lunch, second half buys dinner.
  21. Strike King 6XD
  22. My first investment into a good set-up that took me a year to save up for is on the bottom of the lake, I had not even made my first cast with it.
  23. It wasn't me I swear !! Couple of years back, my wife was with me on this particular day, I had lucked upon finding a group of fish that were active in 25 feet of water, sonar looked like a big screen full of spaghetti which I really thought at the time were stripers, my wife was sitting there playing on the phone, I tossed in a flutter spoon and wham! a nice 3 lb'r, 2nd toss in wham! another one close to that 3lb mark, 3rd toss, wham! Biggest one yet, 4.4, again, wham! a nice striper 6.2, she gets excited and has to toss in, I offered her a spoon but she refuses, I offer to tie on the set up, "I got this" (her exact words) she ties on a Texas rigged ribbon tail worm, an Ol' Monster, she uses a twisty knot as she calls it, we know it as the clinch knot, I suggested that she twist it at least seven times and make ... I GOT THIS !! ok, I said, so I get back on the trolling motor and find the fish again, she casts out and just one twitch WHAM!! Her rod is bent but good and it's taking drag, SEE I TOLD YOU I... Well, I had it she says, she reels in the line and at the end is a small section of twisted line where the knot used to be. Ya know, she didn't talk to me the rest of the day, I even took her out to eat, not a peep...
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