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Everything posted by webertime

  1. Lamiglas in general run a bit soft and slow compared to others. I used a 703s for drop shotting and a 735c for carolina rigs (great rod for that). 703 will be pretty light for a casting rod.
  2. We have inland lakes that due to the season not being open, you can't take the bass out to record records. 8-9lb Smallmouth come up spawn on a shelf, then move out to chase smelt over 300 ft. It's an amazing place. I digress. Yes, I'm super spoiled 8 months a year
  3. Bottom Up Chibble... fantastic is mud to slightly stained water
  4. It's hard to argue against Tatsu for straight fluorocarbon. Buy once cry once.
  5. Thanks Mick. I've got a Legend Xtreme 68Mxf casting and Avid 610MLxf casting and was wondering if it be worth having spinning rods in the same taper/action/power.
  6. I feel dumb that I don't know this. St Croixs 68Mxf and 610MLxf they have in both spinning and casting Rods. Are they the same blank between varieties?
  7. Phenix Recon Elite 762s Pfluger Supreme XT 35
  8. Champlain is minutes and St Lawrence is 3 hours. Both are day trips
  9. Just a heads up Phenix are a power off (light) generally.
  10. I make a cast/pitch and let it bottom and sit for a bit. Then 2 or 3 sharp pops (rod goes from 8 to 11 o'clock). Then drop again. The pops are like how a crayfish moves. I repeat until back to the boat.
  11. Carolina Rig 2:1 over jig and 30:1 over Texas Rig.
  12. Newest Zillion is amazing. That's all I can say, just so good at everything.
  13. What baits are you throwing? That what we need to know.
  14. Tiny swimbaits Keitech football Ned's (barf) Are crushing now
  15. Cold snap the last couple days dropped it to 53-57. Bite exploded yesterday afternoon. Full on prespawn to early spawn. Should be pushing 60 after today in some spots.
  16. Just treat it like a normal one now.
  17. I'll put it this way... I have 7 year old keitechs
  18. 1. Offset Worm (tokar, gammy, owner) 2. Same as 1 3. I go with z man 4. Nishine... such a great idea and hook.
  19. Longer rod is more the answer than the line/reel. I switched to an 8fter and with a hookset the tip moves 10+' that ought to be enough to skewer 3 fish on fluorocarbon.
  20. Ygk or the pink Sunline (can't remember the name off hand). The Sunline is pretty amazing casting and strong. Ygk is good but breaks a little easier.
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